#i want to make it clear that both taishauna and jackieshauna are super important relationships
silencedrage · 1 year
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For all intents and purposes, Tai becomes Shauna's best friend after Jackie passes. However, she never calls Tai that out loud or lets herself think that of Tai in her head. The label "best friend" will always be reserved for Jackie, and Shauna to this day still means Jackie whenever she utters the words "best friend". In reference to Tai, Shauna considers her, her "closest" friend or her "dearest" friend, but never "best friend". While this is technically a conscious decision on Shauna's part, as part of the manifestation of her guilt, there's a subconscious part of her that fears that if she calls Tai her "best friend", she's marking her for death as well. Her relationship with Tai is no less meaningful than the one she had with Jackie, and in all honesty, Tai knows her better than Jackie ever did. That said, Shauna's unwillingness to let go of Jackie keeps this "title" or "position", for lack of a better word, vacant for the entirety of her adult life.
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