#i will never not be rotating griddlehark minelle in my mind
mv-damn · 1 year
on the one hand, min-noelle positive relationship (platonic or romantic as you please) as a continuation of the mode of communication which is the most familiar to them (competition and bragging, insults and jokes which become a form of endearment)
on the other hand, a sudden moment of realization that they don't really know how to act around each other anymore, (and perhaps haven't really for some time) and have to build a new relationship that isn't based purely on the friends they share. of the love contained within the intentionality needed to make such a thing happen.
on the OTHER other hand, im also thinking about a more seamless transition... of a long period of just being around each other fairly regularly, and learning to Deal With Each Other, and stumbling across common interests and points of conversation and steadily growing closer until they're such good friends that the hatred of the past feels like a distant memory.
and then, perhaps only then, the tipping over the cliff. the Falling. or the realization of what it has truly been the entire time. and perhaps it's chaos, and anguish, and there's yelling and tears and a hug before it's all done.
or perhaps it's the easiest thing in the world.
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