#i was posting about her on twt a lot and forgot to put her here!!
prestonmonterey · 5 months
(gods im so tired...)
@vincentaureliuslin @tatsumisheep3
no photos today so heres my cat :P
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OPENING NIGHT!!! it went super well!!!!! (i think)
it was PA night so the understudys were percy and annabeth and they killed it!!!!!! :DDDD
also my director gave me a compliment today so im in a good mood (it was somethin along the lines of "you finally did a good job as cerberus" but ill take what i can get...) (i still have beef with him but.. whatever....)
its crazy how fast this show is going and that itll all be over after sunday,, but also i am SO tired bc we literally spend more time at school than at home this week :(
also getting a lotta acne bc im not used to wearing this much make up every day :P
but hey at least ill get to rest a teeny bit on the weekend (just in the morning TwT bc we have matinees)
also my parents and some of my friends are comin tomorrow so they BETTER FUCKIN BUY ME CANDY (i really really really want candygrams... one of the stage managers got like 4 boxes of candy i am so jealous...)
also also also we did the legacy robe last night before preview night and my friend (and mother /ij) got it :DDDD very happy for her
um um um i felt like i had more to say but idk this is already a lot and i cant remember things im kinda tired :P
oh i finally got my camper necklace!!! the beads were missing for like a week but they were just on the table in the costuming room... anyway my friend made it for me during tech class bc shes so so sooo sweet <3 (while i was in math trying to force my friend to study... *stares at neeks* /aff) i got four beads that kinda almost make the ace flag!! (black for tech, silver for the fall play, light blue for this show, and purple for my grade)
idk if i explained it before but all of our necklaces represent how much theater we've done,,, bc its kinda like how long we've been at camp. theres a bead for each grade based on our class colors, and the tlt bead, so everyone gets at least 2. theres also beads for each of the past musicals and plays at school, and a black bead if youve done tech, and a white bead if youve done leadership :D some of the seniors have like most of their necklace filled because of how many shows theyve done
heres another cat pic to keep you engaged and reading this /hj
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also also also many many thanks to my wonderful actor and tech friends i would not survive without them (especially thanks to tech bc they have to put up with us actors... /hj) its poseidon's actors first show i think and they have a LOT of quick changes so their section of the rack is,,, kind of a mess. also the lamp for the oracle scene has broken multiple times i think already... and i already left my make up bag out yesterday and my watch in the cubbies today TwT we are a hot mess
my graphic design teacher was acting today :D (the farmer in drive is a teacher role, and they switch out every night) and i love him being so absolutely perplexed by the energy circle before show :333
also i remembered to put setting powder on for the first time,,, and... i forgot that my mom is SO much paler than me TwT (i was very washed out...) so ill probably stick to spray for the rest of the week :P
sorry i really am rambling tonight...
ok i will probably hopefully do at least one more update after strike on sunday!! (depending on how tired i am,, i might just curl up on the floor and sleep after the sunday show actually...) unless something goes horribly wrong,,, then ill probably post about it too
good night!! i need to collapse in bed and try to save up enough energy for tomorrows show :3
have a wonderful day/night and remember to hydrate! (or you'll die straight...)
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yiqiie · 4 years
wangxian fic rec list pt. 3
you can find pt. 1 here and pt. 2 here!
i think it’s about time for another update so here we are again! i have to keep reminding myself to update the notion page every time i bookmark something new so if anyone sees that the notion page is a little quiet for a few days just shoot me an ask and yell at me to update!
i have so many recommendations this time so long post ahead i am sorry! pls reblog if you can! tumblr is always iffy about links and tagging posts so this might not appear in the tags ;; 
notion summary page: here (i only put my favourites in this tumblr list, so if you would like even more recommendations, please read the notion summary for basically all of my bookmarks on ao3) 
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something to make your heart ache 
in all my dreams i drown by @idrilka 
fluff, light angst, smut, post-cql 
trigger warning: mentions of some graphic nightmares 
will i ever stop recommending idrilka’s fics? no. this was so perfect bc while i love seeing domestic wangxian just being y’know domestic i love reading fics that examine the consequences being yllz has on wwx and the crucial journey to self-recovery it’s always so beautifully explored in each fic 
sweet chaos by @eachandeverydimension
fluff, light angst, cql au, multi-chapter
this was so PERFECT it takes a lot to get me hooked into a slow burn fic bc i’m usually so impatient so when i see anything more than 12 parts i’m already backing away slowly but this had me hooked so FAST and it’s just such a beautiful story of how two people fall in love and the attention to detail is just stunning i love it when people just get chinese heritage and tradition right 
the best of you by @fozmeadows
fluff, smut, light angst, modern au, multi-chapter
trigger warning: only for some chapters so pls check the tags and the notes!
lwj looking after wwx is my kink okay and i just wanna wrap him up and give him a kiss in this fic bc he’s just :(((( the domestic wangxian popped OFF here and we are all not ready i just remember binging this fic so fast bc it reads so smoothly and the dialogue between lwj and jzx? fcking comedy gold 
花无百日红; the flower that withers by yiqie 
fluff, angst, post-cql
trigger warning: please check the tags! 
once again, is there any fic of yiqie’s that hasn’t made it onto my list? no. guys the description? the premise of this fic? everything about this fic is so beautiful and it’s just stunning execution this is a fic i come back to again and again so please read it, i don’t think any explanation will ever do it justice
build me no shrines by @wanlangji
fluff, angst, smut, post-cql, multi-chapter
the case fic to end all case fics GUYS THE DETAIL IN THIS i remember seeing it making its way around twitter and i saw case fic and immediately went :O and i read all of it in one sitting it’s SO good and wwx is just SO dumb but the wangxian pops off as usual and they kick ass while they’re at it 
and they have escaped the weight of darkness by cosmicmilktea
fluff, light angst, cql au 
an amnesia fic BUT NOT this fic is so beautiful and so heart-clenching i finished it so fast bc i literally could not stop the writing is just so captivating and it’s just such a soulful ending
spring days of my life by @besanii
trigger warning: i read this and literally felt like i was having a heart attack bc it hurt me That Much
beth has done it again :))))) she has murdered my heart and now i’m just a lump on the floor; i needed SEVERAL days to recover from this i am not exaggerating i was literally sweating bc i felt my heart squeeze so painfully it’s literally just pure angst
something to soothe your heart 
where the chaos is by darkredloveknot
fluff, smut, post-cql 
guys GUYS domestic wangxian without the husband bit yet is just *squeal* this was the fic i forgot to bookmark and then i came across it again by chance and i was so RELIEVED i literally just remember this as ‘the fic where lwj carves wwx’s name into a bowl’ and it’s just so wholesome and cute and i love it 
our heart beats, intertwined by xuantime
fluff, light angst, modern au 
wangxian being doctors is a fic i will always stand by and get behind and this is just some pure married content i love them so much wwx is such a dumbass and we are all just like lwj, fondly looking on as he is a complete idiot but we love domestic wangxian in any form so we love this fic 
a little bit everyday by w_wxsparkles
fluff, smut, light angst, modern au 
lwj is so dumb and wwx is a mess we love them so much this was such a GOOD premise for a fic and now i can’t get the image of lwj wearing lip gloss out of my head but there’s just so much wangxian being wangxian here and lots of making out so YES it has mai’s stamp of approval 
as you like it by cosmicmilktea
fluff, post-cql 
DOMESTIC WANGXIAN let lwj be pampered agenda this was so cute and wwx just wants to love his husband thank you very much so we are all a captivated audience as domestic wangxian proves to be even MORE wangxian than usual 
puzzle pieces by @yuisakii
fluff, modern au 
guys yui is actually one of my favourite fic writers and this is PEAK yui content pls follow her on twt bc she makes the best twt fic threads but this is just such GOLD content bc wwx is trying so hard to be a slut and lwj is just *horny grip* 
new york, i love you by @yuisakii
fluff, modern au
the gossip girl au we never thought we needed but YUI STRIKES AGAIN Y’ALL this is perfect bite sized wangxian pining for each other to each other’s faces and we just love them so so much 
we sit in the sunset glow by moonsteps
fluff, light angst, rapunzel au
i have made a promise to read every single rapunzel au out there and this is the PINNACLE of rapunzel fics guys it’s so perfect i love it so much wwx is just so chaotic in his every rendition and i love him so much 
an invisible string by @wangxiians
fluff, modern au 
IS THERE ANYTHING TEDDII CANNOT DO? guys the description?? wangxian finding each other in every single lifetime no matter what? fck the feels popped off with this one the writing is EXQUISITE 
something to make you laugh 
a lot’s gonna change by etymologyplayground
fluff, modern au 
i LOVE this fic bc wen qing and lwj being best friends is literally the best concept i love seeing wwx flirt and be a mess in lwj’s presence and this is all of that beautiful stuff all wrapped in and sprinkled with some mutual pining (for like 5 minutes then they make out) 
save a sword, ride a socialist by @fozmeadows​ 
fluff, smut, modern au, multi-chapter
LWJ IS SUCH A BITCH IN THIS AND I AM HERE FOR IT guys i love the fics with a stoic lwj bc yes canon continuity but pls modern lwj is 100% a bitch, esp if jzx is friend so this is just so good and every thing i never thought i needed in a fic 
bodega love by @nothing-but-colour 
fluff, modern au, multi-chapter
SOME WHOLESOME GROUP TEXT SHENANIGANS guys if you don’t read any other fic pls read this one it’s just so cute and so good and wangxian going on their first date and respectively FREAKING OUT about it is just so good 
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perqedel · 4 years
itaewon class (2020) / ★★★★★
jtbc is thriving with their dramas lately. not to mention their breakthrough with sky castle two years before. hats off to whoever is approving these amazing works
anyways, yes, let’s start talking about itaewon class. it became a hit in stan twt but i wasn’t interested enough watching (most likely because of uni, because what other reason could make me postpone a drama with park seo joon in it? nothing. park seo joon beats nothing, except uni because tuition fee basically costs like half a kidney. times 10)
park seojoon looks weird with the chestnut hair. not saying he doesn’t look good because the man literally is the definition of good-looking, but he just... i don’t know, looks funny with the chestnut hair. but of course, as he always have, park seojoon plays saeroyi well. it’s almost like park seojoon sets the standard for the naive, passionate, serious yet funny character (he’s kind of like this too in she was pretty and fight for my way).
kwon nara and kim dami... man, at first i got equally annoyed at these two characters. i don’t know why, there’s always this... thing that annoys me (from the drama characters, of course. but i forget the names). kwon nara with her passive-aggressiveness and rudeness that she hides, dami with her rudeness that she shows right on and her upfront aggressiveness. but then, as the plot goes, i figure out why the characters display those kind of personalities. i think this is what i like about jtbc dramas, they let the plot unravels, and no character is left as a hole or a side dish that’s just for display yet being left unfinished because apparently the dish is still not yet cooked (i’m sorry for the comparison, it’s dawn and i’m starving)
there’s this line that i only remember vaguely. but it’s still in the back of my mind because it slapped me. yiseo to sooah (now i remember the names): “why are you so demanding? you expect him to give you everything. you want to get off your annoying job, you’re waiting for his help so you could resign. (there’s something else here but i can’t remember). but instead, i give every thing he asked for. he wants success, i’ll make him succesful. he wants to be rich, i’ll make him have a lot of money.” good Lord i was not the one burned by yiseo but the back of my eyes sting because those words Hurt. as good as it is, i don’t think it happens like that in real life, you know? doesn’t matter how much you give or how much effort you put in, if they don’t want you, if it’s not meant to be, it’s not going to work (see my post on the third charm)
jtbc’s doing it again! here comes ma hyunyi!! (lee jooyoung literally became a hot topic in stan twt). i don’t know how koreans perceive transgenders, but apparently not that accepting? there’s this scene where she’s being talked about in the cooking competition. and we got the masterpiece ost with lyrics based on the poems yiseo read. (ost: diamond-ha hyun woo). i guess jtbc really loves poking majority’s perspectives, the way they did it with sky castle and the country’s obsession towards education in prestigious universities.
and last, my love, kim dong hee. i forgot his character’s name but who could possibly forget kim dong hee? again, this guy takes on a role of naive young man who falls for the wrong girl and ends up falling into another world he’s not familiar to (he’s exactly like this in extracurricular). i love that itaewon class shows you his character development. how he grows from a boy who only knows how to stand behind his brother’s shadow into a man who learns to take a step and handles matters (though some ways are definitely not acceptable but as saeroyi said: it’s okay. you’re just a boy). he was learning, breaking into someone new, mistakes and falls along the way were not unexpected.
there’s a reason lee jooheon is head over heels over this drama. if you haven’t watched, hm.. i’m not sure, what’s holding you? 
oh and i’ll attach the yiseo clip if i find it.
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liyuesbian · 3 years
Ok tumblr decided to erase half my ask so here we go again 😔
I kinda forgot about ei’s friends after her teaser dropped ngl 💀 you are so right that they should’ve been there, like how both Zhongli and Venti’s quests had a “let’s pay a visit to our dead or dying friends” arc /hj in hindsight I also wish there was one of those cool 2D PVs for Ei as well hhh it would be Epic to see her three friends like that!! Ig they thought it was covered by her teaser/demo or something? Since that had way more lore than usual, idk though. still hoping for a second quest about her hh
I’m kinda the opposite about lore digging but it’s probably just me lol, I tend to read lore in game only, but don’t have many of the artifacts/weapons that contain the lore I want to read. But disregarding that, I still want some of the worldbuilding to be put in like a story quest or something, since it would be interesting to see what other characters think about the stories in the artifacts and stuff (do different mondstadters have different opinions on their history? What do they think about the white knight or the gladiator? Also I wanna see Eula interacting with the noblesse oblige set. same with Liyue folk and all the Morax Legends lol. I digress tho)
Big same with the La Signora gripe. Shame on me ig but I didn’t read the crimson witch lore before I did the quest so the spoilers I saw didn’t mean much and there was no shock value during the big reveal in quest 💀 yeah I hope we’ll see or hear about her in Snezhnaya!! Her side of the story would be infinitely more interesting (pls not another artifact set tho-)
About Xiao, Ganyu, and Zhongli: this is why fix it fics exist I guess 😔 I’ve adopted an AO3 fic’s retelling as my version of canon (or at least something the traveler didn’t see)
Mm true it’s strange because I think he said thanked the traveler for being his companion while he was testing out his human life at the end of the archon quest (iirc) maybe it’s just because Liyue’s supposedly a big city so one new person doesn’t really matter to most people (fhdksd if something contradicts this, do tell) I think the fake death was still kinda necessary, at least for normal people to accept that Morax is Completely Gone so that the Qixing can get ultimate authority and total acceptance/respect (that npc who said Zhongli will always be in true control since he’s a god and the Qixing are mere mortals and stuff), but agree to disagree 😌 they’re all shady in some way in the end
I saw you are on genshin twt how is it 😔 (sadly I am on it too but I hate the timeline format because I keep missing posts) the amount of discourse of “whos bad, good, which problematic characters and ships need to be canceled”, and the amount of dissing that goes on there scares me
LITERALLY YOUR 2ND TO LAST PARAGRAPH that was what was missing from the archon quest. Where is my group effort guys?? I missed seeing the resistance… I hope the people speculating Kokomi gets a nice story quest are correct and that we’ll actually wrap up the loose resistance threads there… (also a lot of people are saying morally gray Kokomi? Is there any canon(derogatory) basis for that? I’m just curious because with the way things are going I feel like she’s going to be purely nice dhdkskf)
Im so sorry I think these just keep getting longer and longer aaa anyways, signing off! -mystic
noo i hate it when tumblr does that :((
(2.1 spoilers)
LMFAOOO maybe friendship is not magic after all ahaha but srsly, i agree w you i also want a 2nd quest for her !
ah that's fair enough if u don't have all the artifacts. and it would be easier if it was told to us through a quest of some sort. hmm i never thought about that 🤔 it's a shame that there's so much lore and the genshin universe is so beautifully worldbuilt but players will only notice if they personally read through the archives etc. and go out of their way :( hmm yeah maybe like a historical back-to-the-past type thing with the three clans and they all interact with the noblesse set? or even just diluc/eula/jean tbh
ah i read the lore for crimson before but i didn't remember it fully during the signora part so i had to read through it again after. the way it clicked in my head when it said "crimson witch of embers" and i was like ".....wait a minute....." AHAHA and it was only after that her lines during the fight like "don't call me a witch" or smth made me :'(((( the pale flame piece too 😭 sad hours
yeah at this point, the fanfiction writers should take over the genshin writing lol jk jk
mhm i guess the fake death would've been better and easier for closure ! (and woah u remember so much! i can't even remember that npc... it's been so long 😔 haha)
ah i think on genshintwt i'm usually more on the good side (? if u can call it that lmao) i do see quite a few discourse on ships, western vs. eastern fandoms and other yikes stuff but for genshin, it's mostly art that pops up on my timeline :] i follow wayyy too many artists but they're all so talented and they make such pretty art it's so 🥺 oh do you mean ur timeline isn't organised by latest posts first? if it's not, i can share how to make it that way!
yeah the resistance... :(( mhm! i was rly counting on a morally grey kokomi !!! LMFOAOO THE "canon (derogatory)" took me OUT PWAHAHA (i may reuse that quote ;D) that idea was mostly based on ayaka's last sentence (was it in the 2.0 archon quest?) where she said smth along the lines of the resistance having ulterior motives... and also how baal and co. defeated orobashi, the god they worship (like maybe kokomi was out for revenge?) but no sigh she's ur average good person :( idrc either way but i rly wanna see a morally grey female character where they appear good but are actually super dodgy and evil, that would be chef's kiss. but yeah, after that quest, she's definitely gonna be purely good :')
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sebuntease · 8 years
Question tag
We were tagged by: @koneko14
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Admin Kenvy
Nickname: Jun. THE ADMINS CALL ME THAT ESP ADMIN CIARA (hiiii btch) Starsign: WHAT IS A STARSIGN?! OH IT’S THE ZODIAC LOL STUPID. I’m an Aquarius yeah man~ Height: i SRSLY dunno
Time right now: 9:56 pm Last thing googled: “WHAT IS A STARSIGN?” Favorite music artists: SEVENTEEN, YG ARTISTS, SPECIFICALLY 2NE1 AND WINNER. UP DHARMA DOWN, I CAN’T REMEMBER EVRY1 KALOKA Song stuck in your head: Smile Flower/Laughter - SEVENTEEN Last movie watched: UZUMAKI Last TV show watched: Weekly Idol Bigbang’s ep What are you wearing right now: An oversized grey t-shirt and a red pajama shorts lol When did you create your blog: I’M NOT REALLY SURE IF IT’S AUGUST OR JULY BUT I’M PRETTY SURE IT’S ON THE 11TH OR 12TH oh wait lol JUST BETWEEN THE TWO I FORGOOOT t_T What kind of stuff do you post: SEVENTEEN SCENARIOSSS, seventeen related stuffs~ Do you have any other blogs: Is my personal acc counted?? Do you get asks regularly: I think not regularly, but when we’re active Why did you choose your URL: bcs the blog is sebuntease. HAHAHAHA Gender: Female Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw (I ASKED THEM ABT THIS AND THEY SAID THIS LOL) Pokemon team: idk sht abt this im sorrrry Favourite colour: BLACK WHITE BLUE & RED (ppalgae~~) Average hours of sleep: 5-6??
Lucky number: 10 (YASSS) Favorite character(s): Wang So (Lee Joon Gi)  How many blankets do you sleep with: 1. IT’S SO HOT IN HERE IN THE PHIL GUYS. Dream job: Singer/Anything related to Psychology Following: i follow 275 peeeople
Admin Kate
Nickname: (i don’t really have one lol cuz my name is literally just kate and then my surname ;_;) Starsign: capricorn. Height: smol.
Time right now: 11:20am Last thing googled: mingyu smut (yes i search for smut everywhere.) Favorite music artists: SO MANY OH MY GOD UHM OKAY, SEVENTEEN, BTS, THE 1975, ATL TPR, HYUNA, DEAN, JUST SO MANY MORE LIKE ITS CRAZY. Song stuck in your head: Mama by BTS (hoseok’s solo asfhasg) Last movie watched: The smurfs. Last TV show watched: hwarang.
What are you wearing right now: a grey shirt that admin erika gave me on christmas (my fav) and denim shorts. When did you create your blog: August 11 or 12 IDFK IM SORRY IM SUCH A TERRIBLE PERSON. What kind of stuff do you post: we are a seventeen blog dedicated to write works of fiction about the boys. Do you have any other blogs: other than my personal, nah. Do you get asks regularly: YES?? AND IM WE’RE SO SORRY FOR NOT ANSWERING SKJDFLJFSDG Why did you choose your URL: idk?? Gender: Female Hogwarts house: Slytherin. *smirks* Pokemon team: iDKKK Favourite colour: my favorite color is mint green, and just saying but my favorite shade is black. Average hours of sleep: REALLY RANDOM IT DEPENDS AND I DONT REALLY COUNT IT M SORRY KJSDFJLDG
Lucky number: I REMEMBER IT WAS 7 OR 8, i was always told it was either one of these two idk why.  Favorite character(s): ANIME? DRAMAS? CARTOONS? WHICH ONE? THERE ARE SO MANY THAT FUCK I MIGHT JUST FILL THIS WHOLE THING UP. How many blankets do you sleep with: 1. I SWEAT LIKE A PIG. Dream job: Anything doing performing arts, but i’d love to just dance. or sing, i just love it so much kasjdhjdfa but honestly, a really stable job is what i need aagh  Following: 1,082 people wow, thats alot. 
Admin Erika
Nickname: I HAVE THREE NAMES (incl erika) AND MY NICKNAME IS BASICALLY THE ACRONYM OF MY NAMES + SURNAME Starsign: Aries Height: THAT,, IS A REALLY PERSONAL QUESTION AND A REALLY DELICATE SUBJECT I REFUSE TO ANSWER i don’t even know the exact measurement but i guess u could say im smol smolest in fact compared to the other admins jkaSdhjkhfe (but if u see admin ciara she looks smoler (our height’s just have a teeny tiny lil difference) and really fluffy and adorable but u didn’t hear that from me shh)
Time right now: 2:07 am
Last thing googled: hair color trends (admin kate and i were looking for hair colors that might suit her)
Favorite music artists: THERE’S A LOT okay, SEVENTEEN, DEAN, SF9, HEIZE, FT ISLAND, ONE OK ROCK, SCANDAL (it’s an all-girl jrock band, not what you think it is lol), ROOKIEZ IS PUNK’D, LING TOSITE SIGURE, ALL TIME LOW, SLEEPING WITH SIRENS, PARAMORE, THE NEIGHBORHOOD, THE 1975 i think there’s more but these artists are whom i really like Song stuck in your head: Pour up (DEAN x ZICO YEAH MAN) Last movie watched: Psycho Pass: The Movie ( I HIGHLY RECOMMEND WATCHING IT AND THE ANIME SERIES. BOY, MY MIND WAS FUCKED EVERY FUCKING EPISODE THE PLOT TWISTS, THE CHARACTERS, THE DIALOGUE, THE STORYLINE, EVERYTHING OH AND ALSO THE DEEPNESS IT JUST MAKES U THINK ABOUT LIFE like i donteven think about it enough ugh IM CRAZY FOR THIS ANIME Last TV show watched: can’t remember if it was Psycho Pass (WATCH IT FIRST BEFORE THE MOVIE) or Gravity Falls (binge-watched it and spent hours watching and reading conspiracy theories lol) What are you wearing right now: An Ottawa Senators sweatshirt ( Candian ice hockey team) and shorts When did you create your blog: i.. don’t remember SORRY HAHAH What kind of stuff do you post: i like writing imagines, angst, fluff anything just not smut i can’t really write that sht lol Do you have any other blogs: just my personal one Do you get asks regularly: in this blog, yeah,, i guess?? I LOVE Y’ALL SORRY FOR NOT ANSWERING REGULARLY I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO SAY AND I GET ALL SHY SKDAKJD Why did you choose your URL: Admin Kenvy thought of it so idrk? haha Gender: Female Hogwarts house: not really fan of the series IM SORRY i had like two book cover versions, both completed given to me (they all got lost idk where they went sorry hp fans y’all prolly wanted to kill me) and for some reason i couldnt really get into it IDK BUT IT’S NOT LIKE I DON’T LIKE READING I LIKE BOOKS YES I LOVE READING Pokemon team: didn’t play pokemon go (the idea of opening the gps on my phone gives me the creeps it just really bothers me so much) but IM A BIG FAN OF THE OLDER VERSIONS I STILL PLAY IT WHEN I HAVE TIME USING AN EMULATOR ON MY PHONE Favourite colour: black, gray, blue, Average hours of sleep: 3-6 hrs i have a messed up sleep sched there are times i sleep 15+ hrs and there are times i don't sleep at all lol
Lucky number: idk heh Favorite character(s): THERE’S A LOT IT’S HARD TO NAME THEM ALL I WATCH ANIME KDRAMAS MOVIES READ BOOKS MANGAS ASHGDD How many blankets do you sleep with: just one,, are there even ppl who sleep with more than one?? don’t you just choose a thICKER one if it’s really cold????? Dream job: i have nothing in particular, but just a stable one that i like doing and one that i can use my skills (if i even have those) on to help other ppl ESPECIALLY IF IT PAYS WELL LOL I NEED TO FEED MYSELF AND MY FAMILY AND BEING A FANGIRL IS EXPENSIVE ESP IF YOU’RE IN A MULTI-FANDOM Following: in my personal blog, i just follow Tumblr staff and what17says for translations of what seventeens says lol (im sorry i don’t really use tumblr often i mostly use fb and twt hehehhe)
Admin Ciara
Nickname: Pat, Pat-pat (just call me Ciara) Starsign: what da ef is with that starsign? Just simply put Zodiac. anyways it’s Sagguittarius Height: It’s 5″1 i know it is not much but for me it is good enough. And people don’t believe me that my height is 5″1( MOSTLY MY FRIENDS THEY SAY THAT I’M JUST 4′11). IT’S 5″1 BISHES (IF U EVER READ THIS) I may be smol but i will fite you if you hurt my friends and fam
Time right now: 2:26 pm Last thing googled: Default. (LOL we, admins were together when we searched for that freakin default) The default in Basketball Favorite music artist: IN KPOP; SEVENTEEN, BLOCK B, EXO, GOT7, ASTRO, CNBLUE, IOI, RED VELVET, SF9, KNK, KARD NCT U,127,AND DREAM AND SO MUCH MORE. I could name artists from a-z, 1-9(names with 1 to 9 like; high4, sf9) OUTSIDE OF KPOP: Troye Sivan, Sam Smith, Krissy, The Weekend, Alessia Cara, Daya and more Song stuck in your head: Oh nana by KARD. That song is to die for lol. Whenever i play that song, people always ask for the artist’s name and the title Last movie watched: Uzumaki Live Action. I JUST WATCHED THIS WITH THE OTHER ADMINS AND IT WAS DISAPPOINTING AF. THE MANGA VERSION IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE BETTER. the movie was gore but not gore enough. I don’t recommend it to any of you. 
Last TV show watched: It’s Showtime. It’s a TV show here in the Philippines. What are you wearing right now: A black sleeveless shirt with three white stripes LOL. For the bottom, i’m wearing leggings with  that ripped effect but it is not .( People always get trolled whenever i wear this leggings, they’ll check it out- whether it’s ripped or not)
When did you create your blog: I think it was around September or October.  What kind of stuff do you post: I don’t post anything on my personal blog lol, But I re-blog with that acc. But with this blog, I post our replies to your fan mails. I might post a smut anytime now LOL Do you have any other blogs: Yup, aside from my personal blog, I have 2 more but I forgot the e-mil and the password LOL Do you get asks regularly: With this blog yes (just keep it coming hoes) Why did you choose your URL: It wasn’t me who chose that Gender: Female Hogwarts house: A potterhead right here. Whenever I play a quiz to know which hogwarts house I am, i always get Slythrerin. I even tried the one in facebook for the profile pic framing, i got Slytherin. Slytherin it is Pokemon team: I don’t play pokemon go. MY answer is same with Erika’s so just read her’s Favourite colour: Black, Purple, Violet, Lavender, White, Burgundy And some shades of blue Average hours of sleep: 10 (nap and sleep at night, combined) I can sleep for 20 hours non-stop. (for the Filipinos out there: Kahit tulog ako ng tulog hindi ako tumatangkad. Kaiyak bes)
Lucky number: idk Favorite character(s): Where? K-DRAMAS? MANGA? MOVIE? STORY? ANIME? There are lots and I don’t remember most of their names How many blankets do you sleep with: one, This should’ve been; How many pillows do you sleep with?; How many stuff toys do you sleep with? If those were the questions, my answers would be: 5 pillows and 10 stuff toys(no one’s too old for stuff toys) If you think otherwise, FITE ME. (i agree with Erika on this one.) Dream job: I’d like to have many jobs.But for now, I want to be a GEOLOGIST. You’d be able to go to diff places and i think it’s exciting. It’s also one of the most needed jobs in the country and the salary’s not too bad. Following: Most of the follower of this blog( about 300 of the followers, that’s not even half of the followers, i didn’t know we’d reach 1k) but lately I’ve been lazy so yeah.
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belzinone · 4 years
// part 2! the trost arc was a clusterfuck so i didn’t get to screen so mUCH but now that i learned to transfer from the ps4 to my laptop i hope they come out a lot better. only catch is, i didn’t write the commentary down as i was taking the screenshots. so that means i (1) forgot most of my jokes, & (2) forgot some of the context sakjdfndakfnak AH WELL HERE GOES~
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// this is a cute feature in the game that i really love. bel does splurge on presents, so we wasted no time spending all our money on random shit to give to people for friendship points lol
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also hange’s often creeping outside her door lol (not that i’m complaining~) in her private room you can edit her design as well as put on / take off her jacket & scouting cloak whenever you want, which is great, but i wish there was a way to just default to whatever your squad’s in bc she keeps showing up over/under dressed XD
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this is capturing sonny & bean after trost. they took her in with eren after the night of the disbanding ceremony bc she’s all around gifted. in her fanon they took her for her knowledge and everything else she brought to the table was just a perk.
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she’d totally be down to help capture titans tho <3 her gear mods were designed for that
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moblit making sure the rookie knows what she’s getting into <3 a lot of the veterans check in with her to make sure she’s down and i think that’s pretty great. yeah they’re military but there’s a lot more personal freedom than you’d expect
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some do it more than others XD another way levi put it was saying she wouldn’t survive even if she was a cat with nine lives ( he’s actually super critical of hange in this game, like a lot more than usual. i don’t recall him saying anything good about her, actually D: )
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GOOD GIRL nice ass
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levi squad 1.0 trying to figure out how to thank levi for everything he does. petra says he’d probably be happy no matter what while the others are like PRESENT! CLEAN! TRAIN! (bel’s just taking notes lmao)
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as far as presents go, i was surprised to find out levi likes silver rings :0 i never took him for jewelry but i guess he does like the little things (he also liked the hair tie haha true to yams saying he’d put up his hair if he ever wanted to change the style )
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squad speak for “make me a sandwich” JKNFDJASKNAN LEVI PLS
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we already know nanaba’s underrated but she’s so pretty in the game my gay hert T.T
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mike doesn’t reveal what bel smells like but nanaba & gelgar smell respectively like fruit and booze (i think that’s common trivia not unique to the game tho)
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I KNOW WHAT YOU’RE THINKING ANNIE DON’T DO IT & STOP SMILING (she’s so fuckin cute tho aaaaa bless this game design everyone’s so pretty DX)
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i have all the time in the world queen DX
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gang gang ~
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i had such a slow trigger finger i missed hange’s dramatic animation so now it just looks like sarcasm askdjfnajknfak
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“i’m not modeling, the camera just turned on” twice so we accidentally caught erwin before he creeped on her with his “who do you think the enemy is” question he posed to everyone haha
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appreciating how much of a fuckin absolute unit mike is before my horny monkey brain kicks in and poses the thought that she can suck his dick standing up
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getting to know armin is really cute. when he’s caught up in feeling not good enough, bel plays chess with him, loses spectacularly, and helps him feel better about his strengths rather than focus on his weaknesses. T.T here she’s electing to clean up the chess game while keith calls for him (and i took that screenshot for that perky chin teehee)
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hange: both! both is good! :D
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gang gang! the game changed eren’s spoon episode: instead of a spoon, his hand transforms reaching for a bandage you meant to hand him and he dropped. doesn’t really seem like a necessary change, but titans ran in and you had to protect him.
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game levi has a lot less chill than usual lmao so demanding (this changes later tho)
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getting to know jean: tease him about his mother XD (highkey bc no one else has one sakdjfnaksnf)
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it’s really sweet how hange picks you out. it’s mostly bc your character’s eager to help her with experiments. in bel’s fanon, anyone can advocate for her as a plot point.
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while getting to know levi, he leads a joint training exercise for a select few soldiers from all the regiments to teach teamwork. most were just looking to earn brownie points for a promotion, so he calls it off. bad form y’all~
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um sir she’s already killed a fuckton we’re flattered but a bit condescended to askjfnaksfnaj (he ends up teaching you some new moves tho so fair bc we all know he’s clumsy with his words)
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see fam was it that hard XD
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***spoiler alert*** player does let him down DX in an credibly stupid way that i’m still salty about might i add but that’s for the ending playthrough post <3
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GANG GANG~ i love seeing her in groups X)))))
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such an angelic shot of him TwT he’s so cute
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yeah you’re looking sad so i’m gonna need you to wipe the floor with her ass in chess again XD
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WHOOP - DE - DOO KJDSFNAKJKA (also got 69 scout credits, Nice:tm:)
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i legit thought saying you wouldn’t die on him would make him happiest but he wants you cleaning and making his tea first so i GUESS that explains him preferring you pledge your ass in fidelity instead?? bruh, you out-weirding my expectations of you like fuck XD
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in the initial tutorials, they said you could chill like this, but didn’t say how. i wanted to get some screens of her hanging off the wall bc that’s a very Bel:tm: thing of her but couldn’t figure it out. then i somehow got her to do it mid mission, so i stared at her dumbstruck for like a whole ass minute before taking a screenshot lmao
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PETRA TO THE RESCUE!! (after bel just saved mikasa. gang gang.)
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hange saves her toooooooooooo~<3 (if you’re caught by a titan and call for help, selected soldier kills it and grabs you under their arm like a football before proceeding to punt you in a random direction away from the fight lol. they all check in with this LOOK tho. my heart. i’m gonna try and collect them all DX)
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fully fledged gang gang TwT
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beginning of the 57th~ bel would have been at the back with the supplies so she could help pick up stragglers too. idk if this would be the safest place in the formation (probably the center) but this particular au cadet bel was assigned to bert & reiner’s group before joining up with jean & armin, i think. the babies would be sent to the safest place.
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oluo: we should give levi a dust rag!!
bel & all her options after petra gives her a Look: no way no way no way XD
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*big uwu energy*
// that’s a wrap for this playthrough! between big missions, you get to “think back to daily life” and leave the battlefield in order to develop the relationships you build with the other soldiers, so that’s why there’s some military slice of life between everything haha
// next time, i hope to post the rest of the narrative & some videos! :*****
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