#i was originally gonna say something about how skizz is in a great position bc three team mates with high time who will all be willing to
bookworm-2692 · 1 year
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Here's the life tracker with session 5 included! Far less chaos and carnage, and in fact the first death didn't occur until more than an hour into the session. Here is the session 4 post with more explanation and detail! And here are session 6 and session 7 and session 8!
The gap between the top few and the bottom many grows even larger now, and Bdubs has fallen from the first group to the latter group.
Close ups and data and further analysis below the cut!
First of all, here is the close up of session 5. I'm going to leave the session 1-4 close ups in the session 4 post.
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Since Tango has only had two regular deaths, and two boogey kills, this means his offset is zero... so if we had someone who didn't die or kill at all, they'd actually have the same amount of life that Tango currently has!
And speaking of: this session had Tango and Skizz's times corrected to what they should have been, which I was already showing in the graph. However, in the process of this I realised Martyn's time was half an hour off - turns out he gained 30 minutes between session 3 and 4 which I did not notice before hand. I'm not actually sure why he would have gained that time - and in fact I sent Martyn an ask on tumblr on the off chance he'd answer and explain (he hasn't yet). Since this occurred two sessions ago, I went back and added the time then, which is why if you zoom in to the 7 hour mark you can see a diagonal up on Martyn's line. That's what that is.
If Martyn hadn't randomly gained the extra 30 minutes, he'd be on the same time as Skizz, and currently red. As it is, he is 20 minutes away from turning red. Assuming no deaths at all, Martyn, Bdubs, Jimmy, and Pearl will all fall red within the first hour of session 6, and Cleo, Grian, Joel, and BigB will join them by the second hour.
However, we all saw what happened when everyone was yellow with only a handful of greens. Everyone is only gonna become more feral when red, so given that half the server is guaranteed to be red by the first hour, and there's no way they don't try to kill others... I predict the entire server will be red by the end of the next session. Ten players are guaranteed to go red anyway, since sessions are 2-2.5 hours long, and these ten are either already red, or only 1 hour and 50 minutes at most away from turning red... there is no way they don't attack Tango, Etho, Impulse, and Scott, and drag the four of them down to red too.
There is going to be so much chaos and carnage and killing and death next session and I, for one, cannot wait to see it and track it.
Anyway, here's the number data for session 5:
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A much shorter screenshot, because far less death to track... but those two reds are ominously there.
And yes, I kept on counting down Scar's time even though he logged out. We'll see next session if they retroactively make him lose that time or not, but for now I kept the downward line as it was.
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