#i was thinking about this because of angouleme reluctantly saying that ‘there were no takers when i got there. i was too old…’
hanzajesthanza · 1 month
it’s nice how the hanza dynamics initially established can sometimes compound with more character development further on…
as milva and regis are established to be action and words, doing and thinking, brawn and brains… this is very good on its own as how they are introduced in baptism of fire, but also…
their balanced approaches can be relevant to angoulême’s arc in the company because she has been so disconnected from her body by what she’s suffered, conditioned into thinking of her body as an object and bargaining chip… and with no credence ever given to her mind, soul, identity…
in milva’s domain of the physical body, she can become reconnected with her body, learn that her body is hers and not property of anyone’s… for once notice its movements, feel its feelings, not give it up to others, ignore its pain and retreat into numbness…
and in regis’ domain of thought and the metaphysical, she can recognize her mind and conceptualize herself as a person, immerse herself in her own thoughts and evaluate situations with prudence…
and these are also arcs which milva and regis had to accomplish in their individual respects… milva had to recognize her own bodily autonomy, regis had to sit and think about life…
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