#i was gonna add bravern into 'over-ambitious' but im only on ep 7 and from wat ive heard it rlly rides the line between that and 'competent'
ova-kakyoin · 3 months
broadly speaking there are 3 types of original anime: competent, over-ambitious, and indulgent
competent stuff is the kind of shows that have people begging for more anime original stories, think odd taxi, vivy, a place further than the universe, basically every big anime movie
over-ambitious stuff starts out with people begging for more anime original storoes but it becomes clear that the creators were in over their heads to some degree. the most infamous examples of this are kado and wonder egg, but classroom crisis, akiba maid war, and angel beats to a much lesser degree are also probably closer to this category than the former
indulgent shows aren't over ambitious really, they usually do have a lot of ideas shoved into them and aren't super well realised, but you can tell that the creators weren't really trying to do much besides have fun, and this makes them loads of fun when you don't take them too seriously, think robihachi, bucchigiri, and samurai flamenco
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