#i will add tags later but eoirgjeorijgoerijgeoirj yes
scbastlans · 5 years
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❝ He was both summer and winter when it came to people. To some he was the dreariest and most cold, and to others he was a sea full of emotions. People would leave either ways and he never understood why. Perhaps, he then thought, perhaps autumn and spring would suit him more. ❞ MIGUEL BERNARDEAU? No, that’s actually SEBASTIAN MONTAGUE. A SEVENTH YEAR student, this SLYTHERIN student is sided with THE DEATH EATERS. HE identifies as a CIS-MAN and is a PUREBLOOD who is known to be SUPERFICIAL, GULLIBLE, and CARELESS but also ROMANTIC, CHARMING, and OPTIMISTIC. { SAM, 24, EST, THEY/THEM }
For Sebastian’s pinterest board, click here. For his connections, click here. Finally, for his stats page, click here. 
TWs: Colonization, genocide, NSFW, despicable family (this isn’t a joke; I just don’t know how to classify it in another way).
Sebastian Louis Montague was the first and only son of Louise Charlotte de Bourcier, a French pureblood heiress to a family fortune worth more than most people would ever imagine of. Add that to the fact that his father was Percival Montague, and that led to Sebastian thinking quite highly of himself and his family.
Sebastian’s a disaster, but if there’s one thing that’s been taught to him, and that he actually retained, it’s that family comes first. On both sides of his family. His mother’s family is smaller than his father’s family, for sure, but they both matter just as much to him. Though he does tend to feel like the less useful cousin out of all the Montagues, the rest are still his cousins, his family, and he’d do anything for them. Including joining the Death Eaters even though he couldn’t give any less of a shit about either side of the conflict. It’s what’s right for his family, though, and therefore, what makes the most sense for Sebastian. It’s not about pleasing them and making them proud; it’s about doing what’s right as a Montague and a de Bourcier. Because, honestly, if you thought the Montagues were intense about blood purity, good luck with the de Bourciers! They were the ones who sent the first wizarding colonizers to what is now known as Canada. They were close to the royal family of France, who they secretly despised, but kept close to for power. They were the ones who gave the idea to send “filles du roi” first. They were the ones responsible for sending poor, helpless girls to marry much older men in Canada. And those girls? Those girls they sent? All muggleborns they had torn away from their families, put in orphelinatsand then made disappear whichever way they could. For which the colonization (and genocide) in America were very useful. They saw a way to get rid of impurities, and they took it.
Sebastian is the apple of his French grandfather’s eye. Whilst Sebastian’s mother might be the official heiress, it’s truly because Joseph de Bourcier knows that his daughter adores her son and will give him everything when the time is right. Like, to say that Sebastian is spoiled would be a HUGE understatement.
His mother’s a horrible person. I can’t even write it down because she's that awful. She has no respect for anyone’s life but her own and her son’s and MAYBE her husband’s. She has always been a socialite who didn’t take much seriously, but if there was one single thing she was serious about, it was how protective and controlling she was when it came to Sebastian. Not that Sebastian realizes that his dear mother is manipulating him. She loves him, truly, but manipulating people comes naturally to her, and though Sebastian is her son, he’s almost like a precious doll to her. She’s constantly amused by what he does, lets him get away with everything, and tries to use him in whatever way she can to get what she wants in life. Basically, Sebastian’s mother is NOT a good person™.
His father’s pretty absent from Sebastian’s life, but that doesn’t stop Sebastian from hoping that he’s going to make his father proud one day. His parents are somewhat close, but in a weird way he prefers not to wonder about, and whilst his mother gives him everything he wants, Percival requires efforts and accomplishments from Sebastian. He’s not strict, per se, too busy caring about other things and finding his nieces and nephews much more capable, but he does roll his eyes a lot. And it highkey hurts Sebastian to know that his father thinks so little of him that he can’t even find it in himself to be disappointed by his failures. He might have been an only child, but he never felt like he was his father’s favourite.
It just… Made sense for him to join the Death Eaters at Hogwarts. All his life, the importance of blood purity had been ingrained in Sebastian’s mind, but he had never cared much either way. Which, really, put him on the bad guys’ side. After all, not doing anything is just as bad as fighting on the side of the “bad” side. Thing was, Sebastian did not care about people if they weren’t of any use to him, aka if he didn’t find them attractive. Sebastian was as superficial as can be, and still is to this day. Whilst he’s not the most useful Death Eater due to the fact that he’s always hesitant to hurt people he finds attractive, he is a good flirt, and has learned how to get information out of people without necessarily showing that he was doing so. He definitely couldn’t be a double agent, though. Not only is his last name a huge giveaway (and unlike Alice, he's thought of that), but also? He just… Wasn’t a good enough actor to be able to pretend to care about ugly people. So what if faceless people got hurt? There was no way to prove they were attractive; and even if they were, his family would never consider them worthy, so what was even the point?
Man, this foolish fool falls in love way too easily. When someone’s attractive, has the right blood status, acts somewhat meanly towards him? Sebastian’s a goner. He doesn’t really care about gender, and his parents either expect so little of him, or let him get away with anything, that they don’t care who he brings home either. As long as he settles down when he’s older and gives both the de Bourciers and Percival an heir, they couldn’t care less who he goes out with whilst he’s young. Well… As long as their blood is pure enough.
Loves himself so much. Like so, so much. Thinks he’s the most beautiful person that has ever stepped into Hogwarts, and the world in general. And he thinks he’s like… A gift to the rest of the world. Also, he loves attention SO DAMN MUCH. A drama king tm. He’s the worst, truly.
NSFW TW. Dreams of an archnemesis turned fuck enemies scenario. Not with a muggleborn or worse, a Weasley, but rather with another Death Eater. Or a neutral who leans on the Death Eaters side. He’s not too picky as long as they’re attractive, mean to him, hot, not a muggleborn, beautiful, and attractive (again, yes).
Wants to prove himself, but also doesn’t want to put too much effort into it.
Is excellent at Herbology, which he hates because it’s a “soft” subject and he hates getting dirty, but he can’t help it. He’s just really, really good at Herbology. Also, he thinks that Alice’s attractive (even though he doesn’t trust her), so he’s always confused as to how that can be her father, which is hilarious to me because I would bet a whole ten dollars that apart from being the Herbology teacher (and probably an Order member - from what Sebastian knows), Neville is not… That bad? Sebastian is just bitter that THIS has to be the subject he’s actually good at.
Hates sweating, which like, maybe I’m projecting, because Alice also hates sweating, but… Legit doesn’t even get up to clap at Quidditch matches because he’s scared he’ll sweat. Also, he doesn’t care much about sports. He’d much rather see the beaters’ arms after the game. In here, you could insert a video of Joey Tribbiani from F.R.I.E.N.D.S. (who would represent Sebastian) being like “You know what I mean?” and Monica (who would represent the rest of the world) being like “We always know what you mean.” Very discouraging, really. Oh my, Joey Tribbiani is a good comparison for Sebastian, except that Sebastian falls in love at the drop of a hat, unlike Joey, who pretty much never falls in love. Well, there were a couple of exceptions, but this is not the place for F.R.I.E.N.D.S. discourse.
Oh god, he IS a mix of Joey Tribbiani, Romeo Montague, Cher Horowitz, one of the blond guys from Glee (was there only one? I don’t know the name of the one I’m thinking of) and an evil person, isn’t he? RIP.
God. He is probably my worst character. No, not maybe. He is. He’s so not valid, I can’t even believe it. He’s just… Not a good person. He only cares about himself and his pleasure and his wants and his needs.
Is allergic to nuts, which is so ironic, and therefore HILARIOUS to me.
thanks to a, who showed me this picture:
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