#i will say here tho. nothing happened like i'm ok i'm fine this isn't august 2022 again LMAO
unorcadox · 1 month
Hi everyone, I have some news to share.
I'm retiring from Weirdcore after nearly 3.5 years and over 1200 edits.
I'm working on a gift to the community I want to have out ASAP, but I don't want to confirm an exact date yet, aiming to have it out before May is done. (June 8th, update on this: life has been a bit funny to me, will be finishing this when the mood strikes next.)
I'm going to be pivoting to a newer, wordier style of image + text content over here after a break, which will release on a much slower schedule.
I'll be filling the queue over the next few days to help fill the gap, but in the meantime check out my music and just glance back at the blog's history. I'm biased but I think it's quite the feat!
Thank you so much to the community for your support over the years, I hope you'll stick around to see what's next!
If any of you have any questions, thoughts, concerns, want to say anything, etc., please feel free to send in asks! I'd love to talk about this more specifically in this post, but every time I do it ends up like 15 paragraphs long soooo... yeah! Send me stuff! Thank you all again!
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