#i wasn't fond of the second story 'Sugar my baby' actually
spirit-of-anime · 1 year
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Sugar My Baby (story : Neon My Star) - by Tsuno  Natsume
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atticoratticus · 1 year
Hello it's been a while, time for a rant about Tokyo Revengers because I binged the entire thing in the span of like 2 days a couple weeks ago and I'm literally obsessed (slight manga spoilers below)
So after I got caught up to jjk I just decided to pick up TR for the sake of reading something. I tried the anime a bit before that because a lot of my online friends loved it, but the anime just didn't do it for me. I especially wasn't fond of Takemichi because of how much secondhand embarrassment I got from him.
For me the manga was so much easier to work through, even though in the first half there were still a lot of moments where I was bordering on throwing my phone across the room (not an issue with the story itself, just me being dramatic).
I feel like for me personally TR was a relatively slow starting series in the sense that it took a while to fully hook me on the story, which was kinda frustrating at times. The writing is kinda inconsistent at times and a lot of the plot points get sort of jumbled, especially towards the end, but in a weird way it works??? Idk man.
It's very much a story where you read for the characters first and plot second (at least in my experience, idk if anyone else feels the same there), which personally is something that works very well with my taste in manga. Some of the characters are pretty flat and only really have one or two defining traits, but all of the major characters are well developed and fleshed out.
I am a raging Mitsuya and Draken simp. I'm not gonna sugar coat it shhfbbdbs
Like I am SO down bad for both of them it's actually insane, they're just... omg. And it's weird because I went into the series fully expecting for Mikey to be my favorite, when after finishing he's not even in my top 5 characters.
Takemichi is a character I'm relatively conflicted on. He has a hell of a lot of development throughout the series which I loved to see, but it always felt like there was something lacking in a way? But then again, that does work pretty well because he's meant to be an underdog character who no one really expects much of at first
I will say that Taiju is hands down my least favorite character. Just for personal reasons I can't bring myself to like him, though I do appreciate how his character wasn't watered down to make it more digestible. Honestly I think part of the reason why I like Mitsuya so much is how he dealt with Taiju during the Christmas battle, I absolutely cried reading that.
SPEAKING OF CRYING. oh my god, I have not cried this much while reading any series in actual YEARS. the ending had me bawling like an absolute baby, it just hit so hard. Even rereading the ending still has the same impact on me, it's actually insane. The rereadability factor is through the roof.
The last 70~ chapters were both extremely necessary and unnecessary at the same time. Going back and getting a happy ending for everyone was such an overwhelming moment for me, but I feel like it definitely could have been cut down a fair amount just to keep things from dragging on. It would have been cool to see an ending that still had some level of loss, because while everyone surviving and being happy was super nice to see, it didnt really fit with the themes of the rest of the series. But hey, we also got to see Mitsuya with long hair so thats why it was so necessary (/hj. Maybe. Idk he's just overwhelmingly attractive to me)
I promise I don't only have criticisms I promise, bear with me-
The twists were genuinely so well done most of the time, like I was clutching my pillow with an iron grip for most of the series. I think the only ones that didn't really land well for me was that Mucho (the 5th division captain) was a traitor, and that's mainly because we never knew who he was prior. It sorta felt like it came out of no where? But then again we got to see way more of Sanzu so it's all good akfjjdjs
Pretty much every character was made well enough where you genuinely cared about what happened to them, and for a good amount of the antagonists you could at least understand why they acted the way the did (even if that takes a fair bit of mental gymnastics, but yk). Whenever a chatacter died, even if they weren't immensely important to the plot, you felt their death in your soul because of how heartwrenching those scenes were as well as how others characters reacted to it. If you say you didn't cry at least once during the series, I simply don't believe you.
I have a lot more thoughts on the series because I barely covered most of it, and the characters too I feel like I can talk a lot more about, but I don't feel like writing a whole other character analysis essay like I did for jjk, so I'll leave it here for now.
Overall the story was a huge surprise for me, because I didn't expect something to immediately rocket to becoming one of my top two series in general. Jjk has better writing in my opinion, but I enjoyed reading TR way more. I already have reread the series once, and I'm on the verge of reading it again for a third time already sjdjfn
I love this series flaws and all, because it doesn't need to be perfectly written to have such a great impact
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supersizemeplz · 5 years
Nose Wide Open
CountryBoy!Erik Stevens x Black PlusSized Reader
Another #supersizedfic short. I'm southern, but this doesn't really scream it. I really tried though. Enjoy!
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Sun spilled over the front yard, reflecting off the tiny speckled dew that frosted the grass. Trimmed bushes lined the front of the house with beautiful roses here and there. The wind chime that hung from beside the green vines swayed gently in the morning breeze. You rested lazily in the white cushioned chair that occupied the porch, reading a novel you bought a week before. Some love story that you were deeply into.
Beside you, a small circular table sat to match the chair you were in. It held your glass of lemonade that sat atop a floral coaster, next to a small vase of fresh looking flowers. A small tag hanging from it with a cute note from Erik.
The rumbling of a familiar pick up truck caught your attention before it's golden paint caught your eye. It eased into the shade of your driveway, right behind your car. Excitement sparked within you and you had to stop yourself from jumping up to greet him. Once the engine went silent, that bun of dreads popped out. Erik shut the door behind him, smiling as he rounded the truck. His jeans were tucked into his dusty Georgia boots, but his white tee wasn't tucked in today. Though you were sure his belt with his last name stamped into the leather hugged his waist.
"Mornin, princess! You're up early." His accent as thick as honey.
You grinned with a playful eye roll, closing your book and resting it on your lap. Sitting up straight, you watched as he approached the stairs. That gold chain peeking from beneath his shirt. "I could say the same for you, Stevens. You missed me, huh?"
Erik chuckled, slowing as he got to the steps. Taking his time, he took in your appearance as he ascended them. A sundress comforted your body, afro freed and skin glowing. "Every second we're apart, baby girl.." He put a hand over his heart, giving you that charming smile of his. "..and I came to see what your pretty self had planned for today." He stepped onto the porch, both hands in his pockets as he looked over at you. You felt your cheeks heat up and your lips give in to a smile.
You sat your book on the table, shrugging lightly as you looked up at him. "Nothing really. I was just gonna take a lazy day since I'm off.." Standing, your bare feet pressed against the dark stained wood. "What did you have in mind, Mr. Stevens?" You walked to stand beside his relaxed figure against the porch railing, looking at him over your shoulder. His eyes followed you until you stood at his side.
He smirked, standing from his relaxed posture to stand by you. His right hand rested over your left atop the railing, his thumb massaging over your soft skin. "Nothing really. I was just gonna do some work for my aunt, tend to the horses and stuff. I was hoping you'd tag along?"
You smirked, nodding slowly before you chuckled. He knew you'd never turn down a chance to visit his aunt.  "Give me two minutes.." He nodded, holding up his imaginary watch and tapping his wrist.
Just as promised, you'd returned two minutes later with shoes. As well as your over the shoulder. He'd led you to the truck, opening the passenger door with a smile. You took his awaiting hand, allowing him to help you up into the high truck. Which you believed he really enjoyed doing. When you thanked him after getting seated, he replied with 'my pleasure, sweetness'.
Not long after, he'd climbed into the car and pulled out the driveway. With the grace of a falling feather, smooth and gentle. You smiled softly at the fuzziness you felt riding with him. His hand would soon find your hand, giving it a small squeeze so you would look at him. Like he just did. Then he'd flash you a smile that'd make your heart flutter. Like the one on his face now.
"You good, princess?" The teasing in his voice was evident, making you shift in your seats. You gave a nod, liking how your hand felt in his.
Your body eased further into the seats to calm itself as you admired the black leather of the interior, mentally approving of the golden touches here and there. Your eyes found him laid back comfortably while he drove. Erik was too handsome for his own good and your eyes didn't attempt to stop their admiring anytime soon. It took him catching you to look away, blushing at his chuckle when he met your stare with a glance of his own. Those dimples of his deepened and he licked his lips.
He leaned forward, inches from your lips as he smiled. His fingertips held your chin, slowly easing you closer. "How are you so damn pretty?" You melted at his voice, taking in the faint smell of his cologne before he pulled back. With a teasing smirk on his lips and a wink. "Lets get to it, princess."
You couldn't help the little pout of your lips as you watched him get out of the truck. Mumbling a soft 'good lord' as you relaxed against the seat. You hadn't realized you'd made it. He came around to open your door, helping you out of the truck. Smiling at the dazed look on your face.
You avoided the smirk he held, looking to the barn ahead of you. As well as the area for the horses next to it. The screen door to the house closed, catching both you and Erik's attention. His aunt, Nina, waved at you both. Erik smiled as she came to where you both stood beneath the shade of the oak tree. "Hey, auntie."
She walked up to him with open arms, giving him a hug as greeting. "Hey, baby.. About time you brought your girlfriend back up here to see me. How you doin', sugar?"
You looked to Erik with a raised eyebrow, smirking as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm fine, Ms. Nina. How are you?" His girlfriend you say?
"I'm still working on that, auntie. Don't scare her off.." He teased, chuckling as you all laughed.
She wrapped her arm with yours as she playfully waved him off, heading towards the house. "I'm fine, baby.. and call me auntie, sugar. We're basically family. Why don't we catch up inside while Erik feeds the horses?" You agreed, giving another teasing look back at Erik before heading to the house. To which he gave back a wink.
Once you'd both gotten in, Aunt Nina fixed two glasses of lemonade. She sat across from you at the table as she caught you up on her life since you'd last seen her. Amusing short stories and questions of her own for you. Though when she asked a particular question, though it was bound to pop up, it still made you ponder.
What's going on with you and my nephew?
You didn't answer instantly as you'd rehearsed in your head a few times before. To be honest, you had no idea. You and Erik were great friends, you'd trained yourself to think. Just friends. Of course, Erik hinted at his fondness of you. It just hadn't clicked yet. He was almost to good to be true.
Nina placed her hand over yours, rubbing her thumb against your skin to soothe you. "You shouldn't over think it, honey. Erik's a great guy and I can tell you that he really cares for you. It's hard for Erik to show his emotional side, but with you.." She chuckled, nodding before she sipped her drink. "..with you, it's something special. He's head over heels for you. And you ain't hear it from me.. but when he's around me and on the phone with you, he's smiling from ear to ear. I don't see how his cheeks aren't sore after y'all conversations."
You laughed out at that, having the privilege of facetiming him once and catching his raised cheeks numerous times.
You looked out the window to where he was carrying bales of hay from the barn to the horses. A smile graced your lips as you watched him. Nina stood from her seat, walking to the cabinet. "How about you take him something to drink, baby?" She filled the glass with lemonade and brought it to you. Accepting it, you stood with a nod. "I'm sure he misses you too."
You headed back into the shining sun, making your way across the yard. Erik rolled his shoulders after dropping another bale of hay at his stack. He looked over to you, smiling as soon as he caught sight of your face. "So you do care about me.." Giving a teasing wink, he accepted the cold refreshment. Taking a sip as you admired him.
A dark wife beater now fit his frame, showcasing his broad shoulders and chest. His arms were glistening with sweat and you could really see the definition of his arms. As if you'd needed help in the first place.
"What makes you think I don't care about you, Stevens? You're my ride home." You teased back, looking up at him under your lashes. He laughed out loud at that, looking at you in amusement when he calmed.
"I forget how funny you are, princess. A beautiful woman with many surprises.. No wonder I like you so much." He licked his lips, walking with you into the shade of the massive oak tree.
You shrugged, shyly as you both stopped. "I've heard it's hard not to."
He chuckled, taking another sip of his drink. Looking back to the house, he motioned his head towards it. "So you and Aunt Nina had a good talk, huh? You were in there a while."
You nodded, "We did. I always love our talks. She's easy to talk to"
"Yeah, she's my go to for advice.." He confessed. "What did you two talk about? Me?"
He took another sip of his drink, catching a drop of liquid with his tongue before it fell from his full lips. You felt the butterflies dance in your stomach as you looked away. "Yeah, actually.. About us. How she can see that you really like me.."
He rubbed the back of his neck again. Something you'd notice he did when he was nervous. "I've confessed to her once or twice with how much I like you. But she seen it before I said anything. In her words, you got my nose wide open."
You smiled up at him, slipping your hand into his. Stepping closer to him, you brought your free hand up to play with the coils of his beard. Which he really liked you doing. "I supposed its a good thing that I feel the same way about you, huh?"
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