#i was 14-16 when i made those gifs and it was so unhealthy. like i said i was posting twice a day for months
attystark · 2 years
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I posted 7,448 times in 2022
That's 4,995 more posts than 2021!
47 posts created (1%)
7,401 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,175 of my posts in 2022
#tma - 14 posts
#awww - 12 posts
#pfft - 11 posts
#rqg - 11 posts
#ts patton - 10 posts
#i love this - 10 posts
#yes - 9 posts
#rqg spoilers - 9 posts
#prev tags - 8 posts
#ouch - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and i learnt that i’m the only one who appreciated the energy of getting the whole crowd to yell “pussy” at one of the most internationally
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Friend and I reached an agreement in physics class
21 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
Did I literally start crying when I realised Barnes (and probably Carter??) was dead? Yes. Did I cry harder when I realised how little time he had with Cel? Yes. But do I think that in the end he probably had the life he wanted, with people he wanted to spend it with? Yes, and honestly at least Alex let him be okay.
22 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
Trice Forgotten has already proven itself soooo worth the wait!!
24 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
Jonny loves Cannibalism, huh?
32 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
OK but, TMA entity inspired theme park divided into different sections based on the entities.
If you enter from the main guests, you’ll first see the Eye, which has a dark ride inspired by Jonah Magnus’s house, and a museum of oddities where visitors can give statements.
The Lonely has a forest garden, so big that you could walk for hours and see only your reflection on the lake.
On the opposite side of the lake, every night, the Desolation hosts a firework show that ends in an illusion of setting the lake on fire, and a coaster through the forest as you flee a blaze. 
Cutting through the middle of the park, split into two halves, is the Food Corridor. 
The front half is both a parent’s dream and their nightmare, themed to the corruption, it’s all unhealthy sweets, doughnuts and the kind of dubious cafe food that makes you wonder if it’s made of plastic, but there’s also loads of stuff about learning about bugs, like a butterfly garden, and a kids coaster called “Moths Flight.” 
The second is themed to the Flesh. It sells a lot of meat products (obviously) and is probably sponsored by KFC. There’s probably a few carnival games themed to the bone gardens and stuff, as well as a dark ride about the human body and a shop offering piercings, those plastic body halloween props and bone flower models. 
The Hunt and Slaughter share a section, and it definitely attracts a lot of thrill seekers. There’s loads of coasters including one of those duel ones so you’re trying to catch/escape the other track called “beasts” and a kid’s playground with mass games of laser tag, hide and seek and manhunt overseen by staff members. 
The Dark and End’s section tends to blend together, featuring a space mountain style ride for the dark, a graveyard dance 4D experience that sells fake death certificates from the End, and special shows on Eclipses. The Dark also has a shooter where you ‘turn off’ the stars. 
The Stranger’s section is split across the food corridor, with the small section being more adult. There’s a coaster where the idea is you’re running from a killer clown, and year round 16+ horror maze with a similar premise. The other section is for kids. There’s a two story carousel, a massive circus, a wax museum and a few kid’s coasters. It probably also has a bounce house. 
The Vast and Buried are next to each other. On the overlap between the two opposed entities is a dive coaster similar to Alton Towers’ Oblivion, where riders plunge from a vertical drop into an underground section, though both sections last longer than AT’s one. 
The Vast has a massive aquarium, one of those spinning swing rides, a log flume and a drop tower. 
The Buried has a mine train that really goes underground, a massive sandpit just called ‘DIG’ and a zoo exhibit with mongoose or meerkats where you can walk through the underground part of the exhibit and see the tunnels they did in a large, clear tunnel. 
The Web is one of the smaller sections, with only a puppet show that runs twice an hour for twenty minutes, hosted in a theatre that looks like a run down old house on the top of a hill. In the same building is ARACHNID ENCOUNTER, a shooter ride where you shoot spiders. 
The Spiral has a maze and hall of mirrors, as well as a downward corkscrew coaster just called ‘spiral’ and some other carnival rides designed to be just vomit inducing. 
The smallest section of the park is fenced off, but promises to ‘TORMENT YOU SOON’ and is rumoured to be extinction themed. No one knows much about planned attractions, just the titles: one called meteor people think will be a family coaster and an experience called ‘After Us’ sponsored by the Lukas Corporation. 
At the center of the park, flanked by a hotel, is Smirke Square. It hosts a market, impermanent carnival rides, and a large stage. On this stage, every morning at 6 hotel guests can watch the park be opened to a ritual, and every evening at 10 anyone can watch the closing ceremony of a counter ritual that shuts the park down for another day. 
417 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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moon-kn1ght · 3 years
Can u do a matt murdock professor x reader 🙈 spicy content welcome
games of logic.
pairing: professor!Matt Murdock x student!fem!reader wc: 1800 warnings: lime/lemon-ish, college AU, professor x student relationship, (& with that: unhealthy power dynamic), way too much exposition about formal logic, matt uses his senses for recreational purposes, praise k1nk, thigh grinding, slight marking if you squint. a/n: i’ll let you know in 3 days whether i’m proud of this one or not. matt would make a very sexy college prof. that is a fact. shoutout to my notes from college that helped me write this. did i ever take the LSAT? nope. but at least something useful came of me suffering through that class. thank you anon, your mind is wonderful.
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“Logic is not a spectator sport,” your professor espouses at the front of the classroom. It’s a small class, 16 students right now – though some will for sure drop after this introductory lecture. ‘The Philosophy of Logic’ is colloquially known as ‘the LSAT prep class.’ Though most Poly-sci and other self-proclaimed “pre-law” students will flinch (or better yet, keel over) at the knowledge of the premises and conclusions you’ll be working with through the semester. Luckily, that part is kept hush-hush enough that everyone will be in too deep by the time they want to turn around.
“We are not going to learn about formal logic; we are going to do formal analyses– of statements and their underlying propositions; of categorical and propositional inferences. You will be expected to present your analyses in writing and at the board.”
But your professor? That’s the part you were not expecting. In the department of philosophy, it’s hard to come by a professor who’s not pushing 60. But standing in front of your class, going on about grading policies and homework, is a man who could be no older than 40. He’s got this charismatic grin painted on his face while he talks about the ways he’s going to torture–teach your class. It’s a smile you could get used to.
“Alright, open up your readers– we’re going to begin Carrol’s Game of Logic as a class.”
The class thins itself down to 14 by the end of add/drop. Murdock didn’t lie about the homework – you spend hours on carefully dissecting the reading and preparing your schemata.
As you work, you can’t help but let your mind wander to your professor. There’s something mesmerizing about the speed at which his mind moves and his insistence at bringing the class with him. He’s just frighteningly brilliant. It’s like he could have beat Geach and Carrol at logical exhibitions.
And there’s also his hands. You could stare at his hands for hours. Tracking his gestures while you wrote notes in class, and then when his fingers run over your practice sheets – it could make your heart stop, having him that close to you. It didn’t help that your heart skipped beats at his praise.
“Mmm good job here,” he’d say with a crack of a smile. You hold your breath when he gets close, in order to keep your heartbeat under control (to no avail).
Things got complicated fast, but you worked to stay on the top of the class. Murdock would flash his signature smirk in your direction anytime the group was struggling and needed your expertise. Those signals made you soar.
“There’s a mistake here, who can find it?” Murdock asks the class about the schema being tested on the board.
Generality was tripping the class up.
The girl next to you volunteers, “Is it that the first premise involves more than two terms?”
Murdock would always squint a little and scrunch his nose when someone got a question wrong, it was such a theatrical tell. “Close,” he lies, she wasn’t close.
You swear you could hear the analog clock from the room next door ticking over the resounding silence of your classroom. Murdock is looking around the room, waiting patiently. He was always so good with waiting your class out – he knew eventually someone would cave.
But no one was caving. Just answer the question, you think to yourself. But something was holding you back – this subtle, yet overwhelming fear of being wrong. To disappoint Murdock. To lose that imaginary crown placed on your head when you earned a smile from him.
At least a minute passes to the cacophonous quiet.
Murdock calls your name. Fuck, you silently reprimand youself. “You’ve been this week’s expert on existential instantiation, can you give this a shot?”
You take a deep breath, trying (and failing) to calm your racing heart. “So I see in lines 1-3 we have our premises and conclusion.”
Your professor nods in agreement.
“Then line four begins with ‘there exists’ [∃]. But I think the error is that line 4 should be the denied conclusion? So it should read ‘there does not exist’ [¬∃] to test the validity of the schema.”
“P.T. Geach himself couldn’t have said it better,” he punctuates with his signature smirk.
Moments like those are what you think about when your hand finds it’s way between your legs after class. Your heart swells and your center drips with his praises.
It’s not until midterms that you find yourself alone with Professor Murdock. You have sought out his help on the take-home exam, where you are stuck on the third reliant schemata.
Your [anguished] email reads: Professor – Any chance of guidance on the midterm? Stuck with (i) all F* are R* → FR’=0, FR>1
His email back: Yes. Come to my office. (Though I reserve the discretionary right to respond with moral encouragement rather than material aid).
Mudock’s office is simple, and at the back of the Philosophy complex. Makes sense, he doesn’t really have a purpose for art or awards on the wall. The Wednesday before fall break has the building quite deserted. Also for once, your professor isn’t wearing his glasses so you can see his brown eyes.
“Please, just call me Matt,” he instructs when you thank him for letting you come bother him. “Where are you stuck?”
“So, I’ve set up the Universe of Discourse and ‘loglished’ my premises but when I write out the schema and work to disprove, I don’t get the answer I want.”
“The answer you want?”
It takes him repeating back your words to realize what you’ve said. It sets your heart racing and words tumbling from your lips, explaining that you recognized this problem set from the class work back in week 5.
“From that, I remembered that this is a trick problem, and I’m looking for a negated premise.”
Matt Murdock smiles broadly. You see his tongue dart out and lick his lips. It sends a shiver down your spine.
“Good girl,” he almost whispers. He covers the affirmation with a cough but you hear it. Your jaw drops and a sensation starts, low in your belly. “I’m glad you caught that. Now, I don’t want to give away the answer but I’ll speak in a separate Universe, and maybe you’ll catch me before I get too far.”
Matt circles around to the side of the office you’re sitting on. He props himself against the wall and begins to speak. Your heart won’t stop hammering in your chest. Your breath is uneven and it feels like every hair on your body is standing on edge. Did he mean to say that? you wonder. Slick gathers between your legs as your professor speaks. He pauses to take a deep breath in through his nose. He smiles again and continues.
“So let’s act on these premises.” You nod your head, unfamiliar with whatever Universe of Discourse he’s established because of how your thoughts are racing.
“Premise i: You are an attractive woman with a heart racing.” What? How can he tell?
“Premise ii: In situations where peoples’ hearts beat quickly, they are often aroused.” Your jaw drops for real. There is no mistaking the words coming out of Matt’s mouth.
“Premise iii: Your heart began to beat faster when I crossed the room to you.” You swallow slowly, there’s no air left in your lungs.
“Conclusion: When I crossed the room, I caused you to become aroused and for your heart to race. Do you agree?”
Your mouth feels like paper and your professor looms above you. He suddenly looks bigger than he has for the weeks of class. His hands, oh, they rest against his biceps.
“Are you asking me logically or literally, Matt?”
“Either works.”
“I agree,” you stand up to meet Matt at his eye level.
“Logically or literally?” he asks back.
Matt’s mouth meets yours in a searing kiss. Your senses are flooded with him: he smells like musk and bergamot, a deep and rich cologne. His hands pull your hips closer to him.
He breaks the kiss, pressing his forehead against yours. “You don’t understand how long I’ve wanted to do that.”
His knee slots in between your thighs and he continues, “I’ve heard your heart racing in my class whenever I call your name or get close to you. And I smell the slick that builds between your thighs when I lean in to check your work.”
You close your eyes and go to bury your face against his shoulder in embarrassment. He’s known about your crush this whole time.
“I’ve known you want me and it’s taken all my self control to keep my hands off of you.”
He grasps your chin lightly, but with control, to guide you to look in his eyes again.
“I tried so hard to be good, but I just couldn’t. Is this okay?”
You blink, trying to root yourself back in reality. You swallow and nod your head.
“I need you to use your words. Do you want this?”
“Yes, Profess–I mean Matt. I want you.”
“Good girl. Let’s be bad together.” A dark chuckle rolls from his lips. His hands feel warm and firm against your hips and he kisses lightly along your jawline. He sucks a harsh mark into your skin where your jaw meets your neck. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.”
With his hands on your hips and his knee between your legs, you are caged into his body. He brushes his lips back to yours. He whispers against your mouth, “I want to feel you get yourself off using my thigh.”
His words send a shiver down your spine which in turn, causes you to wriggle your body and its placement against his thigh. His hands guide your movements, a slight up and down against the rough material of his pants and Fuck, it feels good.
Your juices are slick underneath your and the clothes provide just the right amount of friction on your clit. You lose yourself in the motions – Matt whispering sweet encouragement as his lips brush your ear, “So good for me, such a smart girl. Give yourself into the pleasure.”
Maybe in this situation, it shouldn’t be this easy to find your pleasure – grinding yourself on your professor’s leg but Matt calms you. He makes you forget about everything else, he helps you focus on finding that coil winding in your center and letting it release.
And you do. It floods all senses and you almost go limp, hugging onto Matt for support. “That’s it, that’s a good girl,” he coos into your neck.
“You looked so pretty grinding on my thigh,” Matt murmurs, “but I bet you’re going to look even better sitting on my cock.”
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vbee-miya · 4 years
[Rating Anime Hair]
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✥︎ kabuto, kakuzu, kimimaro, and madara || m.list
type: rating + headcanon
warnings: slight swearing
a/n: this is all just my opinons if you disagree it’s fine. if you want i’d love to hear your opinions about this.
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Yakushi Kabuto
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Pfft he’s the assistant for Orochimaru
He’s got plenty of time to waste.
I’m saying this because I genuinely feel like Kabuto takes care of his hair.
Despite going to hideout after hideout and practically living in a cave he’s got good hair.
But despite having great hair he puts it up in a ponytail because we all know no one can compare to Orochimaru’s thin silky hair.
Jokes aside.
What jokes? This isn’t a joke
Kabuto’s hair smells like a cave. He leans too much on the cave walls.
But if we’re getting tactical here snake form Kabuto’s hair probably smells like ass. Or whatever a snake smells like.
Anyways if I were to slide my fingers down his hair it’ll go through. It’s nice to touch because I genuinely feel like his hair is the perfect mix of roughness and silkiness.
It’s not too rough that it feels crusty and unhealthy, but it’s not too silky where it feels light to hold.
overall rating : 14/10 only because I’m rating the snake Kabuto hair too if I wasn’t a solid 16/10 for me.
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Okay I’m getting into smell ASAP.
His hair smells like ass.
Like this man is made out of something that probably smells like shit so his hair also has to smell like shit.
Also I don’t think he’d shower simply starting because of the amount of stiches he has and how they’re stiched so like wouldn’t that sting?
But then agian he’s like a stuffed animal and stuffed with something that isn’t at all human like
Anyways I’ll give it to him. He’s got great hair.
It’s well maintained.
Though nothing like Hashirama’s or Itachi’s but it’s definitely better than whatever Hidan is pulling off.
But I will state because he tucks his hair in a mask and stuff his hair is most likely very much tangled.
And it’s completely up to him if he wants a little trim to fix those dead ends.
Because frankly when I look at his hair to me it’s screaming “DEAD ENDS”
If I were to slide my fingers through his hair it’ll get stuck, but nothing like what Jiraiya and Madara have to offer. My god
Both their hairs are screaming “we got more problems than anyone in these villages”
overall rating : a solid 5/10
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His hair is nice.
It’s soft it’s silky.
It feels like heaven
If I were to slide my fingers down his hair it’ll go through effortlessly and that’s final.
Knots? Never heard
Tangles? Never heard
And to think this man has lived in the same cave as Kabuto he still has that fine silky hair to the touch.
His hair probably smells like baby powder like Iruka, but with a mix or that moist cave smell. Like Kabuto
overall rating : a solid 15/10 because of how nice and light his hair would feel.
Uchiha Madara
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I love this man
I’m practically on my knees for this man
Though as much as I love him I’m also brutally honest.
His hair sucks ass.
Like okay like similarly to what I said about Jiraiya’s hair also applies to him.
His hair may not be spikey. But damn is his hair thick.
Like this man has like a whole lion’s mane. But he takes pride in it. So like okay king .
Anyways if I were to slide my fingers down his hair it’ll get stopped by some insane knot. Like it’s one of those knots that’s just not detangle-able.
Is that a word? Idc
But so with that being said we also know he probably doesn’t brush his hair. If he did he couldn’t it’s like Jiraiya’s.
Like him he’s old.
Literally his hair is filled with the whole history of the leaf village. It’s been though a lot .
His hair probably smells like -
Okay here’s what I won’t smell like. Madara is like too old so it won’t smell like a dead body.
So he’s gone beyond that rotten smell and probably smells like those historical museums.
So like fossils.
Madara and his hair probably smell like fossils
But knowing me I like that smell
Nah I’m adding more because I love him.
Back when Madara was alive his hair was actually yes.
He would spend a ton of time brushing out tangles and such making sure that his hair stayed in perfect shape (it was probably just the amount of volume his hair had)
But if you were to run your fingers through his hair it’ll be hskssxjisjs his hair would feel soft but rough at the same time.
And I feel like his hair would smell soo nice
overall rating : 6/10 but because I love him his hair is actually (where x = ∞) whatever his age is multipled by x/10 for me
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part one || part two || currently on || part four || part five
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astarkey · 3 years
I was tagged by @musicrunsthroughmysoul! Thank you so much lovely!!! 🤗💖
1. Why did you choose your url? I wanted my own personal blog, so I just chose my name.
2. Any side blogs? My Silverchair fanfic blog @chair-fanfics.
3. How long have you been on tumblr? 9 years 😬
4. Do you have a queue tag? No lol. The only time I used a queue was when I was out of town to go to concerts because I didn’t know if the hotels I stayed in would have wi-fi, but I ended up finding out that they did lol. I think the tag was called “ash on vacation” lmfao.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place? I was lurking over Silverchair blogs (I didn’t send any anonymous asks or anything like that though lol), and I made it because I wanted to try reaching out with other fans who loved them just as much as I do (which was really hard to do because I’m shy lmao, BUT EVERYONE ENDED UP BEING REALLY NICE TO ME AND IT WAS SO SHOCKING????), plus, I have some friends from high school and college that I still wanted to connect with and share interests lol.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp? Because it was his birthday towards the end of May, and I thought about keeping him around longer for the next 2 months. Also... well, look at him 😍
7. Why did you choose your header? Well, 1) I was getting tired of the Silverchair “Abuse Me” gif I was using for like idk how many years, so when tumblr started upgrading with the headers, I decided to change it as a last minute thing. And 2) I love Aaliyah, I love her expression there lol, and I love the color because it feels homey, like I’m in my room, like it’s warm and cozy; and that’s how I wanted my blog to feel like... Like home.
8. What’s your post with the most notes? The Sally Owens gifset.
9. How many mutuals do you have? Over 300.
10. How many followers do you have? 2k
11. How many people do you follow? 411
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
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I know I’ve occasionally made some. I’m not gonna sit here and lie to you that I’ve never made one.
13. How often do you use tumblr each day? An unhealthy amount. I’m easing off it, but it used to be really really bad. Like I would wake up in the morning and use it and go off when I went to bed; like THAT kind of bad.
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? I mean I guess??? I didn’t even start the fight, I HARDLY KNEW THIS PERSON, and they were talking trash about me for no reason at all. I just ended up blocking the person. The only interaction I made during the fight was I asked what did I do to this person for them to pick a fight with me, and they didn’t respond, so obviously I knew it was a troll that just wanted to start some drama and I just left it alone.
15. How do u feel about "u need to reblog this" posts? If it’s like anything serious like life-threatening, yeah, but I don’t really like those posts where they make you feel bad if you don’t reblog it. Like if you don’t reblog it, it just shows that you don’t care, or that you’re a bad person; that sort of thing. Like I have enough stress and issues going on in my life, I don’t need anyone to tell me that I’m a bad person if I don’t reblog something. I already have enough on my plate, and I use my blog as an escape route.
16. Do you like tag games? I love them!!! And I appreciate a lot of people who tag me for these kinds of games! 🤗
17. Do you like ask games? I do! They’re so fun to do!
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? Pretty much several.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual? Not really, but I have a great admiration and mutual love for them!!! 🥰💖
Tagging: (Even though you guys aren’t obligated to do this and I’m totally cool with that!!) @georgieharrisons, @eizagonzalezs, @ttrashlyn, @onyxheartbeat, @hellishgoat, @autumnfell, @girl-grms, @bloodychamber, @xbellyache, @yossariandawn, @alwaysupatnight, @myletternevercame, @justjstuff, @weloveachother, @monroe-marilyn, @bustedandblue​, and anyone else who wants to do this!!!
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