#i will banish you to the shadow realm im not joking)
brother-emperors · 8 months
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Cassius Dio, 40.27 (trans. Earnest Cary) / Canto 20, 116-17 of Purgatorio, Dante Alighieri (trans. Durling)
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kaikaykoa · 5 years
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I never thought I’d be here but here I am
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Request: a Tauriel x Fem reader with a lotta cuteness? Maybe where reader and Tauriel adopted a little child and it's just family fluff? Also can the child be like at the baby-talk stage, and kinda just toddles around? Idk I just think that's cute.
Pairing: Tauriel x fem!Reader
Genre: fluff
Requested by: @karlthecat15722
Permanent taglist: @queenofmankind @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722
Warnings: none
A/N: I did what I could really, remember that fluff is not my strong side so I was lowkey struggling xd. I hope you enjoy this tho <3.
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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"He peered between the hemlock-leaves And saw in wonder flowers of gold," I sang, rocking my daughter slowly. "Upon her mantle and her sleeves, And her hair like shadow following."
"Y/n, I'm back!"
"Wait here, galad -o nin cuil (light of my life)" I left the precious baby I had been holding in my arms on her crib to go meet Tauriel. "You're late." I scolded her, giving her a sweet kiss anyway.
"But I brought you primroses." she replied, showing me the flowers, pecking my lips once more before moving past me to leave what she had bought in the market over the table. "where is my iel (daughter)?"
After my banishment from Mirkwood and Kíli's death, I wandered around with no home and no folk, carrying such sorrow and grief that it felt as if I was about to die, and maybe I was.
After a while, one that felt too long, I found myself coming back to the forest that once was my home, just to leave a few days after. It had been my home, but it no longer felt like that.
My feet then carried me to Dale, a city I never thought I would see recovered from all the death and sorrow it had been put through, but there it was, full of life and joy, proving me wrong.
Two days passed and I met her. Maybe it was my fate to fall for unusual individuals, to suffer the pain of an impossible love again and again, or so I thought.
"So it was you." I spun around confused, somehow knowing the girl was talking with me. "I saw you through my window two nights ago." my initial confusion turned into astonishment when I realized the same girl talking to me was the one that had unconsciously lured me. "for a moment I thought it was a flame."
"The dawn made your hair shine in a way that it looked like fire." she explained, falling into step with me. "It's so beautiful," I gave her a timid smile. "just like its owner. If all silvan elves are this alluring no wonder why people keep getting lost in the woods."
"Oh that's- I- thank you."
"I'm Y/n." she presented herself. "May I know your name?"
"Tauriel." I almost whispered, stealing a glance at her.
"Not as lovely as you." I said in a moment of bravery. "Your beauty caught my eye almost as soon as I entered the city."
When I looked at her I saw a smile on her lips and a light blush on her cheeks. "I'm honored I could catch your eye." All from sudden she made a stop, and I realized we had reached her home. "Will you stay here for long?"
"I did not intend to." I confessed, my eyes fixed on my fingers as I twiddled my thumbs. "Though now I think I changed my mind."
"That's good." she spoke with a breezy attitude. "I wasn't ready to weep over your departure."
I let out a nervous chuckle. "Why would you?"
"You have already stolen my heart, nin mel (my love)." she laughed at my surprised gaze. "I hope I see you soon again, Tauriel."
Y/n became my light in so little time. Whenever she looked at me I saw my salvation; whenever she held my hands I felt warmth in my heart.
And whenever she kissed me, oh, I could sense the purest love flooding my body and butterflies filling my stomach.
She was my home, and the hope of a new life all together.
And that new life that Y/n made me hope for came in an unexpected form.
"Hold on-" Y/n tugged my forearm, making me come to a stop.
"What is it, nin mel (my love)?" I questioned.
"What was that?" before I could ask what she was referring to, she spoke again. "Listen." a whine echoed in the woods and before I knew it, I was following Y/n to the place where it seemed to come from. "Oh!"
"Wait!" I yelped as my partner shot to the river, and I behind her. "Careful—" I opened my mouth in agape when I saw Y/n tugging a basket with a baby out of the river. "Is it...?"
"Yes," she carefully picked the baby up from the basket. "Yes it is." she directed her eyes to me. "We can't leave it here."
"Indeed." I agreed, walking to take a closer look at it. "we will take... Her back with us." I took of my cape and extended it on the ground, prompting Y/n to lay the baby on it. "She comes from the Woodland Realm." I stated, wrapping her up and embracing her in my arms as I sat on my heels.
"Why would they desert her?" Y/n inquired, kneeling besides me and caressing the baby's cheek with the back of her finger. "She's merely a month..."
"East-elves are... Not the most kind-hearted beings."
"There are clearly some exceptions." she whispered intently, to which I replied by leaning on her to rest against her side. "C'mon now, starlight won't be enough to guide us home." my eyes widened slightly with an idea, shortly after put into words by Y/n. "How do you say starlight in silvan elvish?"
"Itarielle." I picked her in my arms and she let out a beautiful giggle, extended her arms to grab a hold of strand of my her. "Nin galad, im mel cin (my light, I love you)."
"I'm starting to get jealous." I let out a chuckle, feeling Y/n's fingers running through my hair before moving it to the front to rest on my shoulder so she could wrap her arms around my waist. "you love her more than me." she whined, kissing my neck.
"We already have a whining baby." I teased, turning to meet her gaze and plant a kiss on her lips. "Do not be greedy, I love you both."
"If you say so..." she joked, circling me to play with the baby in my arms. "should I believe naneth (mom), Itarielle?" the baby giggled once more before babbling something. "okay so I think I will believe you." our daughter stretched her arm to grab Y/n's hand.
I stayed shut for a moment while Y/n pampered the baby, making her laugh from time to time.
This was something I had never wish for, nor felt as if I deserved it, but having them as my home was the most beautiful emotion I could feel.
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