#i was too lazy to change the bullet points so.. hopefully that doesn't fuck anything up
daemonoferror · 1 year
A date to Build-a-Bear with your Scarlet Hollow SO
Includes: Stella, Avery, Kaneeka, Oscar, Reese, and Wayne
Note: idk, earlier this year I got sad I couldn't just. Go to build a bear. So I started writing these. Reader is hardly mentioned but I did write it in the spirit of you being there.
• No clue how you got her there, but hey, you did it.
• Gretchen's going with you by the way, that's a given but I think important to mention.
• Go around Halloween, hopefully someday they'll have the mothman bear we've all dreamed of.
• Stella has so many ideas for what to make, though.
• Get a Halloween themed bear- no wait, a dog- no wait, this one looks really fucking stupid it's perfect- no wait-
• You have to go multiple times so she gets every bear she can think of.
• If she can make one look like Gretchen or a cryptid that'd be perfect
• But she'd also love to make a really screwed up, funny looking bear. Like-
• "Oh yeah, I noticed this one's missing an eye so. I'm getting this one." "This shirt has a typo on it, that's so funny i love it" "do you think they'll let me mismatch the shoes??" "a HOOK HAND ACCESSORY?! Well obviously I need that"
• You would not be able to tell a grown woman made this bear.
• She'll DIY it clothes later, it has it's own little wardrobe of wacky outfits
• She'll buy accessories she thinks Gretchen could wear.
• Lets Gretchen lick the heart before it's put in the bear
• Might get a sound effect heart but worries it'll be too annoying.
• If she got a scentiment it'd probably be the pumpkin one or... pizza? Because that existed, apparently?
• Names it something silly- an old man name like Harlod. Or give it a cryptid name.
• Absolutely fucking loved the date, she's already planning the next trip there.
• They'll think the idea is very cute.
• Make sure to go around spring/saint Patrick's day.
• Wants a flower print or green bear. (The point of going near saint Patrick's day is too ensure there's a shamrock bear to meet these requirements)
• Chooses the lavender scentiment for their bear.
• Will do that thing where you record a message for eachother's bear. They'll do a simple "I love you *kiss noise*" and it makes you swoon. They are SO perfect.
• You make a plant pun for their's, they love it no matter how stupid it is.
• They somehow make doing the heart ritual look cool?
• Finds a plant shirt and the bear's fate is sealed: they're gonna match :o
• The bear will be just as stylish as them (maybe more, I keep imagining Avery giving it a monocle accessory)
• Either names it after a plant- Like Magnolia or Clover- or names it the same way they name their plants (assuming they name their plants bc... who doesn't?)
• Very happy with the date and their bear, will show it off to everyone. Maybe it has a place at the diner- if they can find a spot garunteed to not get maple syrup spilled on it, anyways.
• She probably came up with the idea, but feels a little silly about it at first because it seems so childish.
• Go around Halloween to once again ensure the pick of a spooky lil bear
• She takes it very seriously- this is gonna be the best goddamn bear ever.
• There are 2 wolves fighting inside Kaneeka: The goth and the nerd.
• So she's having a difficult time choosing between whatever collab buildabear is doing at the time (superheroes, sonic, Mario, whatever) or making the coolest goth bear you've ever seen.
• Please just let her get both 🥺
• Thin mints cookie scentiment for one bear, coconut for the other.
• Will do a cute sound effect for her bear. She would suggest recording one for eachother, but she doesn't know what to say.
• She's not mismatching the collab bear, it's getting the accessories that was made for it.
• The goth bear will get the nicest outfit ever, in all blacks and dark colors.
• She'll also DIY it clothes to fit her aesthetic better
• Gives it a very pretty, elegant name, like Celeste or Audrey
• The other bear, she fills it out the exact way she would for the character, which just feels like extra work.
• "Why does Batman need a birth certificate? He's batman." Proceeds to do the right thing and names it Bruce Wayne and changes the birthday to the right birthday.
• Thinks it was the perfect date, and is really happy you went together.
• You'll be forced to take Rosalina and her friends with you, so not really a date. He'll see it as more of an outing for the kids, but it's kinda fun to participate.
• Gets the classic bear with brown, curly fur.
• Won't get a scent or a sound effect.
• Is a bit embarrassed to do the heart ritual, but turns it around quickly, joking that a teddy bear's heart transplant is no laughing matter.
• Won't want to get accessories because those cost money, but if you insist because you're paying, he'll cave and give it a dapper little suit and glasses. Maybe a top hat. A mini book to read. It'll be so cute.
• Gives it a bear pun or a book reference that no one gets for a name.
• Is very tired at the end of the day from being dragged around the mall by a bunch of tweens, but he gets home and still thinks it was a good day. Probably falls asleep with the bear. Though that will sadly be the only time, he keeps it on a night stand or bookshelf so it won't fall off and roll under the bed. He'd have a heartattack if he lost it.
• He never went to build a bear as a kid so this is gonna be so great for him.
• Picks out a very soft, cute bear
• Maybe like, the patchwork one with the sewed on heart? Idk why, if just seems right.
• He feels a little out of place, he's not used to cute things. He just sorta picks whatever he vibes with, and it comes out pretty cute and simple.
• He holds it very gently, like it could tear or fall apart at any second.
• Might buy a black or white shirt he can paint later, or a sweater so it doesn't get cold 🥺
• Paint brush accessory
• Blueberry scentiment, doesn't need any sound effects (unless there's a construction noises one LMAO)
• Doing the heart ritual heals his inner child
• Understuffs his bear just a little bit so it's softer
• Names it something absolutely BADASS "Nightmare" "Knight of Dreams" something awesome and cool idfk he's the creative one not me
• Has so much fun, might get sentimental about it. You can pry that bear from his cold dead hands.
• . . . Why?
• A goop monster walks into a kids store. Screaming and crying insues. And then you're alone in the store.
• The employees might even be out of there, they don't get paid even for this.
• He's just happy to be with you, does not give 2 shits about the teddy bear at first. He adores seeing you having fun, is happier that you're not doing something dangerous.
• DO NOT let him touch the damn bear until it has some washable clothes on!! He can POINT at what he wants!! >:(
• Gets a simple bear, either a very old fashion basic one or just gets the same as you.
• Snazzy little jacket to parallel his. He's fine with you picking out the accessories for him though.
• You make him do the heart ritual even with no employees around to force you to
• Which ends up getting pus and blood in the bear. . . Gross!
• Stuff his bear full of scentiments. No, the scent doesn't matter just- just put them all in. Yeah, it's just to rival the smell of rotting flesh.
• Wayne gives it a very specific name, one you get the feeling comes from someone he knew long ago...
• Since the employees left, please just. Leave some money on the counter. It's okay if you don't pay for the 15 scentiments stuffed inside Wayne's bear. Yeah, no, it's really fine, trust me.
• Wayne will cherish this bear forever, and is extremely careful with it, even though it inevitably gets dirty a few days later anyways.
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