#i will just ask yall to please DO NOT repost this anywhere. i really dont like using watermark on my gifs here
tipannies · 1 year
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Colde 콜드 - 또 새벽이 오면 When Dawn Comes Again (Feat. 백현 BAEKHYUN)
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serenavonromvesen · 7 years
Did your caption get deleted from my blog?
When I have a computer I will give this post it's own section on my tumblr.
I haven't been on tumblr for a year or two and when I came back on I have joined a different community and lost my old blog. This new community seems to have this extremely weird fixation with having the caption underneath a photo to remain through all reblogs. This was not a thing the last I was on tumblr.
I would like to state first and foremost that only two people have contacted me being upset about this. EACH of those two people made NO effort to ask the caption be returned, made NO effort to ask why, and made NO allowance for me to respond back before blocking me. THIS IS NO WAY TO GET WHAT YOU WANT!?
Not only did I learn this action from tumblr, but in my opinion, I hold legitimate reason for doing so. That of which I may explain later, if I decide these psychos deserve an explanation.
Seriously, what the actual fuck? Why the actual fuck is this a fucking issue? Like what? People have blacklists for this shit are you SERIOUS lmfao? Whaaaaat!? I honestly think its kind of funny but I'm also really fucking annoyed lmfao.
I didn't even know this was apparently wrong lmfao? Everyone wants to attack you rather than ask or explain lmfao. Psychopaths!
*I also believe in anarchy, so any form of trying to penalize me for this rather than just ASKING me to do what you needed is going to make me intentionally not do it that much more, so please keep in mind that its your own rudeness preventing things like this from being resolved. Ask nicely and I just may*
Moving forward, though. So there is this LOVELY thing on tumblr called a "source." The source option on a photo allows you to link your tumblr blog to the photo in a way where your URL becomes a clickable link underneath the photo, as well as the photo itself also becomes a clickable link back to your own tumblr. This feature was designed so that in the event a caption is removed, your credit of the photo will always remain. There is also a second option, more reliable, as a source can be changed. That would be to watermark your photo. Watermarking your photo means editing it so that the URL of your profile is listed on the photo itself, in the event that the photo is reposted, source is changed, etc. These two options alone should be enough in most cases to have your photo credited. That being said, this is still the internet, you post your personal photos you will always risk them being stolen, unfortunately.
Contrary to that, I DO understand that in some cases a photo may need multiple forms of credit, or a caption necessary to further explain a photo, etc etc. There are times where a caption may feel kind of necessary.
That being said, I DONT feel it necessary to leave captions such as "i love this wig," "got weed?," "Come smoke with me," "this is cute," etc. etc. etc. At no point is any of that necessary to credit your photo, in which case it isnt necessary for me to reblog that with it.
Which brings me back to, why the actual fuck is that so damn important to some people? Like man, talk about letting little things bother you.... I am beside myself that people get that worked up about it. Sorrynotsorry I didn't care what you personally thought of the damn picture? I do leave credit for photos necessary as well as couldn't give a shit less if someone deleted one of my captions. Lol. I don't even watermark my photos. I honestly don't care. Someone deleting the caption on my photo would be the most meaningless thing that could ever happen to me.
Another thing I am confused about: I have only ever experienced this in the tumblr-stoner community? The one fucking group of people thats supposed to be chill as fuck? Like what? Y'all angry as hell lol take a fuckin dab or meditate or something cuz y'all need to chill the fuck out. I'll tell ya the real-life-stoner community is a wholllllle lot more laid back than the tumblr-stoner community. I really dont get it. Yall just chill. Its not that big of a deal I swear.
Mind you, I am a professional photographer with almost a decade of experience. I DO understand crediting photos. Truly, in so many ways, I do. However, I don't get why its so important that everyone knows you thought that tree looks cool. Especially with how many other reblogs have the caption. And one not bothers the hell out of y'all? I literally have 40 followers and I've used this account for like two months lmfao relax. You arent missing anything. I get stoked when someone reblogs a post from me. Like me deleting it has no affect aint nobody even finna see it lmao. Because my ONLY assumption is that you are super desperate for followers and likes [popularity] so that you must be super extra sure that everyone knows you posted that photo? Literally my only guess. Why else could it bother someone SO much?
Okay I GUESS. so why do I delete captions? Literally because I run a themed quality blog and it deminishes the quality of your overall blog to have text posts. I really dont wanna give away everything I do to make my blog look pretty but that and strictly high resolution photos. Its like my two biggest things in running my blog. I cant even begin to say how much sometimes I REALLY wanted to reblog a photo and didnt because it just wasn't sharp enough. It is what it is for me. Sometimes I cant even do what Id like just to uphold it. If you find that untrue look at my blog. To the very beginning. No text posts anywhere (well, rarely), but every source remains. I have EVEN gone out of my way to find original posters when I see someone has stolen their photo, so I can reblog from the original post. I cant tell y'all how many blogs I follow that repost y'alls photos. And yet I get attacked for deleting "look how pretty the shatter is" when theres a blog who didnt just delete your caption, but took away your source AND put their own caption. Lol. To be honest its such olllllllddd news to delete text posts and its sad I even have to explain this to the new generation of babyboomers on tumblr.
Stop ruining tumblr and being hateful.
This whole website is supposed to be a loving home for the land of misfit toys. Not have blacklists where you spam people with hate and blocks over the most petty bullshit? Especially when you never asked to resolve the issue in the first place and only attacked the person. That makes YOU the asshole, not me.
ANYWAY, so how can we resolve this? Well, if you, for some reason, need a caption returned that you feel had credit to it, message me without blocking me immediately after, so I can know which photo. It literally would take me a few seconds to remove the old photo and reblog it again. All you had to do was ask!
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