#i went off what i could find on pinterest bc i do nawt have the patience to go through performance videos looking for the best asses
sluttywoozi · 27 days
Now that boobie ranking is done, we need you to rank svt ass 😼😈😎🤯🥴🫣
i will rank the best! boobies are buildable and i know asses are too but a lot of that is genetics and a god given gift so i don't want to rank all the way to smallest bc it's simply out of their hands
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scoups - our leader is the owner of the cakery and i would give anything to have even a slice 🙏 his thighs are 🤌 bc you gotta have infrastructure for an ass that astronomical
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dino - like father like son! idk how he dances so well hauling that thing around but he does it somehow and i thank him for that every day
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seungkwan - flat up top, fat down below 🙌 we love a balanced man
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woozi - honerable mention, he's my ult i can't leave him out soz
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