#i was a great student in highshool
shadowsofthegun-if · 1 year
Meet The Writer Tag
Thanks for the tag @dragonedged-if!!
Rules: use this picrew to make yourself and answer the questions (leaving the blank question list below the cut)
I'm gonna leave this open for anyone who wants to do it :)
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Three fun facts about me:
im getting a degree in stem even though i fucking suck at science (i literally failed chemistry junior year with a 21)
shadows of the gun is the first thing I've actually written for fun since i was about twelve. (ive been stuck doing nothing but academic papers for 6 god damn years)
oh i once got completely kicked out of my English class and switched to a new one because i didn't turn in a single assignment
Favorite season: Winter<3
Continent where I live: North America
How I spend my time: Playing video games, listening to music, oh and writing obviously
Are you published?: Not really no
Introvert or extrovert?: Introvert
Favorite meal: Philly Cheese Steak
Three fun facts about me:
Favorite season:
Continent where I live
How I spend my time
Are you published?
Introvert or extrovert?
Favorite meal:
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politijohn · 5 years
so, I'm in highshool and I am working on organizing students under the age of 18 so that we can have our voices heard without our elders silencing us as soon as we begin to speak, and eventually, I think my group could help change things. can I ask for your opinion on this?
This is great! It’s time for young voices to be heard, and there are plenty of ways to get involved with the political process, even though you’re under 18. Form a student club, raise money for important causes, canvass for your local politicians, make phone calls, host or participate in protests, etc.! 
Keep it up! Change is coming
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slime-of-the-mind · 6 years
It’s amazing the way you can affect people.
It may be the smallest thing you do, something you don’t think much about. However, it could be the biggest thing to someone else.
My two favorite bus drivers are married. They are honestly my favorite couple ever. They are the nicest and most caring people ever.
In my high school band, every even year we go on a band trip. My highshool band starts in eighth grade, so lucky me, I get to have three band trips.
In my eighth grade year, we went to Chicago for the band trip. These two bus drivers drove my bus, switching out when the other got tired. I was sitting in the second row, so my friend Josh and I were the closest to the front. I knew them from previous trips where they drove and Mr. Jess T. drove my bus to and from school. So I talked to them and joked with them all along the about 12-13 hour drive to Chicago and on the drive back home.
When we stopped at the Navy Pier in Chicago, they stayed on the bus. When I got back on the bus, I had bought some ice cream, and it was delicious. They both jokingly said “Well, where’s our ice cream?” And, even though I knew they were joking, I asked them if they wanted some ice cream. They said they didn’t need it or anything, but I decided to go back to the ice cream stand and get them some Ice cream. When I got to the stand, I realized that I didn’t know what flavor they liked.... so I got them a bunch of different flavors. It took me about ten minutes to walk back to the bus, and when I got there, they were surprised to see me holding two bowls heaped with multiple flavors of ice cream. I explained that I didn’t know what type of ice cream they wanted, so I got a little bit of almost all of them. They deserved it. They were great people and great drivers. They tried to pay me for it, but I wouldn’t accept their money. I think it was somewhere between $8-$12 for the two bowls, but it was completely worth it. I didn’t even have to think twice about it.
In my tenth grade year, last year, we went to St. Louis, and Mr. Jess and Cassidy were driving the ninth and eighth grade bus. On Saturday, the last day we were there, I started my period. When I am on my period, I’m in immense pain. I can’t accurately describe how much pain I was in. It’s severe pain, though. So, needless to say, I was not having a good time. That night, the band boosters had booked a dinner cruise on the river. I was still in a lot of pain. My meds weren’t kicking in or helping at all. I’m only supposed to take 1 every 6 hours, but I had taken 3 in 2 hours. I was extremely dizzy, and I could barely walk. I couldn’t eat. When we finally made it onto the boat, I started to feel really sick. It continued to get worse. My anxiety was skyrocketing. I started to have a panic and anxiety attack, which I had never had before, which made me freak out even more. Some of the adults gave me medicine for motion sickness, which they thought was part of the reason I was feeling bad. Sometime later, after my friends and some of the adults made me eat a little bit of food, I went and sat with Cassidy and my band director. The medicine for the motion sickness was making me tired, and I ended up falling asleep on a friend, but, apparently shortly after I had fallen asleep, he wanted to leave, so he and Cassidy moved me over into his seat, and she held me and let me sleep on her until the ride was over.
I’m sure for her, that was barely anything, but to me, that meant so much.
Today, I went on a trip to a science museum, and Mr. Jess drove the bus. The teacher was making small talk with him, and I was sitting in my typical seat, one close to the front, and I happened to be the closest student to him. The teacher asked him how long he had been driving and where all he had been and what not, and he made a comment about how he used to drive for my home school (this trip was with my tech school) and that he often drove for the band trips. He said that his favorite band trip was one to Chicago, and that he and his wife had been in Chicago last week. (They go to Chicago a lot. They drive school buses all around the US from the production center in Tulsa, Oklahoma.) he said that every time they go to Chicago they always think of me because I had brought them the multiple flavored Ice Cream.
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