#i was taking it serious and then i forgot qho i came to where i went ???? and then lost it
bunkernine ยท 4 years
why x member wouldn't have fit in with the 7:
annabeth: not in a trio, no powers, bad at making friends, said something offensive but no one told her, intimidating to newbies, doesn't even talk to them and goes "๐Ÿ˜ why won't they talk to me", off handedly criticizes everyone with a "wow piper ur getting really good at fighting now but maybe next time do it how i showed you".... realistically, she could've been the 7th wheel but it doesn't phase her too much except when she remembers her old quests and all the shit she's been through and will still go through
percy: actually he fits in fairly well, this isn't a problem, he just doesn't call jason by his actual name but it's fine cause it's funny to everyone but jason but like percy genuinely just doesn't remember him. if anything, there are moments where he gets a little... dark and some of the newer demigods look away, uneasy.... he's a poor choice for a 7th wheel which would make an intriguing au
jason: obvious choice with his greek/roman dilemma, but also hazel and frank thinks he's a little scary, while leo and piper undermine him. he's ostracized because of the time frank threw something and jason chased it and came back with it in his mouth.... that was weird, they don't talk about it.... he's a solid choice for a 7th wheel tho because of the greek/roman, even if it isn't exactly a 7th wheel
piper: she's chill ngl, tho like, if she had been questioning through all of hoo and felt alone because she assumed everyone on the argo was straight (they're not ๐Ÿ’€) then that would be a fantastic choice on the basis that there is a happy ending for her, of course. idk her ability to be able to just talk to her dad whenever she wants is strange, especially considering how much of the seven dislikes their parents or don't have any. percy finds out she's rich and goes ๐Ÿคจ.... all together, a poor choice tho for ostracizing
leo: ๐Ÿ™„ literally any reason but the canon one. literally everything leo does can be isolating but the reason because he's not in a relationship is so ๐Ÿ˜ anyway, he's a pretty strong choice in general, just not that
hazel: out of touch with time, says a few strange things that make people's eyes widen or blink, is young compared to the rest, keeps blacking out from flashbacks. she's a very solid choice if you play on the time aspect or the loneliness of hades children but ehhhh there are better options
frank: they forgot him in new rome
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