#i wasnted to bath her with cherries but stuff happened >.>
xs-xs · 5 years
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nooooo im not lateee, iTS STILL HER BDAY MONTH KSKDJDK
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futurepurplepaladin · 6 years
When I’m With You I’m Home- Part 1
Anonymous: 11+15+73+81 for lance reuniting with an s/o he left on earth
11) “Wow, you look… amazing.”
15) ““When I’m with you, I’m home.”
73) ““Please don’t say goodbye.”
81) “Come with me.”
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Word Count: ALOT
Who: Lance x Reader
Warnings: Nope clean fluff- one cuss word (H E Double Hockey Sticks)
Hope you enjoy!!!
“Bye, Auntie!”
“Bye, y/n, be back before sundown- I dont want you out in the dark!”
“Alrightie- byeeee!”
You closed the door of the small house you and your aunt shared, then closing the gate in front. FOr some reason that gate never closed right, leaving a loud bang of metal behind you.
You walked quickly off your steps, reaching for your surfboard as you sprint down to the ocean.
Your house was very close to the ocean, a 5 minute walk at the most. Today was one of those blissful days; no tourists, no surfer guys trying to grab your attention- complete and utter calm.
You sat on the warm sand, relishing the feeling of scrunching your toes in the softness. You were wearing a “Coca Cola” crop top, which you took off for the long day ahead. You wore your traiditonal bathing suit, a white halter top bikini set. You tied your hair up into a quick bun (which you knew would come out during a wipe out), strapped the board to your ankle, and rain for the waves.
Surfing took your mind off everything. Off the “accident.” The sorrow your town still felt, even though it had happened a year and a half ago. You still saw the McClains’ to this day, and seeing their smiles etched still with pain hurt you more than the fact everyone “pretended” Lance was alive even though they secretly gossiped that he was dead. It reminded you that you were just like them: still hurting.
Lance and you had been friends since childhood, running with sticks, pretending they were lightsabers and running after lizards. You guys were inspereable. He was the one who taught you how to surf. You were the one who introduced him to space. The whole neighborhood used to tease you two when you were young calling LAnce your “Little Lover” and you his “Little Miss.” You both pretended you hated it, looking at each other in disgust. You usual reaction was to give him a dirty look and say “HIm?” UGHHHHHH!”, and to make a barfing noise. LAnce’s usual thing was puff out his chest and say, “Me and her? Nuh uh, Im a bachelor- I got to many ladies to pick through!”
Forever it was like that- pretending to only be friends, until the day you two began to grow up, seeing not their chilldhood friend but a crush.
Both you and Lance enrolled into the Garrison, and you both got in. You waited to open up your GArrison letters together, and you to met at the beach, ripping up your letters feverishly. You pulled out the acceptance letters and you both screamed in glee. Lance had grabbed your hand, making you dance in the wet sand as waves lapped at your feet, him still screaming and you laughing out of glee.
Then came the “Congratulation” parties, then the Going Away parties, then off to the Garrison you went.
You had excpected to be in Lance’s team (being the engineer), but you didnt. You two were upset- but quickly got over it saying- “Its for the best. We gotta part ways some days Feo.” You used his nickname on him, and he laughed nervously. But Lance began to drift away, and as hard as you tried to keep him with you- you couldnt. His new friends, and his rivalry with Keith was keeping him to busy to be with you, and you began to not love LAnce but despise him. He kept running off, getting people in trouble, and he wasnt being the same. HUnk and Pidge were nice, you had classes with them, so they weren’t the issue.
You confronted LAnce one night, the very night he disappeared. Your bottled up emotions exploded when he told you he was sneaking off outside the GArrison.
“So, your just going to leave?! Because Lance does what he wants, when he wants to, huh?” you yelled glaring at him.
“I dont need you to tell me what I cant or cant do! You dont control me!”
“You’re being an idiot, Lance!”
“Your just jealous Im doing better than you! You don't want to see me do well and have fun- you didnt help me when Keith was being a jerk, because you know Im more talented, more social, and more fun than you are! You barely have friends, while everyone knows my name!”
“First of all-” you know what, forget it you wouldnt understand!” you felt tears pickling your eyes. “Just go.”
Lance knew you like the back of his hand- he knows when he over stepped it.
“Wait- y/n, Im sorry, i didnt really-”
“JUST GO!” you looked up at him, letting you tears run freely, and you walked to your room, and slammed the door, sliding down against it, and broke down.
You replayed this moment for the millionth time as you sat on your surfboard, where the waves were calm.
You felt guilty for that night, feeling it was your fault for pushing LAnce away. You saw LAnce’s rivalry with Keith as stupid, knowing Keith was a better pilot, but didnt want to hurt your friend’s feelings by telling him that. He started to get mad and wanted somebody to listen after you would change the subject quickly when he brought it up, so he started talking to Hunk, who was to nice NOT to listen. You had no friends (besides maybe Pidge and HUnk) because you were so busy trying to get back LAnce, even though he kept brushing you off. You felt you had lost your best friend, and maybe it could have been something more. It wasnt your fault, you knew that, but- you wished you had done something different. Didnt deal with him like that.
The waves calmed you. Bittersweet moments like this came back to you, and little moments with LAnce you treasured. The times you would trip on cracks in the road when you were little, and he was the one that bandaged your cuts. The time your were Leia and he was Han for Halloween. The time he surprised you with a birthday cake for your birthday, but had forgotten to add sugar, and in an attempt to cover up the very flat cake had put globs of icing as big as ice cream scoops all over. You smiled at this one, remembering how the taste was so terrible that you spit the cake out in his face, and he was running around grossed out of his mind with half eaten cake all over his front while you sat laughing so hard your stomach hurt for hours after the incident.
You felt a tear roll off your cheek. You wiped it away. Remembering hurt, but forgetting would hurt worse.
The sun began to set, and you realized you had to go home.
You sighed, because everything was perfect- the sand was cast in a golden honey glow as the sun began to lay upon the horizon. The water was being colored not blue, but soft shades of baby pink, fiery red, and hibiscus orange. The air was cool, and the smell of sea salt filled your noise.
The day had been a long one. You did have some wipe outs, which made your your hair turn into loose ringlets from the sea salt. You brushed your hair to the side, and began to pick up your things until-
A faint sound of a purr came over you, something was flying-you gasped, seeing a blue robotic lion fly past your head and to the far side of the beach.
You gasped. It couldn’t be-
You began to fast walk cautiously to the giant cat. Was it really him? How the hell is he here? Where has he been? Is it really him?
You saw the lion, far off, beginning to crouch. It opened its large mouth, and you saw a man clawed in blue armor step out-he was paler than before, his hair was longer, but it had to be-
“LANCE!” you screamed, realizing who was in front of you. You broke into a run, trying to catch your footing on the sand. You saw him turn to face you, and you were close enough know to see his face break into a huge smile.
“Y/N!!!” He screamed back, breaking into a run just like yours.
You grabbed each other, and held on tight. Loads of questions began to fill your mouth, and all Lance could do was repeat, “I’ve missed you, I’ve missed you guys so much!” Into your hair.
“Lance where have you been, everyone’s been worried sick, I’ve missed you, I thought you were dead, what happened, God I wanted to say sorry to you for so long- Ive MISSED YOU!” You wanted to cry- the thing you wanted most was back in your life: Lance was back.
He spun you in the air, like he did so many years ago on the day you were accepted into the Garrison. You both laughed, and you stayed there, him holding your waist, and you having your hands wrapped around his neck.
“I’ve missed you a lot Lance…” you smiled softly, putting your forehead on his. The butterflies came back, tickling your stomach gently.
“I’ve missed you a lot too y/n- I’ve always wanted to tell you something and I was always too scared to- but I realized life’s too quick to keep stuff to yourself.”
You were hanging on to his every word, anticipating what he’d say. He looked nervous, almost embarrassed to say what he was trying to tell you, and that made the butterflies fly around in your stomach more fiercely than before.
“I like you y/n, like a lot, and I know you probably-“
In a spurt of courage and happiness, you grabbed his face and kissed him.
Sparks flew- he tasted like cherries, you tasted like salt water.
You pulled apart, realizing your feet were back in the sand again- “Wow”, LAnce said breathlessly.
You chuckled softly, watching his light blue eyes turn indigo in the Cuban sunset.
Realization hit him, noticing you were only in your bathing suit.
“Wow, you look amazing,” he didn’t say this in his flirty voice, he didn’t mean it like that- it shocked you to hear he was genuinely complimenting you (for once).
And you did. You found surfing was your outlet to deal with Lance’s dissapaperance. But it wasn’t always like this though. For a long time, the grief of Lance cost you to kind of give up. The Garrison brought back to many painful memories, so you left. When you got back home, that brought me memories to; you stayed in your room, you didn’t come out for meals- it was like you disappeared too. But in an attempt to bring you back, your Aunt lovingly locked you out of the house and told you not to come back until you did something OUTSIDE of your room. You sat on the ground for a while, confused on what to do: it had been awhile since you had been outside. You opened your garage, and saw Lances blue and white surfboard- he had left it at your house before leaving- you grabbed it, feeling a surge of new found energy. You grabbed it and ran to the ocean.
You got addicted- your aunt almost called the police one night because she thought you got kidnapped- but she went down to ocean and found you there, swimming in the pitch black waves. She literally almost had a heart attack- but she knows better than to stop you. It helps you.
Now your muscles were taught, your personality was back, and you could think clearer than before.
“Im glad your home,” you say softly, putting your head in the crook of his neck.
“When Im with you…. Im home,” he replied, holding you tightly and stroking your hair.
You breathing hitched, hearing these few words that meant everything, but you breathed out again and smiled.
Realization swarmed you, your smile turned straight,, and you pushed off his body. LAnce was shocked and confused, and you shouted, “Where have you been?”
Lance’s blush deepened, and he scratched his neck- “Well, um- its kind of a long sto-”
“Getting busy over there LAnce?” a voice taunted in front of you; the voice was undefiable as male or female- but you recognized it at once.
“Wait is that- PIDGE?”
Part 2 comin soon!
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lcstxlcve · 6 years
make me admit stuff || fighr me jazzi 
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? yes2. You talked to an ex today, correct? yes 3. Have you taken someones virginity? yes4. Is trust a big issue for you? yes5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?i slept with her6. What are you excited for? getting married and a couple other things 7. What happened tonight? nothing yet8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? nope9. Is confidence cute? hella10. What is the last beverage you had? milk 11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? one 12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? yes…13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? abbie 14. What are you going to spend money on next?furniture 15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? yup16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? idk probably 17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? abbie18. The last time you felt broken? two-ish weeks ago 19. Have you had sex today? not yet 20. Are you starting to realize anything? how lucky i am 21. Are you in a good mood? yes22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? already have 23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?unfortunately 24. What do you want right this second? eat ice cream 25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? wasnt cooley right?26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?yes
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? nope28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? psycho fell off the couch 29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? no30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? nope31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? yes 32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? boy i hope so 33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? yeah 34. Listening to? machine by hi im case35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? yes but i prefer blood 36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? probably at home idk 37. Do you believe in love at first sight? i barely believe in love38. Who did you last call? my mom39. Who was the last person you danced with? idk 40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? because i was happy and love her v much 41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? a month ago?42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?nope
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? i dont embarrass myself. period. 44. Do you tan in the nude? wouldnt you like to know45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? never in a million years46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? every night47. Who was the last person to call you? abbie48. Do you sing in the shower? ask abbie49. Do you dance in the car? nope50. Ever used a bow and arrow? yup and a lot of other things51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? never???52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? a good kind, but not always 53. Is Christmas stressful? it depends on whos coming 54. Ever eat a pierogi? eat what??55. Favorite type of fruit pie? i like abbies pie but cherry ig 56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? serial killer57. Do you believe in ghosts? nope58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? why do i feel like ive answered this before?59. Take a vitamin daily? i take a lot of things daily 60. Wear slippers? nope61. Wear a bath robe? no 62. What do you wear to bed? boxers and a tank top 63. First concert? mcr64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? target 65. Nike or Adidas? nike66. Cheetos Or Fritos? cheetos wtf67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? peanuts 68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? safe and sound69. Ever take dance lessons? yes 70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? i can only picture he doing me 71. Can you curl your tongue? yeah 72. Ever won a spelling bee? i didnt even go to school 73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? nope74. What is your favorite book? fahrenheit 451 75. Do you study better with or without music?with 76. Regularly burn incense? nope77. Ever been in love? once 78. Who would you like to see in concert? the killers 79. What was the last concert you saw? mcr80. Hot tea or cold tea? cold81. Tea or coffee? tea82. Favorite type of cookie? oatmeal raison 83. Can you swim well? dont know how 84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? yeah 85. Are you patient? depends86. DJ or band, at a wedding? band87. Ever won a contest? so many 88. Ever have plastic surgery? dont need it 89. Which are better black or green olives? neither but black if  had to choose 90. Opinions on sex before marriage? do it 91. Best room for a fireplace? the bathroom 92. Do you want to get married? im already married to the most amazing woman in the world and im marrying her again, so yes. 
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adultstories4u · 5 years
My parents were alcoholics and they got drunk and argued nightly till one or both would pass out. It was a every weekend thing. On this particular weekend my sister went to stay the weekend with a friend. As usual my parents got drunk and argued loudly waken me up. I could hear my dad yell go to the dam bootlegger and get more beer now. With that i heard the door slam.
I tried to get back to sleep, as i layed there my bedroom door opened and my dad said michelle are you awake. My dad was a mean drunk so i ignored him and just kept my eyes closed pretending to be asleep. Again he said michelle are you awake. I heard my door close. It was quit so i peeked through my eye lids and could see my dad standing right beside my bed. My night light put off enough light i barely could see he had his hands in front of him doing something. I closed my eyes tight. My dad reached down and picked up my hand pulling it towards him. I felt him put something wet and slimy in the palm of my hand and then pull my hand closer to him. As he put something hard in the palm of my hand he used his hand to make mine grip tighter around what ever was in my hand and to hold it. It started sliding back and forth in our hands moving slow. He would squeeze my hand making me squeeze my hand around it even more. After a few mins he started moving our hands up and down it as he was moving. Faster and faster till he dropped my hand and turned to the side facing away from me. It was then i could see he had his thing in his hand pumping it. I seen something shoot out into the floor. He turned and left my room.
The next day he acted like nothing happened so i went along with it. That afternoon my parents were already drinking, by my bedtime my mom couldnt even stand up. Im not sure how long i had been asleep when i felt someone picking up my hand. I peeked through my eye lashes and seen it was my dad again. Just like the night before he started using my hand in his to move up and down his thing. Only this time as he did he took his free hand and started rubbing on my panty covered pussy. He done this till he turned and shot his stuff in my floor again. This happened over and over the next few weekends. I wasnt sure what to do cause like ibsaid before my dad was a mean drunk.
So i kept quit and just always pretended to be asleep. The next weekend my sister had to go on a school trip over the weekend and a parent had to go with her so that meant my mom would be gone all weekend. That afternoon my dad was already getting drunk and was pretty lit when i went to bed. And just like all the nights before he waited till i went to sleep before he came into my room. This time inwas awake and peeking as he came into my room and i could see he didnt have any clothes on and his thing was already hard sticking out. He walked up to the bed and rubbed his thumb over my lips, slowly he pushed his thumb into my mouth moving it in and out of mouth. He took it out and i felt something else push against my lips trying to push into my mouth. I opened my eyes and turned my head. My dad looked down at me and said good your awake. Sit up. I ignored him, he reached down and grabbed my arm yanking me up to the sitting position. He tried to push his thing into my mouth and again i turned my head. He said be a good girl.
Sex stories: Family camping trip Again he pushed it to my lips, i turned my head again. This time as i turned my head he slapped me hard and yelled be a good girl and open your fucking mouth. With tears running down my cheeks he pushed his thing into mouth. First just the head of it was in mouth. He said suck on it like a sucker and move your tounge around on it. As he pulled it back i moved my head causing it to come out of mouth. He slapped me again harder than the first time.
Advertisements I said be a fucking good girl and do what i tell you. He placed one hand on one side of my face and the other hand on the other side and squeezed my my face as he pushed his thing back into my mouth and began moving my head as he pushed his thing in and out of my mouth. He started moving faster trying to push more into mouth making me gag. Move your tounge around on it. Now im fixing to shoot something into your mouth and you are to swallow every drop. Right then i felt it feel like it got bigger in mouth and jerk, he grunted and my mouth was filled with a sour salty tasting slime. So much of it filled my mouth i couldnt swallow it all. He patted the top of my head and left my room.
The next night he didnt wait for me to fall asleep, he followed me into my room after i took my bath and i just had a towel on. Lay on the bed and spread your legs. Which i did. He rubbed his fingers up and down my little pussy trying to push his fingers inside me. I yelled it hurts please stop. He looks down at me i figured it would be to small right now.
Sex stories: Mom caught me masturbating Turn over on to your stomach. I hesitated he grabs my arm and yanked me over onto my stomach and spanked my bare bottom. As i layed there crying he started pushing his finger into my butt. I squirmed and wiggled trying to move away from him. So he stradled my legs and said just relax. With that he starting fingering my butt. I felt him put 2 fingers in and began moving them. I begged him to stop he just laughed. As he removed his fingers i felt him trying to push something else in my butt so i looked back as the head of his thing slid in me. Screamed and kicked threw my arms back he just pushed more in and pinned my arms to the bed. He held still and said relax. I cried and yelled it hurts please dad stop. It only seem to make him more excited as he pushed more of his thing in me. Slowly he pulled back till i could fell like it was gonna come out and then pushed it back in side as far as he could. Over and over he thrust his thing in me. Slowly getting faster and pumping harder, his breathing getting faster with grunts and groans. He pushed in as far as he could holding it deep inside me. I could fell it swelling and jerk as i feel hot liquid fill my butt. My dad collapses on me trying catch his breath as i lay there crying. He strokes my hair saying how tight my butt is and looks forward to stretching it more and really looking forward to popping my pussy cherry. I feel his thing getting smaller and slide out of me. He climbs off me and leaves the room.
The post Daddy begins appeared first on Desi Stories.
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