#i was so caught up in the euphoria of project management joy
impracticaldemon · 5 years
What to Expect When You’re Expecting (Sengoku version)
Ikesen fanfiction by impracticaldemon
Author’s Note: a sequel to Impurely Political (both take place after Masamune’s Romantic Route); slice of life, fluff, banter, and sexy times ^^
Also:  Happy Birthday Masamune! ♥ September 5
Words: ~ 2000  |   Rating:  M   |  Read Also on  AO3
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What to Expect When You’re Expecting (Sengoku Version) (Impurely Political, Part II)
“About this trip to Azuchi we had planned…”
Masamune’s tone was light—nonchalant, even—but he couldn’t fool me.  I’d been wondering how and when he was going to broach the subject.  I looked up from the letter I was writing, and turned so that I was facing him.  He’d just finished changing for bed, and his sleeping yukata draped nicely over his lean, athletic form.  I paused to enjoy the view, taking in broad shoulders, a glimpse of muscular chest, and narrow hips defined by a neatly-tied obi.
“Oi!”  There was a hint of laughter in my lover’s voice.  “My face is up here, lass.”
It was a standing joke between us that I tended to overlook his brains while ogling his fine form.  Usually, it was embarrassing to be caught at it, but today I’d been deliberately giving myself time to marshal my arguments in favour of making our fall trip to Azuchi, and was just happy my distraction had worked.
“Huh, so it is!”  I grinned up at him, feigning surprise.
Masamune gave me a knowing look, and shook his head.  He crossed the distance between us in two strides, and sat down facing me, taking one of my hands, and pressing a soft kiss to my forehead.  I found myself leaning toward him, ready for more caresses, and forced myself to sit up straight again.
“We really do have to talk about this, Kitten.”
“I know, Masamune.”
“It’s a long ride, and in your condition—”
“The second trimester is as good a time as any for travelling, and the midwife agrees with me.”
The problem, of course, was that I was pregnant, and Masamune was having second thoughts about visiting Azuchi.  He’d been very good about most things—I’d been as active with my usual sewing and drawing and teaching as three months of annoyingly persistent ‘morning’ sickness had allowed—but the projected trip to see Nobunaga and his band of merry warlords was something else entirely.
“You know it’s not just the pregnancy I’m worried about.”  His tone had shifted from cajoling to deadly serious, and I felt the smile fade from my face.
“I know.”
One of the many things I appreciated about Masamune was that he was honest with me, and did his best to keep me up-to-date on the state of the world both within and without Aoba Castle.  It didn’t come as naturally to him as I’d expected, when I’d first moved here with him.  As straightforward as Masamune was in many respects, the constant scheming and planning that went into managing and maintaining a domain the size and importance of Oshu required a mind geared to subterfuge, and he’d been raised on intrigue and the need to keep secrets as a matter of course.  The reality hadn’t sunk in for me until the first attempt on my life, several months after my arrival.
“You’ll be safer here, where the castle staff is devoted to you, and an unfamiliar face will stand out a mile—”
“And I think it’s worth making the trip now since it will be even more difficult with a very young child.  It’s been almost a year since we were last there.”
Masamune’s expression matched his grim tone.
“I know how much you want to see everyone—”
“And Nobunaga has sent for you!”
“—But I’m not going to risk your safety for the sake of a social call.  No matter who is calling.”
“This kind of fear isn’t like you.”  I knew immediately that I shouldn’t have said that.
“Yes it is.  This is the me that knows exactly how much danger you’re in as my fiancée and the soon-to-be mother of my child and possible heir.  This isn’t five hundred years in the future, Kitten—”
“I know that!”
“Sometimes I wonder.”
There was a brief stillness, as we both instinctively drew back from saying any more pointless, hurtful things.  I discovered tears in my eyes, which was frustrating.  I decided to blame pregnancy hormones, rather than loneliness for the modern world and the family and friends—and non-murderous potential in-laws—I’d left there.
“…Sorry…”  I hated the slight burr of self-pity I could hear in my voice.
“No, it’s my bad, Kitten.”  Strong, warm arms wrapped around me, as Masamune pulled me into his lap.   A contented sigh escaped me as I leaned into his chest, and the tears receded almost as quickly as they’d come.  “You’ve been amazing—you are amazing—and I’m the one who said you could be you.  Right?”
“Yes… but I know you’ve had to work pretty hard trying to keep me safe, thanks to my ‘future-person’ ideals and stuff, and ignorance of local politics.”
Masamune dropped several firm kisses on the crown of my head, and gave me a gentle squeeze.  “And I know how hard you’ve worked to adjust to a world so different from where you grew up.  I guess I still lose sight of what makes you you when I get caught up in domain politics.”
“…Current-person stuff…”  I mumbled, trying for a lighter tone.
“Uh-huh.  Just remember that my ‘current-person stuff’ involves marrying you and figuring out how to raise kids who are as great as you, but still ready to take on the world.  I mean, if we have a son, you’re going to have to live with him learning how to fight—”
“How about teaching a daughter how to fight?”
Masamune laughed.  “I don’t have a problem with that—you’re the one who doesn’t like fighting!  Sure… my—our—daughter can learn to use a sword if she wants.  You going to try to teach our son to sew?  Good luck with that!”
“There’s nothing wrong with sewing!  But, yeah, I’m guessing I’ll have trouble selling the benefits of sewing over the joys of running around with wooden swords and playing—I mean training—with Dad.”
For some reason, talking about kids—about our kids—was making me very aware of Masamune’s body cuddled around me.  It was getting distracting.  When Masamune started to nuzzle my neck with his lips and teeth, I felt my eyes close and my head tip sideways to give him better access to my skin.
“Does—mmmm that’s nice—does this mean you’ll rethink Azuchi?”
One of the hands around my waist slid up to caress the round contours of a breast.  “Mm-hm.”  I twitched, and probably moaned aloud, when strong fingers began to tease my nipple. “Consider it reconsidered.”
“Yes, Kitten?”  He spoke softly right beside my ear, before nipping gently at my earlobe.
“We… nnnnngh… I suppose… we don’t have to go.  I’m probably being unreasonable—oh!”
The world tilted suddenly, as Masamune pinned me against the tatami, hands on my wrists.  He was straddling my upper thighs, his arousal evident despite his yukata.
“Let’s decide tomorrow.  I have a much better idea for what we could be doing now.”
“Oh?  Maybe… mmmmm… you should explain…”
His mouth found mine, and my lips parted of their own accord to admit his tongue.  Our kisses quickly became deeper and more urgent, and it became difficult—impossible, almost—to think.  His hands found and loosened my obi, and began to stroke the bare skin underneath the light garment I’d put on to sleep in.  I tried to reach out and pull him down to me, but he resisted, lifting his mouth from mine, and taking the time to fully open my robe and caress my body.  His touch was especially tender—but also possessive—as he stroked the soft skin of my belly.  The first, definite signs of my pregnancy were visible, and my body heated even further as he admired and caressed and kissed the slight swelling.
“If we do go to Azuchi,” he muttered, sliding strong hands under my hips, and placing hot, wet kisses along the opening to my core, “then you’ll have to stay right beside me the whole time.”  I was squirming with the desire to rub against him, and to feel him deep inside me.
“I can do that,” I said—or rather, gasped—as his tongue suddenly swirled across the sensitive, hidden spot near the top of my mound.
“And you’ll only eat or drink what I give you myself.”
“Seems a bit—nnnnnnngghhh—a bit much…  I mean—”
He raised his head and leaned forward enough to suckle hard on the tight nub of one breast.  My hips moved under him, seeking friction where it would feel best.
“… You’re never careful enough…”  I could barely make out the words as he moved over to the other breast, first teasing the nipple with his teeth and tongue, and then marking the soft skin above it with a love bite.
I dug my fingers into his tousled brown hair.  “Huh—fine words—from—aaaahhhh—the man who—defines—oh gods, Masamune!—defines 'not careful'!”
Masamune sat back on his heels at that, his open yukata revealing skin every bit as flushed as mine.  I longed for us to be closer—as close as we could get—and saw that longing reflected in his bright blue eye and wide-open expression.  He grinned at me, and it was such a fierce, wild, Masamune grin, that my heart leapt at the sight of it.
“All right then, Kitten.”  His voice was low and confident, and his fingers touched and stroked me just where I wanted them most; for a moment all I could hear was the blood pounding in my ears.  “Azuchi it is.  You be you, and I’ll keep you safe.”
“Thank you…”
“No need to thank me, lass—at least not yet.”  His eyebrows rose to a ridiculous angle, and I laughed.  The laughter changed to a moan as loving, lustful, knowing hands slid over my body.
“You’re the best—”
“And you’re so smug when you get your way.”
“So are you!”
In between kisses, Masamune managed to divest us both of any remaining clothing, and carry me over to our delightfully soft futon.  Not long after, we both breathed deep sighs of satisfaction as he entered me, his hard length sliding deep within my tight, quivering body.  If I could sense an edge of—anxiety? possessiveness?—in the way Masamune kept me cradled close to his body throughout our lovemaking, it just made the experience all the sweeter.  As I floated happily in the euphoria of sweet release, still trying to catch my breath, I realized that Masamune, who was lying beside me, was softly stroking my belly again.
“Excited? Pleased?  Worried?  How are”—my mouth suddenly split open in a wide, embarrassing yawn—“how are… you?”
“All of those things.  Excited to be sharing this with you—this creating of a family, and maybe one that can better balance personal affection with the duties of rank and honour.”  I knew he still struggled with that—the concept of parents and children whose family ties were beyond politics.  I chose to hope we could manage it, somehow.  “I’m pleased that we’re together, pleased that we’re going to marry, pleased—probably more than I should be!—that we’re going to have a child.”  He paused, and laughed ruefully.  “No, pleased can’t possibly described how happy I feel about any of those things—but that’s why I worry.  And I’ve tried all my life to avoid worry, because it’s pointless, and just uses up energy better spent on other things.”
“It’s normal to worry about your family.  Even if it’s not really productive.”
“Your concept of family is… different from mine.  But I’ll adapt.”
“Mmmmm.”  His hand was warm, and my body was sated and sleepy—I hadn’t realized being pregnant could be so tiring.  Another yawn threatened to engulf my face.  My eyes were closing despite myself.  “Thank you… for taking us… to Azuchi… Masa-mune.  It’ll be okay, you’ll see.”
I think he said good night, but I didn’t really hear it.  His arms were around me, and that’s what mattered.  After all, he was the one who’d taught me to enjoy life to the fullest in the here and now.  Which is exactly what I was doing.  And would do again tomorrow, gods willing.  I could tell that I was smiling, even as sleep claimed me.
Screencaps for Impurely Political:
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Tags:  @sabinasanfanfic @shell-senji @nalufever @vespeshadowmoon @coffincreep @midnightmagicx (hi, I’m so glad you liked the original story!) @ihavenotfallenyet @masa-little-kitten @under-sengoku-skies (despite the lack of ground-spikes) @rierru  @eliz1369 @ieyasukenshinsandwich @shrimpalompa  @lu-uesugi
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siidaraykashebahl · 5 years
Hour Writing Challenge!
The Prompt for this challenge was a mix of two, one where in the future, PDA is forbidden and the other is where emotions can be bought in bottles.
Time Taken: 59mins 35sec
“I can’t believe the wait-list has gotten this long already…didn’t this shop just open?”
It wasn’t exactly irritation that dripped off the words, perhaps it was just a little tension at wanting to feel the euphoria again that came with simply not caring. The society they’d grown up in was so regimented, so controlled, it was hard to deny the pleasures that came with even the smallest tastes of freedom.
“We have waited up until this point haven’t we?”
It was never easy to reason with someone you loved, it was so tempting to give in to impulse…but with public displays of affection being forbidden, it was better to simply focus on the time they would get to spend behind closed doors. No one really had an answer or told the same story as to why the bans came about. The regime simply believed that measured and controlled responses were better for the lives of their citizens. Romance often flowered into lust and lust was not easily controlled. Just like anger gave way to rage and sorrow bled into depression. It was the extremes that seemed to scare people.
Privacy was the one luxury that people were still allowed. Behind closed doors, we were allowed to behave as we liked without fear of armed guards breaking down our walls and dragging us away for a correction. People that often got taken away in the little black cars very rarely came back as anything recognizable. Shells of their former selves.
It’s why places like this shop were so popular lately. They offered a taste of what all of us wanted without any of the dangers. What they sold were simple, bottled emotions. For a premium fee, you could easily buy your way into feeling anything you wanted. The thrill of success, the heartache of a break-up, or the utter ecstasy that came with falling in love. It was all temporary, the effects rarely lasted longer than a few hours. A safe and allowable high for the masses.
When our turn finally came, it was easy for the shopkeeper to see what we wanted. Our blushing cheeks, our nervous glances at one another, the almost tangible foot of distance we kept between each other to be safe of any mishaps or slips of our raging hormones. We were both on edge, but we’d talked about making this decision months ago. In a world that didn’t allow for couples to show their love in public…when, they did decide to finally give in, it should be at its peak of expression.
“Let me guess lovebirds, you’re looking for a little something to feel that growing spark? Maybe turn it into a bonfire? Or maybe something to keep things sweet?”
Though the shopkeeper was being friendly, the large camera trained at the window was hard to miss. It’s ever-watchful eye likely feeding their faces back to some government building for analysis, making sure no one abused the system or had the gall to steal. It was at that moment that my mouth felt horribly dry, I almost couldn’t bring myself to speak. The hours that had gone into researching the different bottled emotions were slipping from her mind like there was a leak somewhere.
“We would like to try the Philia please.”
My partner’s voice was always a comfort, a gentle tenor that played over my ears and wrapped around me like a warm embrace. We had toyed around the idea of going with Eros or Agape, but something about Philia simply felt right. Our choice seemed to surprise the shopkeeper, perhaps it wasn’t a common choice?
“Not a request I get all the time from couples, everyone wants that spice and fire. I’m not gonna talk myself out of a sale though, so here you go you two. Remember, what happens in your own home is your business, don’t give anyone a show.”
The words were meant to be playful, but it was a clear warning without being overly threatening. After issuing what I hoped was a standard ending to their sales script, we were offered a pleasant enough looking vial. The liquid inside was a pale rose color, almost pink. They were engineered to be tasteless, but the internet was littered with rumors that they did have tastes, which were believed to be different based upon the person who consumed them.
With our bottle of Philia in hand, my partner and I walked along the streets. Our shared apartment wasn’t far and was already staged with our favorite take away meal, our cozy clothes, and the ideal set up for a good cuddle and watching a movie. It was believed that many couples had nights like this, once a month or so. The emotions were not cheap after all, some of them easily being the difference between groceries or worse, rent.
I could see the apartment building on the horizon and I couldn’t deny the way my heart started to pound in my chest. I knew what love was, I felt it for my partner more than anything else in this world. I knew want, lust, desire, but I also knew comfort, safety, and joy with them. It killed me a little that I couldn’t simply hug them goodbye when we walked to work or embrace them when they were struck by sadness. They say they know I care, but I worry at times. Lost in my own thoughts, I didn’t my partner’s urging right away. They were motioning me to follow them. It wasn’t in the direction of the apartment so I was very confused.
“What are you doing?”
It was a fair enough question, but they simply urged me to follow, so I did. We walked a few yards into an alley, the only thing surrounding us was tall walls with teasing glimpses of blue sky overhead. I couldn’t help but stare at my partner, the question was clear in my eyes.
“I don’t want to wait anymore. Let’s do it now.”
In their hand was the vial of Philia, their hands already moving to open it. Panic and excitement shot through my body so fast I almost felt sick. What if they got caught? What if they got sent in for a correction?
“We’re not far away from the apartment…we can take it now and by the time we arrive, it should be in effect…I just don’t want to waste a moment of this, I want to spend every second with you.”
The argument was so compelling. It made perfect sense. I was tired of waiting, I was tired of not sharing the deepest of emotions possible with them. I couldn’t say the words, but I managed to nod, reaching out to help their shaking hands. Nervousness, it made the moment all the tenser. An audible pop could be heard as the seal on the vial broke, the lid giving way. There was enough Philia for them to have a drink apiece.  My partner was always the braver person when it came to trying something new and took a drink. They were quick to shove the vial into my hand, time was of the essence after all. Cautiously I took the vial and raised it to my lips, tipping it back.
Rainwater in a summer storm with a touch of strawberry…that is what I tasted. I reminded me of the day I met my partner. A summer storm had brought us both into the same market to seek shelter, we hit it off almost instantly and the night had ended in my apartment, the taste of strawberry on my lips from what I imagined was my partner’s preferred lip balm.
The memory came on so intensely that when I looked into my partner’s eyes, I felt every desire to hold them close and never let go. The worries and the rest of the world faded away until they were little more than a silent and unspeaking audience.
“I thought I’d never feel this again…it’s just like when we first met….”
Our hands had found one another with such ease, it was like breathing. I could feel the way my partner’s thumb danced over my own, grazing it affectionately. Our lips met next, reckless abandon being the order of the day. It felt right, there was no fear, no timid shyness, just pure affection and declarations of love.
Memories of moments like this nervously shared even behind closed doors flooded between us, colliding and remembering that these feelings were not something to be ashamed of or feared, but rather something to be cherished. There seemed little in this world that would have or could have stopped their embrace…that was until a distant sound came closer and closer. In the fog of their embrace, they were spared the jarring sight of jackbooted thugs running at them from both directions, batons raised and coming down in beating force. They would not know the taste of blood on their lips, and they would not know the terror of being pulled from another and stuffed into the backs of black cars.
Many people saw and many people did nothing…and that is just how the powers that be wanted it. To rule those in fear is so much easier than ruling those who are not afraid to raise their voices.
((If you liked what you’re reading, consider reaching out to view my Patreon where more projects like this one live.))
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xpuriity · 6 years
         Perfect and precise, that’s how it ought to be—–  Careful planning in creating the perfect atmosphere with just the right timing. The grand kind of gestures you’d expect to be taken straight out of a romance novel  —–  Unfortunately, he was no Casanova or Romeo. Just a simple pirate with nothing to offer his sweetheart except his heart.
         It was common knowledge the fire fist was no expert in love; hell, he was no more than a newborn lost in its meaning, utterly hopeless as the concept itself was one still so foreign to him; so different, so new…  Yet simultaneously, he knew it to be close within his reach.
         As far as he knew, he had his own definition. And to him, love wasn’t just a word; an emotion; feelings of infatuation doomed to wither—-  no—–
         She was right there.
         A silent hand crawled atop of her own amid the boisterous celebrations aboard the home that was the Moby. And side by side, the railing they sat upon felt like no more than a plank both his heart and body was more than ready to jump from on this very night.
         ❛❛  Let’s get out of here—–  ❜❜
         The male rose to his feet, silver watching the jet waves below before returning to settle upon what was he defined as love itself; his one and only lady love; just a look into a pair of indigo innocence and his will burned stronger, desiring to sweep her away from this moving ship and the lives inside—–  to run with her from the whole world itself.
         Hovering many feet above the ocean, a foot shifts into the night air before the rest of her reckless pirate leaps from his place, descending right inside the black sea—-  A heart dropping moment until greeted by a sudden flicker of light, or fire, to be exact; his toothy grin adding to the torch now lighting what was previously pitch black nothingness. The rest of him balances upon the sturdy wood of his trusty companion now fueled by manipulated flames; The Striker.
         ❛❛  —- You coming, Rosa? ❜❜  He calls for her from below, watching both strawberry blonde curls and her frilly dress alike swim the breeze above him. His arms spread out, signaling for her to mirror him.  ❛❛  I won’t let you fall in the water—–  You trust me, right?  ❜❜  And had her answer been positive enough to do as he did, strong arms will ensure to soften her landing and wrap around her with ease, safely and securely.
         Before releasing his hold on her figure so petite, there’s a snicker on his lips as he speaks softly to her, nose-to-nose, as though he had something up his sleeve. 
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         ❛❛  You ready?  There’s something you gotta see—–  ❜❜
         Fast forward, and time lapses as orange flames swim the black ocean; a trip rather short however, as the driver ensures to slow in pace when sighting of an unusual glowing land—–  at this time he sneaks a gaze onto the female accompanying him while gradually nearing the shoreline, one of which differed greatly from what she may have been used to, in fact he’s been counting on it ever since discovering the island.
         Small and uninhabited, the entire island itself was illuminated as though to mimic the fairy lights she so often decorated their walls with—–  from head to toe, they were greeted by a shoreline that was aligned with glowing fireflies, burning brightly in the dead of the night as though existing for this very day, awaiting for her sole arrival —–  or so her own proclaimed firefly believed.
         ❛❛  They’re sea fireflies—-  ❜❜  He informs, making a safe stop onto the illuminated land, allowing their footprints to greet the soft sand.  ❛❛  They’re tiny but managed to make this place their own..   Pretty nice, isn’t it?  ❜❜   There’s a fond smile in his words, strolling ahead of her in a pace quite slow, silver taking the time to appreciate the breathtaking view surrounding them, hoping his little lady too, would love it just as much as he did.  
         ❛❛  I can’t give away their home, but I figured it could be a place for you to visit once in a while whenever you felt like it..  ❜❜  With his back turned to the birthday girl temporarily, his boots come to a halt once he’d been a good distance away. There’s as much silence as there is hesitance as a hand rests at his nape, his gaze briefly glued to the sand beneath him as it seemed there was still one more thing he had yet to do at this place.
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         ❛❛  Rosa.. ❜❜  He breaks the silence with a call of her name, raven waves lifting to greet the stars above. And then there was the moon, a full one—-  Making him wonder if they were their audience, here to witness what was about to unfold. 
         ❛❛  You..  want to be with me, right?  ❜❜  He softly wonders aloud despite knowing of the answer all too well   —-   Of course, he knew   —–   In spite of his past and demons, throughout it all, there was only one person who never left nor averted their gaze from everything that he was—-   still, constantly, everyday; always, she projected what felt like the warmth of the sun, a warmth contained in her loving smile..  a softness he realized to be for him only.
         ❛❛  I’m not.. the kind of guy that can get you a lot of things..  I’m not all that smart either, so I can’t promise that I’ll always know the right thing to do or say..  ❜❜  His hands drop by his side, and here, he chooses to turn to her.  His tone is serious as was his expression and the clarity in silver as they cast upon the epitome of warmth itself.
         ❛❛  But what I can promise you, is this…  ❜❜  Slowly and gradually he closes the distance between them until both stood only a few feet apart. And with the stars above as their witness, they could swear they had never seen as much love and devotion as in the eyes of this one man that now gazed solely upon the woman of his dreams; the love of his life.
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         ❛❛  …Close your eyes.  ❜❜
         Until he was certain the hummingbird had heeded his instruction, a hand dove into his pocket, fishing for an item so minuscule that it’d been surprising his carelessness hadn’t already lost it  —–  Next, was her hand he dared to lift, her left hand to be exact, sliding onto her fourth finger his gift;  A promise ring of a rose gold shade that sparkled even in twilight  —–  A perfect fit.
         ❛❛  Rosa—-  I want to be with you..  For a long time. ❜❜  He swallows, pausing as he struggles to mold his emotions into words. He was never one good with words, much less, anything of the romantic sort.  ❛❛  ..I won’t ever leave you, or let you down and make you cry a second time..  ❜❜  And dare he even say:  ❛❛ ..And this time, I swear to make you happier than anyone else..  ❜❜
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         ❛❛  And by wearing this ring.. I hope you’ll let me..  ❜❜  They were both still too young, and clearly, it’d been far too soon. The mere concept of marriage was one far away as they had the rest of their lives to tie the knot, and yet, he couldn’t quite hold back from gifting her with this eternal promise; a ring to signify that he did indeed intend to marry her one day.
         ❛❛  I love you, Rosa..                And I promise that will never change for as long as I’m alive. ❜❜
     The warmest touch upon ivory and so effortlessly the subject of today’s celebrations has her attention snatched from all the loud partying to the one boy who single-handedly defined the entire meaning of celebration and joy in her life 
     — as he had been the cause of her happiness, the fire fueling the smile now unwavering upon glossed lips, only widening further to hear the eager request to steal her away to himself from the rest of the world, but how could she possibly mind when he had been her entire world. 
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     There’s no query voiced, no question of where they would go or what they would do — it mattered not as this particular birthday girl held no hesitance whatsoever; she would follow him to the end of the world if it meant she could be with him, if it meant she could bask in the blissful serenity and fluttering feeling within a rapidly pumping chest which only ever beat for him, an overwhelming euphoria no words could ever equate to but she would settle on the closest thing to describe it; love.  
     All he had to do was ask and he would, prompting eager heeled boots to hop upon the wooden deck, following in his footsteps blindly, only to pause as she watched the love of her life leap to what could possibly be his impending doom. 
     ❝Ace!❞ she’s quick to cry out after him with deep yet short lived concern, replaced entirely with that of default softness and awe when signature orange flames illuminated the night sky, reassuring her of his safety. 
     While his own safety she had feared for, her own is shown little to no concern as she held no doubt, he would catch her, just as he always did. 
     Mesmerized by the dancing of warm hues, her gaze reflects of utter trust and devotion but rather than voice her response, the actions of the petite speak for themselves; with her vision concealed she leaps instantly into his arms, only opening her eyes to meet silver irises when as promised, his strong familiar hold engulfs her protectively. 
     ❝You caught me~❞ soft shy giggles voice what had been evident as gentle digits tenderly brush the star kissed cheek of her hero, before nodding all too eagerly; whatever he had for her to see, she knew there’s no one she would be safer with.
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     With the slowing of the vessel they had been travelling upon, a petite figure would slowly detach itself from the warmth of her love, and with wide eyed curiosity, would delicately bend forward, head tilting in wonder to get a better view of the glowing land they approached; an enthusiastic child she resembled, unable to wait to reach their destination but peeking in complete astonishment; one that is immensely portrayed when indigo hues finally switch from the land to her tour guide for the day. 
     ❝Ace!! Look!! It’s glowing!!❞ she would state excitedly, manicured digit pointing up ahead, despite the fact he had been aware as it was his choice to bring her here, to begin with. A smile stretching from one rosy cheek to the other, strawberry blonde curls would sway in the wind while she turns from one side to the other, attempting to take in every bit of the masterpiece scene her true love had gifted her with on her special day. 
     In a state of utter daze, her footsteps are slow but still fingers would reach to take his hand in her own, out of habit any time they walked, a sub conscious act to cherish this moment by his side, to look back and remember his touch alongside the captivating image. 
     ❝They’re so beautiful… I’ve never seen anything like them..❞ she finally speaks, but more than the sea fireflies, she could think of one firefly more beautiful than them all and he is the one her bright eyed focus would shift to when the offer of a visit is voiced, staring at his strong back, her voice is gentle and hopeful. 
     ❝You’ll come with me, right? Next time we visit?❞ despite the beauty of the scene surrounding them, her heart can not contain its anxiety when her love puts some distance between them, wondering if this had been all but a blissful dream, and though small feet remain planted in the glowing sand, she would resist an urge to run to him, to claim soft lips right then and there, declaring a love only the surrounding illuminating lights of nature could compete with in brightness.
     However, patience had been a virtue of the hummingbird, and when he calls her name, giving birth to an entire zoo within her stomach, she presses glossed lips together anticipating what was to come, clueless as to what could be more enchanting than what he had already presented her, but never could she have expected the query voiced next. 
     One she needn’t ponder over as it hadn’t even been a choice, but a lifestyle inspiring her every decision, including her accompanying him today — there was nothing she would not give, JUST to do exactly that — to be with him. 
     She wants to argue against all his voiced insecurities, the lack of treasure or things to say; she didn’t need it, none of it; all she needed had been him hence the vigorous shake of her head in defiance, lips pressed firmly together and indigo pleading him not to voice what she’d heard before and feared would be spoken now — how she deserved better when she could swear to the skies and moon alike, the impossibility of it all. 
     But her firefly seemed to have a different idea this time; and as he diminishes the distance between them again, with it all worries and fears seem to wash away as well, replaced with none but adoration for the boy about to speak his promise to her, but only after requesting she close her eyes, and the petite would be damned to turn a request of his. 
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     Long lashes fluttering to a close they would kiss flushed cheeks, visibly reddened even in the darkness of the night; the cold feel of metal sliding upon ivory in contrast with the warmth of his touch causing a tender heart to skip a beat but it is the next set of words which completely shatter the hummingbird’s composure, stealing all the breath in her lungs. 
     Emotions her heart could not contain would flood in the form of tears pouring down round features and when even her eyes could not contain them, the wind around them would send a soft breeze through the pair’s hair — a symptom displaying her loss of balance and control under the immense over powering declaration that had been the promise of his eternal love.
     Finally opening her eyes again, it is but through a blurry tear stained vision that she attempts to see the details of the delicacy he had dared wrap around her finger; her other proceeding to futilely attempt and wipe away her tears, yet even through the tears she could not be blinded to its beauty nor perfection. 
     He said he would not make her cry, yet the little song bird could not contain her sobs in this very moment. ❝Ace.. it’s… I —❞ useless attempts at words would be drowned through her broken sobs and finally surrendering to the intensity of her feelings, she would respond by flinging her petite figure at him, arms wrapping close around his stronger build and toes tiptoeing to finally claim that kiss she craved from his lips. 
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     Only then would her heart rest, flashing him the most love bound of smiles amidst the tears. ❝Yes.. a million times yes… Ace — Yes, I want to be with you.. Always!! I want to always be with you!! I don’t need a lot of things, I just want you.. every day with you, you make me happier than anyone else — you make me happiest!!❞ and she had no doubt he would deliver on his promise to keep doing that, for as long as he lived. 
     Young they may have been, but the bird had already given her heart long ago to him and had no intentions whatsoever of reclaiming what had been gifted. Her heart, mind, body and soul were his for all of eternity — the love of her life, and someday, the man she intends to walk down the isle to. 
     ❝… and right now… you made me the happiest girl ever… Today, this place, this ring.. I’m going to cherish it — I’m going to cherish you for as long as I live.. I love you… I love you… I love you so much, Ace — ❞ 
     She pauses, only for indigo to touch the rose gold ribbon around her finger again, a timid smile when she speaks again. ❝I don’t have a ring for you too… but… I promise to always love you too, for the rest of our lives, forever❞ 
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eldritchsun · 5 years
My two best friends in Hollow were best friends with each other before I met them and live together and when we all hang out sometimes it's very caleb gallo throuple scene, like this is Jay and we do love them and they don't live here and they're IN this relationship.
It's funny how much I genuinely like these people separately but also as a unit, I can't get enough of these two and think they're so cute! The fondness I feel for them is extremely pure and brings me great joy
Like the girl? She's so level headed and passionate about the most interesting things, shes so knowledgeable while managing to stay chill, I really appreciate how much she openly cares while avoiding the bleeding heart passivity that I sometimes suffer from. She's a reliable go getter and I respect her a lot.
The guy? He's so skilled and funny, I could hear him talk about his job forever. I think it's infinitely cute how excited he can get about things and how despite trying to project a party bro kind of vibe, he can't help himself and constantly let's through the sensitive guy who's enthusiastic about nature, his craft, cheesy music and his friends.
Their dynamic together is loving and funny and supportive and fascinating and I feel super happy to get to be a part of that sometimes!
As if that's not enough they're also both very beautiful
I thought about the throuple scene because all my other friends are couples, and routinely invite me to couples outings where I'm the only single person and I always wanna bring a "date" with me and I usually invite the girl because her interests align best with the rest of the couples, but for the most recent outing I was just like nah brah!!! I want my boy!! And I was really looking forward to waltzing in to the bowling like hello couples, these are MY people, that's right I get 2!
My housemate was like... They're probably hooking up or are about to hook up you know... Technically ur just adding another couple to the outing and ur still the odd one out.... And I would like to say that 1) i see no evidence of this apart from them being a man/woman pair 2) damn bro if that's the case I support their love, one more for the pile! (OK I'm coming clean, it's probably a "for a second I was so caught up in the euphoria of loving my friends that I forgot straight people existed" situation, but idk man, I just didn't see it that way!)
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