#i went insane and wrote all 1.2k words of this in under 40 minutes
theferal-possum · 7 months
hey so nobody knows this blog but i got out of control while telling my friend about a writing a prompt i thought of and so now im giving it to you fire emoji (below the clip)
au where lance had his schoolbag for some reason (he doesnt know why he grabbed it, he likes to think it was the universe letting him have things from home to remind him that yes, he will make it back) and as they reach the edge of the solar system, his bag starts to ring, his familiar ringtone playing throughout the lion.
he's not quite sure why he decided to go on a hunt to find a charger to get it's battery up, maybe fate playing with the strings a bit to get it to happen, he's not sure.
it's what the paladins have deemed as "night-time," around 9pm back on earth. he was nearly asleep but is now clambering for his bag, worn from the years he's spent using it in space. he rips the phone from it, staring in disbelief that he was able to get a signal from all the way out here.
the words are clear on his screen, though his eyes are blurring them, tears threatening to fall.
his hands are shaky as he clicks the accept button. the heart threatening to beat out of his chest the only thing assuring him that it isnt a dream.
it's quiet for a moment, before his mother's quiet words ring through his ears.
she sounds as if she's aged 10 years in only 5, but her voice was still heavy with that slight spanish accent, worn from years of english, that used to scold him and tell lance how much she loves him. but it's everything he's missed. and he can't helps the way his voice breaks when he says,
"mamá. oh mamá we're coming home."
lance doesn't know why, after the call with his mother ends, he calls keith. sure they're friends now but he hasn't been sure if theyre that close yet.
but he does anyways.
it only rings for a second, the image of keith appearing on his screen. pajamas on, and kosmo laying their head in his lap, with his comm pad held lazily in one hand. the screen lit up with one of the crosswords allura had given them to help with their altean.
"hey man, what's up? you alright? you look like you've been crying."
he leans forward in the chair, much to kosmos dislike, his eyes squinting and brow furrowed in concern.
lance suddenly feels concious of how he looks, eyes red and puffy, but just wipes at his eyes, looking at the side of his controls rather than the screen.
"yeah, it's just uh. i got a call from my mom, from my old phone. and i just, i don't know."
keith sits up fully in his seat, although knocking kosmo's head off fully, and clicks his comm pad off and setting it onto the floor.
"dude, really?! i'm surprised you got signal all the way out here. but i'm glad for you! how was she doing?"
keith looks genuinely happy for him, not something lance often had the privilege to see.
"she's uhm."
he takes a moment to steel himself. taking a deep breath as he reminds himself that he won't have to talk about only memories of her the next day. it won't hurt to talk about her.
"she's doing good, she was uh. really happy to hear from me. says she called me every week just to see if i would maybe pick up."
and lance's heart can't help but break, as he thinks about his mamá, face creased with worry, sat with her phone in hand, hoping her son would pick up. hoping that he would come back. that he would come home.
"she uh, only starting calling once or twice per month after the first year, so i guess i got lucky. it was really nice to hear her voice again. i almost forgot."
(his face falls, as he thinks of the countless nights that he'd try. try to hard to remember what she sounded like. how she rolled her r's, how she sounded as she yelled at him to do his chores faster, how she said i love you. he could never get it just right.)
"it's funny honestly, i used to hope for the day that i wouldn't have to hear it as much. i'd mock her voice from behind my door after an argument. but now i can't even imagine that. i guess, you don't know how much you'd miss something until you lose it.
and i know it seems silly to miss her this much considering we were gone only 2 years. but for her it was five. and at some points i wasn't–"
his voice begins to crack, his hand gripping the edge of his seat so hard that his fingers were white. the tears in his eyes threatening to fall.
"–i wasn't sure if i'd ever see her again. if i'd be able to tell her that i was coming home."
lance gives a watery laugh, rubbing his hand on the back of his head as he realises that he just dumped that all on keith.
“sorry that was, kind of a ramble.”
he finally looks back up at the screen, tears pricking the back of his eyes as he tries not to cry again. keith is staring at seemingly nothing just behind the screen, face drawn up in an expression lance can't decipher. thoughtfulness? he's not quite sure. but he doesn't have time to figure it out before keith speaks again, his gaze falling down to the floor as he starts to fidget with the string on his sweatpants.
"i understand what you mean. and im not trying to make this about me but, after spending two years on a space whale, i learned theres a lot of things you don't realise you'll miss."
he looks up, his face almost determined as he looks at lance directly now.
"but hey, you'll get to see her tomorrow, you won't have to miss her for much longer."
lance nods, smiling as a warmth spreading through his chest. he feels a renewed hope for the next day. he was going to go home.
(little note but the idea that theres a big group that surrounds the lions after they land, which the paladins get lost in immediately
and so lance is desperately searching through the crowd trying to find his family, before seeing keith waving and pointing almost frantically, but a smile on his face.
and as the crowd moves his mamá comes into view, standing next to keith
she calls out to lance, and he immediately runs over, engulfing her in a hug that lasts, definitely more than 20 seconds, and once he pulls away she starts tearfully rambling about how much she missed him, how she always knew in her heart that he'd come back, etc. etc.
but after a moment wipes the tears from her eyes and cheerfully exclaims that she was struggling to find him before keith had helped her, saying how nice he is, mother stuff yk
and keith is looking away blushing slightly from the compliments, and lance just looks at him and thanks him with such a genuine tone that keith cant help but smile fondly at him)
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