#i will not be ashamed for taking panadeine for my pain rather than fucking naproxen which does basically nothing
handweavers · 1 year
if you give anyone the option between "be in severe pain every day for the rest of your life" or "have less pain but have to take these pills every single day for the rest of your life" the vast majority of people will pick the latter option. for some reason doctors are convinced it's better to suffer than to be addicted to something, but prolonged suffering just leads people to seek pain relief from unsafe sources rather than safe ones, and then be punished for it. i'd rather be on opiates i got at a safe and legal pharmacy for the rest of my life for my pain and be technically addicted to them than suffer in pain just so i can say i'm not an addict, or have to go looking for off the market pain relief and risk getting poisoned. but still so many people refuse to listen to addicts and disabled people, which are heavily overlapping categories lol
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