#i will warmly embrace your newly bared spirit.
hornsketch · 7 months
im genuinely so excited to see more progress around actively poisoning the datasets machine-learning plagiarism bots. i get its a little scorched earth but like. the data is already stolen. theyre not going to get rid of it unless their hand is forced, it would destroy the functionality and profitability. i really do hope that from its remains rise at least a couple people who really did just want to create. i hope they learn how to do it right just like the rest of us did.
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camillemontespan · 4 years
ten years from now  [AU. drake walker x camille montespan] [part nineteen: the king of 4th of july]
@ibldw-main​  @pug-bitch​​  @jovialyouthmusic​​ @katedrakeohd​​ @rainbowsinthestorm​​ @emichelle​​ @dcbbw​​ @sirbeepsalot​​ @notoriouscs​​ @burnsoslow​​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​​ @gardeningourmet​​ @pedudley​​ @marshmallowsandfire​​ @princessleac1​​  @kingliam2019​ @drakeandkatherine​
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'Alright, so we have everything for the sangria, hot dogs, burgers, all of the carbs, pain au chocolate for Gisele as she doesn't eat much at the moment, whiskey.. Am I forgetting anything?' Bianca asked Drake and Savannah as she studied their newly bought groceries for the 4th of July celebrations. 
'You've got everything, mom,' Savannah assured her. 
Bianca smiled. 'All we need now are fireworks but Drake is going into town to buy some today, my helpful little boy!' 
'Mom..' Drake groaned. 'I'm not a little boy..' 
'But you're so helpful!' Bianca cooed, gently patting his cheek. 
Drake rolled his eyes. He was indeed picking up fireworks today and he had enlisted Camille to be his shopping buddy. 
'I'm gonna go pick up Camille,' Drake said, eager to get away. He gave Bianca a quick hug and turned to leave the kitchen, ignoring Savannah who was making kissing noises at his retreating back. 
Drake collected Camille in his pick up truck. He smiled as he watched her leave her house and make her way towards him. She looked beautiful today, even though she was only wearing a simple white t-shirt and denim shorts with Converse. Drake always thought she looked beautiful. 
They chatted easily as Drake drove them into town. They had become closer since Camille had been back in Texas. Their baby steps mantra was working. Forcing themselves to take it slow had deepened their connection but Drake was still fully aware that Camille had only just come out of an engagement. The ball was entirely in her court. 
'Here's our list,' Drake said, handing her a sheet of paper as he drove. 'We need to get all of these fireworks.' 
'Jesus, Drake, are you buying up all the firework supply in Texas?!' Camille cried, staring in bewilderment at the list that detailed 15 types of firework Drake desperately wanted. 
Drake rolled his eyes. 'It's the 4th of July, Camille! We gotta go hard!' 
Camille let out a throaty laugh, which made Drake's heart flip. 'Jackson would be so proud of you,' she told him. 
Drake smiled. 'I'm just trying to carry on his legacy, you know? He was the king of 4th of July. I'm not letting that slide.' 
They drove on in comfortable silence until Camille broke it. 
'You could be the new king of 4th of July, you know..' she suggested in a soft voice. 'I'm sure Jackson would be happy to pass the mantel to you.' 
Drake chuckled. 'One day,' he replied simply. 'It all hinges on tonight.' 
'I'm sure it will be perfect,' Camille assured him. 
Drake tried to stop himself from turning pink but he couldn't. Camille smiled at his embarrassment and reached out to squeeze his hand.��
'I'll help you,' she said. 'We can be a team!' 
Drake grinned, his cheeks turning back to a regular colour. He stole a glance at Camille. 
'We always are,' he said softly. 
It was now Camille's turn to turn pink. 
Camille had been horrified when she saw that Drake was intending to purchase M-80s which were used by the military. 
‘Isn’t this a little.. Over the top?’
Drake had stared at her, unamused. ‘No such thing as over the top for 4th of July, Montespan,’ he told her seriously. So, Camille tried her best to keep her mouth shut and helped Drake purchase a vast selection of fireworks, some legal, some… not. 
‘I am a terrible, terrible person,’ she muttered as she waited for Drake to finish purchasing an illegal firework. ‘A fucking accomplice.’
‘I can hear you,’ Drake said dryly, giving her serious side eye as he waited for the cashier to bag up his fireworks. Camille bit her tongue, making Drake smirk.
They arrived back at the ranch to find it decked out in American flag bunting. Bianca had set up the barbeque while Savannah was decorating the long wooden table for their guests, covering the surface with red, white and blue streamers. 
‘You’re back!’ Bianca cried, clapping her hands excitedly. ‘How was firework shopping?’
‘We came, we saw, we conquered,’ Drake replied breezily, setting the bags of fireworks down. Savannah ripped opened the bags, eager to see what he had bought and her face lit up with a wide smile as she spotted the M-80s. The Walkers adored 4th of July and it was all down to Jackson.
‘I’m going to pick up my grandma,’ Camille told them. ‘We’ll be back soon, ready to party!’
‘That’s the spirit!’ Bianca cheered. 
Drake followed Camille out to the front door. She turned to face him and gave him a sly smile. ‘I’ve seen a different side to you today,’ she told him. ‘Kinda scary.’
Drake chuckled. ‘Sorry. I get all excited for the fireworks. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.’
‘I know I was a little funny about it,’ Camille admitted. ‘But this is your day. If you want to go crazy with fireworks, then you go crazy with fireworks. It’s what your dad would have wanted.’
Drake smiled bashfully. ‘I just want to remember him in the best way,’ he said quietly, shuffling on his feet. ‘This is how I remember him. I get carried away, sure, but it’s worth it.’
There was a pause. Drake wondered if he had been too sentimental.
Before he could react, Camille leaned up and kissed him.
She tasted of watermelon lip balm and lemonade. 
As quickly as she had kissed him, she pulled away. Drake was staring at her with wide eyes. ‘What was that for?’ he asked, his voice hitching..
Camille blushed. ‘I just wanted to kiss you.’
Drake couldn’t argue with that. Smiling, she said goodbye and left the porch, leaving Drake staring after her with a dopey grin on his face.
Camille and Gisele came back an hour later armed with champagne. Gisele had insisted on bringing the fizz and she also insisted on dressing as elegantly as possible; she was wearing a blue linen trouser suit and her silver hair was coiffed to perfection. She had tied red, white and blue bows around her crutches as a way to commemorate the day.
‘You will have to come over for Bastille Day!’ Gisele said as she hugged Drake. ‘We don’t make quite as much effort but we do watch the fireworks light up the Eiffel Tower on our computer and we drink champagne! Would you like to come over for that?’
Drake cast a glance at Camille who gave him a shrug, trying to appear casual although really, she quite liked the idea. Drake smiled warmly. ‘That sounds perfect.’
The day passed in a flurry of laughter, eating and drinking. While Savannah played with Bartie on the grass, Gisele and Bianca drank champagne and talked about everything without pausing for breath. 
Drake and Camille had changed into swimwear and jumped into the lake, screaming as they did so. When they broke the water’s surface, they swam towards  the edge of the lake near the jetty, their fingers brushing each other’s skin. 
Drake gently pushed Camille up against the jetty, his eyes roaming her face. Her dark hair was slicked back and water dripped from her eyelashes. The sunshine cast a golden glow over her skin; she looked like a mermaid from the deep. 
‘You’re staring at me,’ Camille said, interrupting his thoughts.
Drake smirked. ‘Can’t help it.’
He reached out to graze her jawline with his finger. Camille’s cheeks turned pink but she didn’t push him away. Drake floated closer so their chests were flush against each other. Camille ran her hands down his muscled arms, tracing his veins with her finger. 
‘I’m so happy you’re here today,’ Drake murmured, not taking his eyes off hers. 
‘Thank you for the invite,’ she replied quietly. ‘It’s been so fun.’ 
Drake’s eyes softened. Feeling brave, he leaned towards her, his lips opening slightly. Camille’s mouth parted and their lips met softly, tentatively. 
They were hidden from view. Nobody could see them kissing; with that knowledge, Drake increased the pressure, turning the kiss from one of softness and light into an urgent, intoxicating embrace.
Camille pulled away first.
‘Baby steps,’ she gasped. ‘I know I kissed you earlier but that was different. Nothing could happen-’
‘I get it,’ Drake interrupted, breathing heavily. ‘Baby steps.’
That night, when the twilight sky turned a deep navy, Drake set up the fireworks, animatedly explaining which ones were which to the party. Savannah looked like she wanted to step in and let some off herself; Bianca was filling up her glass, tipsy from sangria; and Gisele was nodding with a smile on her face, trying to look interested when really, she had no idea what he was talking about.
‘This one makes a KABOOM noise that you can hear from three miles away!’ he said, his voice coming out in a quick flurry, ‘and this one takes its time before it suddenly explodes into gold dust! Oh my God, okay, look at this one, this one is the shit!’
Camille watched him as he showed off the fireworks, unable to stop herself from smiling. She loved seeing Drake in his element; here, he was confident and self assured. He was determined to make this a spectacle - and it would be- but the way he talked so passionately about the fireworks made her want to listen to him forever.
She realised that she always wanted to listen to him when he talked about fireworks. She wanted to be here, every 4th of July, listening as he showed them off. She wanted to watch him, giddy and childlike, completely at odds with his rough exterior. She wanted to see him be happy. 
Camille sipped her whiskey, trying to push down the realisation. But she couldn’t take her eyes off Drake now and she didn’t tear her gaze away when his eyes met hers. For that moment, he was stripped back, laid bare to her. He was the Drake Walker she had grown up with and fell in love with. He was lit up like the fireworks he adored; shining brightly for all to see. 
The fireworks had lit up the sky in a colourful display of gold, pink, blue and red. Drake worked hard, making sure each one went off at the right time, while everyone else oohed and ahhed. 
‘Fuck, that one was incredible!’ he hollered. 
When the display finished up, he topped up his glass with whiskey and sat beside Camille. 
‘You want a blanket?’ he asked her, seeing that her knees were pulled up to her chest and her arms were wrapped around her body.  Not waiting for her to answer, Drake found a blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders. ‘Can’t have you getting cold,’ he told her gently. ‘Not on my watch.’
Camille rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes as she savoured this moment. The whole day had been incredible. Everything she had loved about Texas had been pulled to the forefront of her mind and she felt more content and happy than she had in months. Now, she felt her worries slide off her shoulders and all she could think about was where to go from here. 
‘Ahem, attention..’ Bianca announced, standing up. She turned to Savannah. ‘Let’s do it, baby girl.’
Savannah giggled and rushed indoors, peaking everyone’s curiosity.  Bianca turned to look at Drake and gave him a wink. 
‘Mom? What’s happening?’
Bianca ignored his question. ‘Following a simply spectacular 4th of July celebration, I am pleased to announce..’
The doors opened and Savannah came back outside, holding something shiny in her hands. As she got closer, Drake realised what it was. 
A plastic gold crown set on top of a cushion.
Bianca smiled at her son. ‘I am pleased to announce that my son, my baby boy, Drake Walker, is now the new King of the 4th of July!’
Gisele and Camille burst into applause. Drake stared at his mother, unable to form words. Seeing this, Bianca made her way towards him and crouched down to look up into his face. She placed her hand on his cheek and smiled a wobbly smile.
‘Your dad would be so proud of your efforts today,’ she said, her voice cracking. ‘You went above and beyond to make this party one that we’ll never forget. He always wanted you to love 4th of July and here you are. He would want you to be the new king.’
Savannah held out the cushion to Camille. ‘Will you do the honours?’ she asked. 
Camille stood up and adopted a regal pose, throwing her shoulders back. ‘I would love to,’ she said grandly, making Drake laugh. She took the crown and stood in front of Drake.
‘Drake Walker,’ she said, trying not to laugh. ‘Do you accept the responsibility of being the king of 4th of July?’
Drake chuckled. ‘I do.’
‘And do you swear to uphold the values of 4th of July and to make all other 4th of July celebrations pale into insignificance?’
‘I swear.’
‘And do you swear to wear this crown every 4th of July because you will look adorable wearing it and I need to take a picture of you?’
Drake rolled his eyes. ‘I swear.’
Satisfied, Camille placed the crown on top of his head. Everyone erupted into cheers and applause, chanting Drake’s name. 
Savannah, Bianca and Gisele soon started to yawn. ‘I should get going,’ Gisele said. ‘I need my beauty sleep.’
Camille stopped playing cards with Drake to look at her grandmother. ‘I’ll come with you-’
‘No, mon petit chou, you stay here and play cards,’ Gisele interrupted. ‘You’re having fun.’
Bianca stood up. ‘I’ll take you down the road.’
Savannah eyed Drake and Camille, who were cosied up together with a whiskey bottle between them, decks of cards in their hands. Drake was currently winning.
‘I’ll come with you too,’ Savannah said. 
They left Drake and Camille in the garden; the two of them didn’t mind. They were enjoying each other’s company. 
‘And that,’ Drake said, banging his cards on the table, ‘is how you win at cards!’
‘You’re such a smug bastard!’ Camille protested. ‘A king would never rub his fortunes in his subject’s faces!’
Drake smirked. ‘This one does.’
Camille swatted his hand playfully, jumping when his fingers trapped hers in his. Their hands remained clasped.
‘Wanna go down to the jetty?’ Drake asked her softly. ‘It’s our spot. Thought we could have some peace and quiet.’
Camille smiled. ‘That sounds nice.’
They abandoned their cards and wandered down towards the jetty, still holding hands. The moonlight bounced off Drake’s crown, making him look quite fabulous. 
They reached the jetty and settled down. Drake leaned back on his hands, breathing in the warm Texas air. Camille looked down at her hands, now no longer in Drake’s, and she bit her lip. Sensing a change in her, Drake looked at her steadily. 
‘What’s up?’
Camille smiled. She forced herself to meet his eyes. Her heart was hammering in her chest and she was in danger of word vomiting; this was not the time to word vomit. She needed to be clear. She needed to take a breath and tell him that in no uncertain terms-
‘I love you,’ she whispered. 
Drake’s eyes widened. He stared at Camille, unable to form an appropriate response. What happened to the baby steps? Or had the baby steps worked? Had she made her choice now and he was it for her? She had chosen him? 
Camille couldn’t work out what he was thinking. And so, the word vomit burst out of her.
‘I love you,’ she said quickly. ‘I guess I always have. But ever since I saw you again, I felt a pull towards you and I kept trying to push it down until I couldn’t do it anymore. I made some bad decisions along the way, I hurt Liam, I hurt you.. But I feel clearer now. I have clarity. I’m home. You are my home, Drake. I know we were trying to do baby steps and I’m so happy we managed to because it’s only made us closer and I’ve learned so much more about you now. But I don’t want baby steps anymore. I want to dive in and just be with you, all of you. I watched you tonight and you were so bright and happy.. I felt so much love for you right there. I want to see you be the 4th of July King every year. I want to help you buy fireworks. I want to host 4th July parties and go crazy and drink whiskey and sing bad songs and lose at cards. I want to celebrate it with you every year. I want it all. I want you-’
Drake’s mouth crashed against hers with such a force that his crown fell off. Camille made a startled sound until she realised what was happening; he was kissing her. He was kissing her desperately, urgently, with all the pent up frustration and love that he had kept cooped up in his heart for so long. His hands raked through her hair, bunching it into clumps, and he held her close, as if he was trying to keep her together. 
‘I love you too,’ he murmured against her lips. ‘Always have, always will.’
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