#i was gonna draw descole but i havent played all the layton games i dont wanna spoil myself kshznskx
jokytch · 4 years
Hiya! Could you do either the TechDif crew or Layton, Luke, and Descole? I don’t really mind whichever you do, just whatever you feel like drawing.
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blue + red warm color = a good dynamic, it seems!!
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wormywormz · 5 years
OK im gonna go a bit more in depth about characters/plot that i cant really put into drawingz. plz enjoy
(major spoilers for the first 3 professor layton games and pretty much everything in ace attorney. ill keep out of huge spoilers for the prequel pl games because i know you havent played those yet ghostie!)
to preface: ive never played plxaa and i dont know what happens in it but the idea of layton in a courtroom and phoenix solving puzzles really tickled me so i wanted to like do that but as a whole thing
i really dont know how to word this correctly but the plots for each games are essentially the same just told in different ways (as layton youd be solving the crimes in court instead of out on the street using puzzles and the same for phoenix but like the opposite) i briefly entertained the idea of layton having to solve a puzzle to get someones testimony but since its a complete swap it doesnt make sense for both layton and phoenix to be solving puzzles in different situations. still really good though
while the plots are the same theyre toned down a lot for layton (lost future isnt clive trying to destroy london because his parents died he like… killed the prime minister because his parents died) and more extreme for phoenix (i dont have an example really but the first game would probably be more about the von karmas/miles with professor layton type stakes. like a mech or something)
thats the basics for the stories i wont go into specific games because this would be very long and id only talk about lost future, the best game
laytons original motivations for becoming a defense attorney are spoilers for miracle masks entire plot so i wont go into it but claire was also a big motivator for that. her trial went down awfully and layton was already looking into law so that was probably what solidified that motivation. hes still the same character overall though, hes just a gentleman
luke is.. literally just the same character except he was an important witness in laytons first big trial & then went on to become his apprentice you know how it goes from there
i cant go into anything about descole so instead ill touch on floras character. the lawyer layton (working title) stories would be played out chronologically (spectres call to lost future) layton adopts her halfway through his career and she tags along to crime scenes a lot, much to laytons dismay
im gonna make a stark decision and say layton either gets disbarred or retires not long after lost future (he keeps adopting kids during his career and at some point he goes “hmmm maybe i should take care of them”) katrielle wants to follow in her fathers footsteps so she takes on an apollo-like role and becomes a defense attorney. yeah this means phoenix is the one who goes missing
phoenix is an arts professor! i lean more towards drawing instead of theatre but also it doesnt really matter. he never found out what happened to miles all those years ago so he didnt do any drastic career changes. hes very fond of puzzles but sometimes he would like people to give him information without having to solve a puzzle first
you guys remember andrew schrader? no? cool thats who mias swapped with. she stays alive and probably teaches something cool like criminology. i dont think she really tags along on adventures but shes a good friend to phoenix
maya is also essentially the same character. obviously since mia doesnt die im gonna say she lives with her but whenever phoenix finds himself wrapped in a new mystery shes immediately by his side
miles is interesting: his father was an avid puzzle solver, and he shared the same affinity for them as a child. hes also the reason phoenix is so fond of puzzles today. he still…. sort of enjoys puzzles as an adult. but its definitely something hes embarrassed about thanks to manfred drilling it into him his whole childhood that puzzles are dumb or whatever. you know how manfred is. 
he used to give phoenix hints for free as a kid but he REFUSES to give any hints as an adult, even when offered hint coins (all his unlocked hints would be some degree of “too difficult for you, wright?” or something. i dont know dialogue but hopefully you get the gist)
alright thats it. this is really long and i dont think ive touched on everything but this is probably a good place to end it. if youre still reading this thank you. i hope this post is actually readable
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