#i was supposed to come bavk
k3ntarou · 2 years
This is kinda dumb but
Hajime who somehow gets horny when he sees you eat
Because he's always on a diet, he can't seem to enjoy food like you do: so whenever he buys you a pastry or fries, he stares at you and the little happy dance you do on the chair as you contently munch, stares at your cute cheeks and lips and- oh. He's hard. But he wants you to eat and take your time, taste everything thoroughly.
He'll wait for your last bite, then smile and put his big hand on your face, finger on your lip as he stares wistfully at your mouth.
"I'm sorry Haji... Did you want some of it?"
He smiles, cock painfully hard as he thinks about your mouth. "nah, baby, it's fine."
absolutely NOT dumb sweet nonie baby this is just so him and you just made me fall in love with him even further i CANT 🥺
Generally speaking: basically everything you do is hot to him. Hajime doesn't really understand how or why, yet anytime you do the most simple, daily routine things – he gets a love boner. at first he felt so bad about it because he didn't want you to think that he's sexualising anything you do or that you're nothing but an object of his desire and pleasure, yet after a while of dating, he's realised it's mostly because of how in love he is with you.
apparently his body's first reaction to a love as puee as this one is a hard on and as inconvenient it tends to be, he's come to accept it and after knowing you feel the same way about him, he's decided to indulge in it instead of suppressing it.
now when it comes to anything related to your mouth, he's a weak man. so whenever he watches you eat and enjoy your food the way you're supposed to, the way you deserve to enjoy it, hajime instantly feels the blood rushing into his cock because of how cute you are.
your cute little moans of enjoyment, the little dances you make when something you've been craving hits just the right spot, your tongue cleaning your lips after every bite – iwaizumi tried to hide just how much he likes it yet every time you end up figuring him out.
and that's why your cute little lunch or dinner dates usually end with his cock in your mouth as you suck him off in one of his expensive sports cars, making sure he doesn't have to drive with a raging hard on and always claiming his cum as your dessert. it's in those moments where iwaizumi simply can't hold bavk his deep grunts and slightly higher pitched moans and even whimpers because of how good you're making him feel, nobody's ever done him the way you do and each and every time feels like a dream.
and iwa always makes sure to reward his baby by pushing your legs against your chest to hit those sweet spots of yours as soon as he gets you home because he wants you to feel just as good as him and there's nothing as good as stuffing his pretty angel with his cum after an evening like this 🥺☁️🫶🏼🦋
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pithyorangecurd · 2 years
Sv swerved being creepy with kids by having the first part be sqq fighting for his life trying to prove hes not the same guy who strung lbh up and beat him until he could barely walk, while having to pass as that guy, until he pushed him off a cliff to be in hell forever and then didnt see him again for three years, anf then died for five years, anf then came bsck and was like what do you mean he has a crush on me, he supposed to have 600 wives rn and lbh looking bavk like aw man what? But I hate pussy. Come on :(
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its really still a problem. i am reading mark aurel which is all about focusing on urself and pracising kind hearted not comparing urself too others not envy and so on and then this stunning stunning stunning young woman comes, dark hair teint skin beuatifuk mouth beuatofuk smile suoer young oerfect akin very beautifuk body but akk in a very subtle way. she smiles to me i smile bavk i admire her but and this sistrubs me i still envy her. i wish i had her beauty and her eaziness soorit the effortless sex appeal. next to her i feek old, wasted and kind of trying to be ridicule. i need to wear rhose toght things to he recognized I need to really ahoe my hody but she is not doing anything kf jt and still glowing. but it ahoukd he omay and i ahoukd not feek bad aboht mysekf just because she js suoer stunning. why am i doing it. its all just to put myself down. but i knkw irs a fact a fact i just oainky should accept and mkve on. be grateguk for the bidy i am in as i an prraching everyday and saying hoe much i love myself now. apparently i am not there yet. hiw can i get over it and just recognize and cherish her beuaty fulk stop. i dont hate her fir being behaitfuk i just wish it coukd be me instead. i think my kifr woukd be so much better if i looked like that but what woukd be better? i know she is a beautifuk kind soul the way she smiles gives jt off. its not like i would be taking this beautiful body and losing a beautiful character bc she clearly has it all…so what am i scared for. the man or woman I like, likes her better fir her beauty and her character? so it be, then it simply means they are a better match. if she is oreferred for something like getting into a club I am not, so it be. it is not my oath to be in this club as it is not my path to be with this person. but then how to jot feel sorry for urself as it all just seems unfair. and i think this is the crucial part. everythingabout us is beautiful if we are doing it with a compass liek mark aurek out of honesty purity and kind hearted ness every little thought ( it is okay to be jealous I am not there yet) but I am really trying. I might bit get into the club, i should say c’est la vie, and might go hoke with a fresh mind crrating something amazing. it has the same value. or does it not? therr is no such thing as objectively speaking thats why POV became such a thing i guess but yes. lets try to oretend objectively which means a lot kf opinions gathered she is getting into the club meeting tons of amazing oeiple and sancing to incredibke music. over girl going home and chilking thwre no ine cates aboht her. but it is also with what aurek says caring about what ithers think and do its espeically the problem!! I inky have my now and here out if my eyes and my heart and it is supposed to be like that. and ofc im thinkinf hundert peopke consider it to he better like this or like that basically this is how democracy works, how can I vakidate my own opinion as much as them 100 if it comes to, it is the same good to be rejected and go hike than be in the club? its the same old same okd question about. which opinion values how can i crrate my value without the measurements of others. i am always coming to this. i sint want peiple to think i am a narcisisit egoman if i dont give a fuck aboht theyre opinions amd weigh mine way higher. it is trucky to maneuver in that mindest without becomung ignorant. but at the same time i dont want to live through grow through prosper thorigh affirmation hell no that aounds like hell. i want to affirm mysekf. it is maybe because ut is the sustainabke way. when we think about rivers and flyids which i cam to visualize when we had a saying about einfluss neglej und beeinflussen which also inckudes the river interesntinfky and aurel is talking alout aboht the stream and i think it is pary of live as blood is streaming through our veines and we need ghe water and the fluids, the circulation is life. bht coming back to the asoect of sustainabikty. listen imagine your own body giving ur own body ur own bacteria ur own blood cells when we tal
lol my paragrpah was maxed oht i do too much bla bla. but yes if we i somt want to go into biologism to much i never want to dsocirmante bodies espeicalky when it comes to genetics we always have to he carefuk to not get into any natuonalism discimnating fucked up shit. but I think my own body loves theri own system the most and it csn get a lot of her own system. its a little bit maybe kets talk about skin its better. my dahrer always refused to wash us too much as babies and in general he as this pladoyer: ur own bidy crrates fat that oeitect the skin, washing it away sith oerfumed shampoo gel to then out chemical body lotion sossnt seem to be an enhancement for the skin seems pretty ligicak to me. I mean everyone has their own bekiefs and ways but I kove to appreciate what my vody creates and what my body does. I know i am talking aboht an abled healthy skin ans i know some peiple just love to smeell like thousand rose leafs. byt i find that metaphor pretty good for also souk stuff. what my own body gives to my body is because it is healthy important disclaimer sensefull and good for me. it pribably matches my needs better than any artificial or natural product which fits affirmation from outside. of course fhe cream snells nice i feek fresh but then, my bidy get used to this crram wnats more of this crram and stips crrating its own fat to protect the skin maybe. I always have to buy this cream and its exterior, it will never last. i need it nee alk the time
i need rhat affirmation it feeks good but it wont last, my own afformation whereby comes naturally fits my needs and it is independent on any outer things. and this is why the value for me of my own affirmation wighs heavier than any of other people. i feel free and i feel good avoht jt but ifc still i am here comoaring mayelf to a maybe 19 year old woman that i wikk never be and never was. and its okay like fhaf but i need ti remind myself and i am disappointed inmyself still that it affects me so much and my head us gilled aitb it instead kf kther thints. but at the same time i lay down write this down and reflect on it so i hope i pray but i also
know that the next time i get inti a situation like that ill feel differently. I see feel hear taste the world thourgh my eyes and I love that I appreciate so many good food so much so many nice music ao many beuatofuk animals buidlings chikdrens families situations ( sometimes i dont of course madness, sexism, racism exploitation hatred and injsutice of the workd) but Its all meant for me. and i need tk accept and allrecate this. trhough my mind baby through my mind and love ur mind, it diesnt mean you think her mind sucks, it is beautifuk for sure, but its her mind her life her feelings hers and its good to see ssomeone havinf it like that its just an insoiratuon and a joy if beuaty and smiles which is for free and contagious( but Its all meant for me. and i need tk accept and allrecate this.
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fernandoswarcrimes · 4 years
A little too not over you - (Previous Tk) Matthew Tkachuk
This has been sitting in my drafts for FOREVER. But here’s the second part to Ghost of you.
It never crossed my mind at all
It's what I tell myself
What we had has come and gone
You're better off with someone else
It's for the best, I know it is
After seeing you at the game and seeing how happy you had become, it never crossed his mind that what you and him had was done and overwith. Clearly you were better off with someone else. Begrudgingly letting it go that it just HAD to be the NHL’s personal shit starter (besides him Ofcourse) he knew it was for the best but that doesn’t mean it still doesn’t sting. He sulked bavk to the lockeroom tossing his stick down as he sat down in his stall. Carter had looked over to his friend, the goalie knew why he was upset but he thought it was unhealthy that Travis was still hungup on you.
But I see you
Sometimes I try to hide
What I feel inside
And I turn around
You're with him now
I just can't figure it out
He sees you everytime they played Calgary, sometimes he ducks out of the room or tries to hide his face away from you to hide how he truly feels about you despite the tough front he puts up for the guys. It seems like everytime he turns around Matthew is stuck to your side. He just can’t figure it out how you two mesh so well together or what he did wrong you used to look at him like that or so he thought, the way you were looking up at the St. Louis native was like he hung all the stars in the sky for you and he didn’t understand it. Had he really screwed up that bad that you found someone knew so easily? It made him question everything he ever did in your guys relationship.
Tell me why you're so hard to forget
Don't remind me, I'm not over it
Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth
I'm just a little too not over you
Not over you
He’s been more on edge lately especially since the season had come to a close he thought maybe that things would die down and he could just relax and try to take his mind off you. Nolan had tried so had Claude even sitting him down for a “dad” talk which was honestly not needed because Travis didn’t think he was a child. He just needed to face the truth that he’s not over you. He just wasnt ready to accept that or admit that to anyone let alone himself. He knew his close friends knew that he wasn’t over you, hell Nolan had to clean out the apartment himself because Travis just refused to. He about cried when nolan packed up the blanket that had always been across the back of the couch. He had found himself holding it close to him at night because it still smelled like you and it calmed him down.
Memories, supposed to fade
What's wrong with my heart?
Shake it off, let it go
Didn't think it'd be this hard
Should be strong, movin' on
But I see you
Travis sighed looking at his phone before tossing it on the couch not noticing the quizzical look Nolan was giving the back of his head or the shared look he had with Carter both guys worried about their bestfriend. Travis had seen the news, god everyone had. Tkachuk had proposed and it was no shock you said yes. It seemed as though everyone in the league had euther congratulations or comments about it. There had been a few interviews with the family and how excited they were to have you be apart of it. He wasn’t shocked, he saw how well you got along with Brady and Taryn. How close you got to Chantel hell even Keith loved having you around he knew then that you were gone for good. But was it supposed to be this hard? He should be strong and moving on but all he sees is you.
Maybe I regret everything I said
No way to take it all back, yeah
Now I'm on my own
How I let you go, I'll never understand
Travis was alone. Maybe he regrets everything he said but there’s no way to take it all back. He looked at his Instagram and smiled sadly seeing the photos from the wedding, a few of his friends were in attendance and didn’t hesitate to share all the love from the day all over their pages. Everyone had tried helping him but he just refused. He’s on his own now, how he let you go he didn’t think he’d ever understand. He let the girl of his dreams slip through his fingers straight into someone else’s arms who knew that she was special and never planned on letting her go like he had. He guess he could call himself lucky, Tkachuk hadnt chirped him once about you, it was no shock that you brought out the best in the guy and a lot of people were thankful for that. He sighed walking over to his dresser grabbing his hoodie that he laid across it before walking out of the apartment to go for a late night walk to clear his head. Back in the apartment tucked away in the left corner of his sock drawer was a small black velvet box that held something special inside that stayed heavy in his mind. Reminding he missed 100% of the shot he didn’t take.
I'll never understand, yeah...
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daddieswhoresblog · 5 years
Showing skills to the ex
Walked up to him sleeping on the couch. Rolled him over to his back and started rubbing his cock through his pants. Reaching up and pulling them down. Grabbing his cock and licking every inch of it. Slowly wrapping my lips around the tip and sliding all the way down. Hearing him moan. Coming back up stopping to smile at him and go all the way back down. Holding it there mpving my tongue side to side. Pulling back to the tip and running my tongue all around it. Sucking his cock more up and down. Stopping to just stroke his cock licking and spiting on it every so often to keep it wett. Reaching down and playing with his balls and i wrap my lips around his cock slidding all the way down. Watching him squirm. Moving his hands trying to grab my head. Pushing his hands away telling him he's not allowed to touch. I continue stroking his wett cock stoping to suck it. Moaning on his cock reaching up running my hand down his chest. Slidding his cock into my mouth but only touching the bottom lip until it's inside closing my lips around him and sliding his cock back out. Wrapping my hand around his cock stroking it as i suck the tip of it and play with his balls with my other hand. Feeling him shake under me he cums on my hand and himself. I stopped squeezed his cock a little and told him he wasn't supposed to cum yet. Slowly stroking his cock as he finches. Leaning down and licking the cum off his cock. Wrapping my lips around the tip and sliding down. Teasing him to keep him hard. Stood up and told him to get up. He follows me into the bedroom pants still wrapped around his ankles. I push him onto the bed and climb between his legs ass up and start sucking his cock again. Licking and stroking taking it deep. Forcing his hands away every time he tries to touch me. Stopping to take my shirt and pants off. Climbing back onto the bed i spit on his cock and start stroking it. Leaning down to lick the tip then takong it all in. Feeling him start to squirm again. I stop sit up and take my bra off climbing back to his cock. Stroking it making it nice and wett rubbing it against my lips and chest. Watching him bite his fingers and tip his head back fighting the urge to cum. I continue sucking and storking Get him close to cumming and i stop. Grab his cock and pull him towards me telling him to stand up. I kneel in front of him so he can see my ass in the mirror and start rubbing his cock all over my face as I reach down to feel my pussy soaking wett. I slide to fingers in as I take slide my mouth onto his cock the deeper it goes in my mouth the further my fingers go in my pussy. Making sure he can hear the wetness. Stopping to learn back finger myself with one hand the other starting qith a finger in my mouth moving donw to my chest squeezing my boobs as I moan. Lean back in grabbing his cock and really sucking it as i moan and look up at him. I stop and push him back on to the bed. Sucking his cock a little more and then climingi up onto of him enough to just rub my wet pussy over his hard cock. Making him feel the wetness. He tries yo grab me and i push his hands bavk by his head lifting myaelf enough to slide his cock inside. First just the tip then all the way down. Mmmm feeling it throb inside me. Holding his arms back I ride him hard and fast until i come all over his cock. I lean back one hand in his chest one in my hair I start bouncing on his cock hard. Lifting my legs up and really bouncing on his cock I fun again. Moving my legs back under me i start grinding on his cock making sure im getting every inch. I stop to turn around. Sliding his cock back inside my wett pussy. I start to ride him. He grabs my hips and i push his hand down holding them there as i ride him hard and cum again. I get up got dressed and walked outside.
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silvermccloud · 7 years
here goes my long emotionMessage
OK SO LOOK this is something that has been on my mind a lot. It’s been 5 month since i lost something near to me. Something i love dearly. someone who i can see in my future. I mean techinally called my ex but i don’t like that term so we shall call her my past lover ok. First let us take it bavk a bit. We met 4 years ago in a church and we got together in a movie theatre after a sniff of the nose. Yes i sniffed her nose to ask her out. Judge me all you want. Anyways we were fine for the most part thru out our entire relationship until that one dreadful morning. This is the morning i let her know i was talking with another female. I can hear the oohhs and awhhss and the fuck that nigha comments being made already ok ok cool. I did wrong. I hurt her baddddd! i mean bad i mean almost committed suicide bad. I told her that morning there is this girl who i was talking to. we are going to call this girl ‘lil mouse’. lol anyways i talked with lil mouse for a month. Lil mouse was cool but not wifey martial for me so from the get go i knew this girl wasn’t it. Well why did you leave My past lover for lil mouse you ask? well as i looked back at the situation i liked her because of her mind. how she thought and all that. My past lover at the time was literally down my throat about seeing my phone and trying to find dirt on my phone that wasn’t there. i didn’t like that. Plus we lived together so i would work and she would be at home. House dirty but watching netflix. That is why i left. Bad thing was i did it after her birthday…. I just didn’t mean for the other girl to be there. that was my fault. i’ll take the blame. i beat myself up over it every fucking day of my exists. Anyways, after a month we get back together and i plan on trying to mend the wounds that i gave her. 7 months went on and i thought hey we are back to our normal selfs. That is when the arguing started. We argued so much about dumb stuff it made no sense. I argued to the best of my abilities to keep us together so i thought but apperantly that spit us apart even more. she was feeling the after affects of the who Lil Mouse thing so i guess she was second guessing the get back together. i argued because I wanted my feelings to be heard so much. They simply weren’t. i couldn’t stand it. it go so bad that one night i yelled i’m done with you and bring me back my keys. Thus begins the last days of J&S vs the world. After seeing my wrong i fly to her house to apologize. get she lives about 30 mins away from me and i got to work in the morning but f it. she means the world to me. so i make it there and she doesn’t wanna talk at first. finally comes out because i talk about suicide. i legit weep for like 30 mins just to hear i think we should go on brake. next day after work i go over there and she tells me. she wants a fully break up. pain hasn’t settled in but i am just like ok just keep me in your life. Thus begins my depression(I’ve had depression for a while she was the one to keep me away from it) but she talks about our break up on social media and it got guys attention. she post his messages on social media and has no problem doing so. I get worked up about it. she blocks me from her social medias. I go to work one morning then get a call that she got in a car accident. Car accident lead to me taking off dang near a week of work (We are still not together, nor did i spend the night) that night they let her out the hospital. i let her sleep and a person’s name pops up on her screen with kisses and all this extra shit so after she wakes up( btw, this is her first night back) i ask her about the guy and she says it is no one. Turns out, she calls me a lame and tells me to get my charakas in order since i am worrying about this guy. i got a feeling he is more than a friend. my feelings are usually right.( i find out i was right a week and a half later.) later that day(first night back from hospital night) i felt like a fool for caring for this girl and she got a nigha on the side waiting and it hasn’t even been a week in back up or it has but too early for a damn near 4 month break up. Later that week i ask her why she is putting me thru all this pain she said this is what you put me thru and i am going to put you thru the same. I was fine with that, i suggested it so i would rather take my L like a man. Ok cool. i am thinking after she feels her wrath is done we get back together. haha WRONG AF! she continues to try and find new guys and leaves me in the dust. during this time i got the lowest point in my life. i never thought the body could produce so much water. i started cutting myself (she did to) and i tried to commit suicide 2 times.(very unsuccessful. God had a purpose) She was part of the reason of this want to die( i still do) but i always had depression. we don’t talk for a week or so(before that we were suppose to work on us being a couple again. I write and record a poem. send it to her. she listens to it but no reply to the message. (in the poem i ask her does she still want the passenger seat before i drive down the road of life) Months pass and i get a call from her just telling me about life and how she missed me. so here i am like AYYYYY!!! can i finally get her bavk?!?!?! but at the end of the convo she hits we with the Idk if i still wanna date you spill like come on, wtf. (During this time she wasn’t talking to anyone) We fast forward to now, i been feeling something inside me push me towards her all the time now so i been calling her , texting her good morning text , and i even wrote a long ass note to give to her. Bought her flowers. the \weird lovely dovey time shit right. So i ask her about what is up with her and me? she tells me she still isn’t feeling me and she is lowky talking to someone. I said wtf!!!??!?! you.. were.. whatever. I feel i will never get my chance. That is real. What we had and i feel like what we can make is still real. I mean i am human. shit happens. I mean not bad shit like that but i mean ugh.. i have days i feel we are then others we aint and the we ain’t started coming in lately. all i know is when i try to be like her and move on something pulls me back and points towards her direction and then from there i can’t get her out my head. this shit fucks me up everyday and i feel myself climbing back into my dark place. i think i want to make this work because i can feel deep down that she does but is scared to try it again. I am fine with our relationship being rocky for some months to a year as long as i know that she is here and not going anywhere. I have ppl tell me all the time that we are gonna be together forever. or that’s your wife just give it time. Idk i don’t wanna feel like this anymore. It has always been her and noone else. ugh.. send help.
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Theirs this side attack
And and theif he takes woman
And and abuse them
I died they took me and use ghost to steal
My name is biz
Theyer goes the buser he sees it again
get up. Get up and steal from ppl
They take from ppl they think im im in a dream but the dream thats this is all lies
But they raped me
Naw i just goes to sleep and dont dream
I live in a world where make belive is posible
But its not real real
Thry ey googly eyes that man have he comes out looks walkes out and sticks the whole house he sprayed walks back and goes to the bathrooom sticks of poisen he pies use is my penis to pee shits all over the place flushes the tolet then he washes his hands
Goes back to the room sit on his bed and waches while he playes with other girls and playes the other woman in the front like a patty cake she does what ever he does he just told her to play something while he controls the tv and they shoot the back of the guy
He walks down the hallway drops is crack
Then he marks it saying this is my crack
When the town forgot
He spitly gave the world nothing lies so 50 and g-unit put up trillions of dollars and used this money to give to the kik of town
The money story changed ...forget about the abuser they dont that was a dream
Listen.. He gave money to all even the government police he gave money to the the state of queens
To all the females and shemales and guys black poeple to white people and gave back to the intellent of shoools ....i like to smoke im the king the prince ur gaurdian ur love of ur life im urs but...not anymore i can feel the love this town gives me i dobt know where i am or where im going... My names is that i for got ...my feet are tigling
The air changed and i want to smoke again
I died in the year 2061 im back now
I saved all of u they killed me to cuz i took
When they raped me killed hit me with a car ran over me space took me and chainged me
I bacame the leader of the capable free town i gave money but the town left they kept moving to borrow to borow they left
And they ....well they took my dream and made it to reality is this is the bold planet i see look ahead they dont belive it gave money to the real love of ur lifes all he wanted was sex from a woman but he was a vergin everyday cuz he died in his sleep but dont recitate cuz he will wake up again
To love and honor ur code
Love thy enemies they will love u that u gave to them
I gave money to mom all the time
But all i wanted was money bavk in return
I wanted to live here but thwy kept pushin me out to smoke i wanted to smoke in the house but i was outside being a leader and fighting ghost i always do they train me
I have a baby on my back
I say come out come oyt
But the bag is full of pleasent things for u
They keep shooting the air and i say u killing me stop shooting the air
The spaceships want me to go
But where i home
I gave things to ppl of cuples
I even clean them but i barely see the cops standing that i wonder that they stick i can make them brand new smeling
But i cleaned my self
My panther is here with me sorry mom thats what sticks my ghost hellhoud that i have
My dogs are happy they listen to me and they smoke wit me every wgere i go they love smoking wit me my hellhouds
Im single devorsed not married
I ahve pleanty of wifes
I took them to give money to them
My real name is opitimuz
But i goes by optimuz
Im a worior
Im ur guide
Im urs only i want is to fly with all of u ppl
I want bodie armor so we can fly
I jump of the roof in this building
I see my hellhounds but they tell me to let go of them so they can leave. I xan give everybody a cat and dogs. And food and
The i can seend a prayer to ur door
I am jesus christ the cardi. Of the town
I was the first person to sin
So god killed me again and again
I can die anytime i dont like being alone
I have the team at hands anytime i want
I cant live by myself cuz i can kill myself again
And it herts i cant do anymore to die for u
I wake up from a blank spell i dont dream and i dont get up to hurt u
I sleep peacefully with u too
I need a woman to live me and honor my code of respect
All i want from u is for to not leave me broke
My pockets are broke alll i get is becuz the money isnt right
Let me tell u something i forgot they took from me and i had to pay full price but this is the way its supppose to go
10cents is a ten dollors 1 sent u can make it 1 dollor to 1000...100 its more then its is
My mom has my money
Cuz i cant have mothing yet cuz i have non im suppose to lcive wit her im juat a kidd too i child at heart but im alll grown up
I can be 1 years old or two or goes to year billion of leave to back to when i died to die agian here i am to sleep again
I dont want to goo
I cant sleep anymore
I have to stay awake freedy kruger takes me
He puts me cardi to sleep i cuz im a killier
Just like freedy
I killed in my dream cuz well we just killed eacchother all the time
Im he. Ghost i can change my name is mystic
I cant go on nomore to nomore
Wit this ....when i died i died for u
They keep trying to catch me cuz. They took my ghost and all of my names
From biggie to tupac from imok to eminem
From 50ty to 5ocent .. I was told they told me that i was the new 5oty to cure the town i took out names but is lies i have all ready
They shot me. Again
I went down they keep being abusers
I hate gun fire i get scared
Please dont shoot at me
Im a kings im urs but i forgot my nieshiation im suppose to be a hero for all the gangs in the city thats when they took from me
Cuz i have god wit me
Bye for now
They keep saying to rob me
Yhey on my house
And they like to abuse me
Can u please help
Im a dead man im not a gurl
Im god and i live with alot of ppl
They protect me when im in and out
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