#i went with tos for this but if you'd like anything changed ofc please let me know
bcnes-archived · 1 year
@starfleetsxvulcan sent ⚡ ( storm - our muses have to take shelter in a storm ) from the trope starter call.
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He could almost claim it's just like Georgia, if the raindrops in Georgia were the size of his head. Suffice it to say any thrill of seeing an honest-to-god thunderstorm after ages spent cooped up in a flying tin can is a bit diminished by that little detail - and the small fact that they almost certainly won't be able to get their shuttle full of geological samples off the ground at all in weather like this.
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"You're the science officer," McCoy grouses, surveying the squall from just a couple of feet away from the cave's entrance. The orange-tinted clouds still provide some light to see, more than their devices can offer, so at least they're not hunkered down in complete darkness. But he's still sopping wet from their sprint for shelter, so his mood is hardly lifted. "You're telling me you couldn't've predicted this storm before we almost got blown away?"
Maybe it's an unfair question. Spock's not psychic ( though at times it seems like he might as well be what with the telepathy thing Vulcans have got going on ). But griping at him is a well-worn habit by now and it almost makes him feel better.
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