#i will never write a 'feminist rewrite' the very term makes me gag
yallemagne · 1 month
I geh fuckinnnnn YEAh I keep harping on this but like please please it's my blog I can tear it up on this harp of pettiness as much as I want.
The Fuckers that say my shit is Modern™ as an implicit diss because my writing does not support the prevalent sexism of the era that the story takes place in. Like you goddamn...
I just fucking paused my work to look up the term "Rubenesque" because I was worried it wasn't a word during the 19th century. It was, just wasn't used as much as now in the 21st century.
I know that's a whole different animal of "historical accuracy" but no, I will not write a period piece that actively or even passively supports shitty power structures no matter how "inaccurate" people think my deconstructions of sexism and gender are to the era. I will, however, obsess over the etymology and usage of certain words during the era.
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