#i wanted it to be like a whirlwind type of romance . option two doesn't leave room for that imo but whatever this is my brain
babytrapperdiaz ยท 1 year
i've got two running theories rn. either;
eddie fast tracked to Sgt and he's younger than we think/a like age with shannon like we thought. they're highschool sweethearts lollygagging, living life and oops she's pregnant OHHH GOD THE IMPLICATIONS
shannon is like 2 years younger than eddie, and in that case my brain is going -- ((first, headcanon) shannon must've been one of his sisters friends bc yn proximity) omg this comphet king was getting the questions you always get (and we've seen him get in canon!) from friends/family when you're #alone "are you dating", "is their anyone special in your life", etc etc and the first girl he had a connection with he went full out and oops now she's pregnant FUCKK THE IMPLICATIONS ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ
either way it ends the same. but the journey ohhh the journeyyyy don't make unnecessary journeys don't take risks on treacherous roads and don't swim in the sea ๐Ÿ˜ซ
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