#i was watching this video by shanspeare about this tiktok femininity coaching trend and the aestheticizing of racism
nephiliam · 6 months
Feeling rage at the state of everything on earth and wanting to kill every single corporate behind it again
It's all fucking money, oppression, societal ruling systems and the belief that you have to earn the right to even live. No one wants to follow the roots that made this happen, it's all ignored or made into a temporary fad to be forgotten
How much change can we make when those unmaking those changes persist in existing? How long is the stupid back-and-forth battle going to last?
It's not fair that so many people are left to die and be erased because they aren't the 'perfect white family' standard when that standard doesn't even exist nor should any fucking standard that gates people from their right to be alive.
The mere concept of earning the right to do anything like eat, sleep, breathe, being housed, being able to bathe and just to be comfortable is fucking stupid.
UGHHH my head hurts
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