#i was looking at a lot of color spreads and like. damn oda is good at composition
kayspaceprinceart · 1 year
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Another redraw! I’m really happy with how this one came out - only the best for my girl Vivi
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
One Piece Chapter 984 - Initial Thoughts
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Okay this is a lot to take in I understand what’s going on and yet still I am confused...well, probably not confused in that way
but One Piece chapter 984 is in the books and we’re gonna run it down
Spoilers for c984 of course, support the official release
Starting with the Cover Story, appropriate reaction XD though I am glad that Pound didn’t get amnesia the moment he reunited with his family
Dogmouth...that is all
I don’t mind Page One and Ulti getting up, Ancient Zoans have always been classed as ultra resilient and to even be close to breaking Page One’s jaw with a regular Elephant Gun shows how strong Luffy is
Also I continue to love Ulti, she headbutted the damn medics! Also the Thunder Sigua line was neat
I found it odd though that Luffy would attack Yamato, he sensed that they weren’t gonna harm them, he could just run the other way, this felt a tad off especially since Luffy needs to be preserving his strength
“Of our fights together” - I knew exactly who this was, but we’ll get to that later
That last hit though looked like the Advanced Armament Haki didn’t it? Like I feel like Oda has intentionally hidden it for that reason, like he did Gear Third in Enies Lobby
Odd that not even Kaido’s men buy Orochi’s story, given how exposed they’ve been to the fact that their boss turns into a literal dragon
But in the crowd is Jimbei and Robin, accounted for but no mention of who was hiding in the bushes. Robin in full character there but Jimbei feeling a little awkward - though if the goons aren’t perceptive enough to recognize the Sun Pirates tattoo then he’s bound to be golden
I’m also down with Robin (and others) calling Jimbei ‘Boss’ in tense situations, plus Robin does tend to do this with people she’s not too familiar with (remember her nicknames for the Straw Hats in the early days? Law does the same)
We also see Hyou though, the Skull Dome has been infiltrated at least, but all that’s left is the strike
Law has completed his Shambles into the back line as well, bringing Orca, Bepo and Penguin with him too. It’s decent, I would like to know more about all the other Supernova crews as well, and what happened to that ex pirate captain Law saved in Sabaody, wouldn’t he have been helpful here?
Inu seeing snow feels like it can come into play later
Looks like Marco had a similar plan by flying overhead...something deep in me wants to feel like this idea came from him remembering Marineford when Luffy and Co fell from above
Marco’s reunion is cut short though since he’s dipping to check something in the sea, Marco vs Perospero?
Also Neko has fixed a gun onto his chopped hand, can’t say he was not prepared
But I’ve delayed this enough, the Kiku/Izo reunion is the stuff you love to see, I mean it’s been 25ish years for them two. Izo working a new scar over the brow too, and somehow got the ‘we’re wearing Black Gloves to this raid’ memo XD
Even with the Samurai’s infiltration though, rescuing Momo looks very dire with Kaido and his Lead Performers and UltraForehead right next to Momo. Big Mom as well is on her way with the ladies and Zeus being pursued by her as well
Kaido’s planning to spice things up with a new initiative, which is worrisome, he knows that the raid is still ongoing now, Kanjuro and Apoo are noticeably missing, same with Who’s Who, Black Maria and Drake (and maybe Hawkins). Sasaki won’t be chained forever, Ulti and Pay Pay are still gonna pursue Luffy and Yamato and there’s still the matter of whatever other new tech Kaido has up his sleeve...the vast numbers do not work well in our favour
So the Yamato story...Wanting to ‘be Kozuki Oden’ is a bit...odd? Carrying on their will is one thing but actually trying to BE them, even if you were inspired by their death
Luffy being deadpan with the shaking though XD
Finally Oden’s journal comes back around though, knew it’d be important. Kaido and Orochi don’t know about it too which is a key bit of information, they’d definitely want it (like Krieg wanted Zeff’s) for info on Laugh Tale
But then there’s that reveal, Yamato was born female, choosing to be a man to emulate Oden. And they’re pretty hot...it actually looks like they have normal proportions XD thus part of my aforementioned ‘confusion’. Also WHO IS YOUR MOTHER - because you definitely didn’t get your dad’s features
Also conflict though, Kaido seems okay with Yamato identifying as male but still beats his children for wanting to be like Oden, the one man who could cut him
And that final kicker, the fights before relating to Luffy could only mean one person. Yamato and Ace knew each other.
So, that was a lot to take in. I was impressed by the Yamato reveal but this just begets more questions, plus I’m not so sold on them wanting to basically take Oden’s place directly, one can inherit will and be their own person. But a new ally is always good, wonder how they’d feel about killing Kaido though.
It’s times like these I’m also extra let down that Tashigi isn’t here. She really could’ve used the presence of strong female warriors to boost her own confidence, plus she’s a sword geek why the fuck isn’t she in Meito Country fangirling over Enma (and the swordsman Enma is attached to)!?
Our raid forces are not looking so hot either, our flank has hit a rough bump with Kaido’s strongest forces being concentrated with our footsoldiers, another Yonko about to crash in and blow everyone else’s cover, Momo is still on the wall, still many characters unaccounted for (Brook and Franky where are you?), Marco has been drawn away from the island and our strongest players have been kept away from the main dome.
The Ace connection comes back around too, like Tama at the beginning. I miss Tama I hope she’s alright, the Ace stuff will definitely get Luffy to listen
It’s still got all the tension, and we have another break between chapters D: this time for a Color Spread but still, waiting is hard!
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