#i was really happy about draken and Emma being married and expecting a baby like they deserved tht
bloominstorm · 2 years
Why does Wakui hate Takemichi? Yeah, he accomplished his goal and everything but how is it that even in the last chapter of the manga, the main character gets only like 6 panels? And he only talks TWICE? Why couldn’t we see what he’s doing in the future? Yeah he saved everyone but is he still a bum? Did everything else go good in his life? Why couldn’t we see him introspective and MORE EMOTIONAL about everything? Yeah, he teared up but Chifuyu damn near broke down. Why couldn’t we get that emotional moment of seeing how Takemichi is taking everything in and knowing he did a good job protecting everyone’s futures and his own? Just another missed opportunity.
I will give him props for making Chifuyu the narrator of the chapter since I was bitter over how his and Takemichi’s relationship basically got overtaken by Mikey and Takemichi’s relationship in this new timeline. Yeah, they had a deep bond but Chifuyu was ALWAYS there for Takemichi. There’s really no character more loyal than him in show. So, even though it made absolutely no sense that Chifuyu could remember memories that occurred in other timelines, I’m happy it was stated he had those memories because it shows how deep their bond was that it transcended a whole new timeline. Their relationship deserved that respect.
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azucarian · 3 years
okay i saw about the big sister getting married but what their big sister getting prego
This is the final part and I think it's a good note to leave off on - but this whole series has been crazy I didn't expect it to blow up HSHDHS big thanks to the anons who requested the big sis au ❤️ All other parts are on the masterlist (down below)
Characters - All of Toman, Izana Kurokawa, Kakuchou Hitto (ft. Haitani Brothers, Wakasa Imaushi)
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✰ mikey appropriately calls it mtb (mini toman baby) - because that is the baby’s nickname for the longest mf time until you and ran find out the gender AND what you want to name your baby ✰ ran and rindou disapprove of the name; between the two of them the baby is called little monster (which you kinda prefer, but you just remain neutral and call your baby ‘momma’s little cutie’ to avoid conflict LMAO)
✰ honestly, over time, the boys have gradually grown to like ran and rindou - they respect the two enough, and that actually really like the way ran treats you ✰ they can tell he loves you <33
✰ when the find out your pregnant?? it’s all over - they’re all gonna be uncles and they’re literally so hyped for it ✰ i feel like mitsuya is the happiest tho - for obvious reasons (mana and luna are grown up now and, oddly enough, his life feels a little less dramatic without having to care for them constantly)
✰ ran is very careful during your pregnancy and will physically ban mikey, smiley and baji from visiting the house during your last month - as close as they’re allowed to get is to stand at the bottom of the front yard whilst you sit on the bench out front ✰ all three of them? really grumpy ✰ everyone else? kinda relieved
✰ oddly enough, hakkai does your food runs for you more than anyone else - he will look after you
✰ takemichi also does that thing where someone lifts a pregnant womans belly to relieve the stress on their back?? draken nearly beat him up when he saw bc he got scared, you had to explain it was fine and it actually helped ✰ expect draken to do it now, as well
✰ mitsuya sews all of your pregnancy clothes and puts corny phrases on the front - “bun in the oven” “move, i’m pregnant and a bad bitch” “help i can’t reach the top shelf” “hangry momma” ✰ literally makes your week whenever he presents you with a new gown or t-shirt <33
✰ souya and nahoya? absolutely overjoyed when they find out you’re having twins, boys, especially when you say that you want those two to come up with some cute matching names ✰ the list is long but omg the names are all so cute - you and ran have a lot of picking to do
✰ chifuyu and kazutora induce what i like to call “animal therapy” where they bring small puppies and kittens to your house so you don’t feel isolated bc you’re always at home
✰ never seen baji hiss but the moment some man gets too close to you when he’s helping you with picking out baby clothes for your baby twin boys (literally said “oh, you look like the type to be a single mother - you’d be lucky to have me” like mf stfu you idiot) ✰ baji kicked his ass, and you call him your little protector (he’s so happy like?? makes his whole year ngl)
✰ the girls (emma, yuzuha and hinata) all plan the baby shower
✰ so everyone, and i mean everyone, collectively agreed that rindou was gonna be the babies godfather - and he nearly cried, bc he literally thought either draken or mikey were gonna get it?? </3 ✰ GIVE HIM PREGNANT MOMMA HUGS
✰ okay but honestly, at the end of the day - they’re both scared of you, and for you; you get really cranky and their crazy shenanigans really proves that to be worse than they initially thought it’d be, but you’re also really soft and get upset so quickly due to your hormones being all over the show
✰ when the babies are born, you can expect absolute protection - with toman’s big sister and one of roppongi’s monsters as parents, that’s a given, but these little babies also have insane uncles
✰ mikey is probably the best with children because he acts like one himself sometimes - your twins (appropriately named rintarou - kinda a spin from rindou, it was ran’s idea - and rura)
✰ they have a favourite uncle - funnily enough rura finds himself gravitating towards uncle rindou, and rintarou prefers the ever-loving takemichi (and, in turn, baji and chifuyu)
�� lots of family gatherings - and very adorably crazy birthdays <33 ✰ the neighbourhood call you the “odd ball family”
✰ wakasa had to leave the house for the first 3 weeks of your announced pregnancy because izana chased him with a knife- i’m not kidding ✰ “you defiled my big sister, you monster!” ✰ mm, protective baby brothers vibes
✰ kakuchou lowkey gets bitter at the idea of you having kids because he won’t be the “baby of the family” anymore
✰ but the two of them?? so very helpful and loving
✰ izana goes out at 3am to collect things you need to make the experience as comfortable as possible - your pregnancy cravings, heat packs, etc. ✰ eventually lets wakasa back into the house bc you cry about not having your husband with you >:( he’s not happy about it tho
✰ kakuchou makes it his mission to spend every waking moment with you - he cooks for you, offers to do basic household chores you’re perfectly capable of doing yourself, and even runs you soothing bubble baths
✰ i literally can’t even express how they give me “guard dog” vibes - like, you’ll just go to the supermarket or the store down the street and they’ll size up any mf who looks twice at you ✰ they know you’re a little insecure at the growing weight (but you’re carrying a second person in your belly, it’s normal), and even more-so at your newly appearing stretch marks
✰ you recall that one time a bunch of middle schoolers thought it’d be okay to insult you, a heavily pregnant, hormonal mess - you started crying, and those middle schoolers spent a few weeks in hospital ✰ good job ‘zana <3
✰ okay wakasa?? best baby daddy - best husband e v e r ✰ works his ass off to provide anything you need; literally has a “baby fund” and “(name) fund” and puts a lot of money in each after his paycheck
✰ takes you to the hot springs once a month to relieve any stress on your body ✰ also learns how to massage you - gives you foot massages (he hates feet, lowkey gags and it makes you laugh so much) ✰ one time when he gagged and you laughed, you felt your baby kick for the first time - he might have teared up but says “no, it’s because your feet stink” <//3
✰ you guys find out it’s a baby girl and,, izana just grins so brightly, kakuchou cheers and wakasa just smiles ✰ this little princess? protected <3
✰ izana, kakuchou and wakasa paint the nursery together as a bonding experience and they actually grow a lot closer ✰ wakasa and izana talk with each other and it ends with a hug - they’re both really happy with this outcome
✰ wakasa has made it adament that he’s not kicking izana and kakuchou out of your guys’ house - they’re family, and they can stay however long they like >:( ✰ the previously orphaned kids have never felt so thankful - because, once again, a reliable adult figure in their life isn’t abandoning them :((
✰ and, now, welcome baby amane into the world
✰ after your pregnancy, you do a lot of hibernating (it’s really relaxing because of the weight you were carrying, and now you’re not) ✰ izana?? absolutely smitten, calls her his little teddybear ✰ wakasa actually actively asks izana and kakuchou to babysit amane and offers to pay them - they reject the offer every single time ✰ “use that money to get amane-chan a new teddybear” <33333333
✰ the whole street love your dysfunctional little family ✰ tbh, it’s like you and wakasa have three kids instead of just 1 LMAO
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