#i wanted to tag a lot of people ☺ but of course if u don't want to do it u don't have to! ��
dojae-huh · 6 months
so lucas got his first solo!!!!!!
u knw what twtr i is exploding.... Haha.... Some are being neutrals while some acting like the scandal is happened with them.... Like they have seen it through their eyes!!! I mean as a new one to this fandome I only can read the news.... Yes there was a scandal, a bad one actually.... But I don't knw how much of it is true.... So if u hate him ignore him nd don't listen to his songs.... Nd u like him just support him rather picking up a fight with those hate him..... That's all i can say.... But am really curious abt smthng...
I mean, even if u r doing a great job the company won't always invested in u much...most of the cases are like that....nd when u got into a scandal, there goes ur career into a bhooom....like u knw these entertainment companies won't just support someone....even if they are introducing a new face they work hard to make them famous coz they can't risk the amount they spent on that person..they want profit....but here in lucas case, what made them so confident abt get him into the field again... I mean he had such a big scanadal nd got really hate, ofcrs i knw he still has a good fanbase but u knw, it won't be an easy task... There is risk... There is a chance of it won't make it big... But still SM daringly made him a solo artist really makes me curious.... Does he have some connections or what.... Or is he really innocent that company wants to give him a chance..... Nd I don't think that pink company is that much generous.... Coz they even made shotaro nd sengchan into another group just becoz they are already famous, so puting them into another group would make more benifit to reach out to the fans.... That compnay only think abt profit rather than their artists feeling, so what in the world they got the confident lucas would bring back lot profit through this solo?! Normal idols not getting things while scandalous one got it..... I'm totally confused huh nim.....im soryy if my words made u offended, if I'm wrong correct me nd share ur thoughts on this.... Thankuu ☺
Lucas was accused of things of various degree of villainy. Most fans never cared to look into the things more deeply, read the disproof by fans who investigated the case, just jumped on the hate train. And now those people think they continue to stand on the side of "good people" who condemn cheaters, sexual harrassers, rapists, etc. And, of course, there are just plain antis.
Taeyong was cleared from accusations of being a bully and others in 2020. It is now known he had one of the worst childhoods among 127 neos, was even sent for a month to his granparents, away from school he didn't want to go to. And even today fans spread misinformation about him being a "nasty person".
Many Lucas' fans stayed and demonstrated they were waiting for him through trending of tags, comments on IG, etc. SM could see the continued interest and rely on that core fanbase. Lucas is going on a fanmeet tour around Asia, which demonstrates SM being sure it will be sold. The upside of working for the global market is that being cancelled in one country (here: China) doesn't nesessary mean that other countries will follow suit. When SK starts to hate a celebrety, that celebrety "dissapears" to Japan or China for a couple of years (works there non-stop), and makes a comeback back home, once people forget.
I suspect Lucas is Chris Lee's personal project. He uploaded a photo together with him a year or so ago, and appeared in the documentary. Either Chris was empathic, knowing Lucas personally and how the things actually were behind the scenes, or he wants to try to return a banished idol back and make a case for the future. Idols are cancelled all the time, and recently it has become a big problem. Just look how many idols were kicked out from their groups, and big ones. This issue will become even worse in the future, with deep fakes and AI voice generators.
LSM also gave chances to some of his artists after they caused problems.
SM signed Kim Woojin, who was ousted from Stray Kids. He managed to clear his name with the help of lawyers, proved the accusations were false, but it was too late.
Lucas wasn't a super big star, not like BigBang members, for example, or BTS. He has star quality, a potential to be very big, however, SM has new groups and current ones that bringmoney. It's not like he is last resort, worthy of risking everything. As such, SM returning him means whatever mess ha was involved with, it wasn't criminal. Not something that can comeback like a boomerang again if media really tries to dig something up (and not antis proliferate rumours).
Shotaro and Sungchan's opinon was taken into consideration. The transfer was agreed on with them. Yes, Riize gets a lot of problems with scandals, but the degree of it wasn't possible to predict in the past. The two boys fit Riize better than NCT Wish, and they don't need to work from scratch again and build thegroup's popularity slowly. Just look at choreos. Shotaro would be bored. Meanwhile Sungchan is too tall for teens like Ryo or Sakuya. He is pushed as the next SM visual, while Wish' concept is cute boys.
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