#i want to see it and i want maddie and eddie scenes. PLURAL
buckleyseddie · 7 months
since this technically won't be ryan or jennifer's 100th episode i'm gonna need them to celebrate when they reach that milestone by giving us an episode that it's just eddie and maddie out drinking, singing karaoke and gossiping. karen can be in it too and linda. the others are mia
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
we have to be getting some kind of buddie resolution because oliver said buck realizes what he wants in a partner and relationship in the finale after breaking up with taylor, which means Eddie and Chris. Then Eddie makes a decision on his future. BTW it's not career I don't think cause Maddie's is career in a separate category. Eddie maybe comes out ot May and says he love Buck and we may be get him looking at Buck and Chris dancing or something at the wedding and this is what he wants.
Hey Nonnie
Buck realising what he wants in a partner and relationship doesn't necessarily mean that he has put two and two together and come to the realisation that that means Eddie and Chris - because he might not comprehend that what he wants isn't just something like he has with Eddie and Chris, but that he already has it. Buck may very well still be somewhat stuck in a heteronormative mindset and not yet figured out that he doesn't just want a family - but the family he's already built. It just brings him one step closer to Buddie.
I don't agree that the synopsis can't mean work related decisions because despite their inability to construct proper sentences and they have put Maddie, Eddie and May into the same sentence;
'Meanwhile, Maddie contemplates returning to work, Eddie and May make decisions on their future, as do Buck and Taylor, and the 118 gathers for a surprise wedding.'
To me that suggests that Maddie Eddie and May are making decisions about work (although as I said poor sentence construction makes that sentence read as if May and Eddie are in a relationship and making a decision on their future together - shudder - it should be 'futures' plural not singular!) and while this does echo the synopsis from 5x03 - 'Eddie must make a difficult choice about his future' putting May after Eddie rather than before says to me - work rather than romantic or personal as in Eddie returns to the 118 and active duty.
That weirdly worded sentence could also read in a way that suggests that Buck and Taylor make a decision about their jobs - I don't think it will be the case - the only way its work related with regards to them is Taylor getting a job offer elsewhere and they decide to split as a part of that because Buck doesn't want to leave LA or the 118, but that would feel unsatisfying (unless the writers have some incredible build up to it) from Bucks perspective
I really can't see Eddie coming out to May - they're friends, but not that close - we haven't seen Eddie confiding in May - he's been her confidant and has used some of his own personal experiences, but what has he actually told May about himself in the scenes we've seen? Not a lot - Eddie is very private - we've only seen him being open with Buck, Bobby and Frank - and even then we see his openness displayed at different levels so I don't think we'll be seeing any third party confessions of Eddies love for Buck - that information/ confession will be reserved for Buck alone. We might see Eddie come out as Queer to people and I do expect we'll get something Buddie related at the wedding - most likely Eddie looking at Buck with heart eyes, maybe the heart eyes being returned by Buck, but don't be disappointed if there is no big romantic moment and love confession - I don't think they're there yet and at Hen and Karens vow renewal is not the place for it to happen - the focus should quite rightly be on HenRen and any Buddie love confession should have its own moment to shine away from everything else - it is after all what we've been building to for 3+ seasons - waiting through hiatus and into season 6 will only make it even more amazing when it happens!
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