#i will take kyluca in any form just keep them interacting in scenes together
purpledaisiesthings · 3 years
********It's a long one. I apologize in advance to whoever chose to read this. Lol********
So I just recently got into Roswell New Mexico and well....it was definitely something. Lots of plot holes and somethings just didnt make sense. I literally had to power through the last 2 episodes.
One thing I will say is that I'm glad I binged the whole 1-3 seasons before getting on social media and did a little digging because I know I would have definitely stopped the show halfway if I didn't.
It was alot...but what else is new. Some fandoms are scary.
Anyways, I'm just ranting about kyluca in this post. I might talk about other things but I'm honestly too tired to open up anything that'll annoy me.
I only talk about tv ships that I like. Most times I'm in the majority and on very few occasions I'm part of a ship with only 10 members...lol. Kyluca apparently is the latter and you know what, IDGAF what happens. I love them together.
Kyle and Maria are actually my two favorite characters on the show. I adore Maria. (I might talk about her some other time but like I said earlier, I'm too tired to bring up things that'll just annoy me e.g. Maria's treatment in the show/fandom)
Maria and Kyle barely had any scenes together the first 2 seasons. I actually started shipping them since season 1 after that 2 second scene with the "die hard" line from kyle back when they were still hiding the alien shit from Maria. Lol I know.... that's smaller than a crumb and doesn't make sense that that was the start for me, but I was curious to see more of them.
Then the scene where Maria saved Kyle's life through her vision and she was like "I saved a life today, not just any life, Kyle Valenti's".
I mean, I LOVED that line. Very quickly I saw that she not only cared for him, she also respected him.
Even though there has been lost opportunities in the past with having those 2 in scenes together, season 3 delivered some really nice kyluca scenes and storylines.
We see how they worked to save each other's lives on different occasions.
Like I don't know about you but that pull to protect each other and it's not just a one sided protection.... that's some endgame shit.
They just make sense together and somehow don't at the same time. Lol I don't know how to explain it. They seem similar but also different. It might be the science versus alternative vibes I get from them. Kyle I think can be more uptight and all about his code but Maria is more free spirited and business oriented. But at the core, they're both selfless people to their friends even at the cost of their own lives. I feel like they will balance each other. And how cute will they be. I feel like with them I can just breathe and not hold by breath when watching them in a relationship. I'm probably not making any sense lol. I apologize, I ramble sometimes 😄
Anyways, seems the show is going another route relationship-wise for them which is also nice. I see the chemistry they have with this other people. But, idk, I'm just not all in with that.
However, I'm happy they can be in relationships that's just for them where they are fully and completely loved. No love triangles, no one sided effort, no complications. Or potentially at least. I'm saving my breath for shit to hit the fan soon. It's still a CW show right. They do love their drama. Like I get the need for drama to spur conversations but to me it's not entertaining.  It's tiring.  I prefer to see people loved up in healthy relationships than seeing toxic, complicated ones on screen.
*sigh* I digress.
All I'm saying is they deserve to be happy though.
I know there are not a lot of us kyluca fans out there. We're not loud so they for sure will not go that route at all and I'm ok with that. But sometimes popularity is not always the best option😉. Just saying.....
But could we perhaps get a friends to lovers arc with them? Should I still have hope? Should I? Should I? Lol
Honestly, I've accepted kyluca won't happen. It's kinda late into the series, 3 seasons in already and we've pretty much gotten our established couples. But IF I do tune in next season, I'll only be watching for them tbh even if it's just scenes with them as friends.
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