#i willl delete this later tbh
airmoss · 6 years
I really don’t like serious discourse. I’m not the biggest fan of call out culture.
I’m someone who wants to understand where other people come from, and then base my decision on the kind of person they are. I forgive when mistakes are made. People need to learn what they do is wrong, and how to improve.
I try not to use violence, or be cruel, or get angry. Yes, trauma can get the best of me, but I want to show compassion towards people who don’t understand the bad mistakes they make.
I’d like to make something very clear
There is a BIG difference between someone who makes a very bad mistake, VS someone who IS JUST PURELY BAD AND EVIL.
I am Christian, and the question of “is violence right?” comes up. A lot.
Let me tell you something, if you go to any pastor and ask this question, if they tell you yes, they are wrong. If they tell you no, they are also wrong. 
The answer depends. Fuck. Look at the bible. You got them 10 commandments and I swear to heck one of them says “do not murder”. So why is it that God deliberately commands his people to go and kill those that stand against him?
((you think about that))
Now I wonder why the rise in transphobia is really bothering me.
Listen, @smstransformers @tilallareimagined especially are going through a lot of hatred and I’m genuinely disgusted.
More and more, Trans people in my community are murdered and kidnapped all the time. Today I met a two spirited person that had 7 of their trans friends disappear, die etc within this year alone. 
I’m done. I don’t want to watch my family get killed and murdered by these toxic transphobes.
Yes. I am kind. I give compassion. I want to understand, and I want to educate those who don’t understand what being Trans is like because let’s be real I’ve been in that situation and learning about what Trans is and the whole notion of it can be very intimidating.
I am also a fierce warrior. I intend to protect my community, and my family no matter where they may be in the world (that’s right. Trans people. You’re my children now).
I’d be careful. I don’t tolerate transphobia, racism, antisemitism , homophobia, sexism, etc.
You all disgust me that you have the audacity to pick on people that haven’t even graduated high school.  
I am an mentally ill. I am Asian. I am a trans Christian ADULT.
More importantly, I am a solder. I am a warrior that is here to protect my community.
To those who show this kind of blunt hatred with no regard or decent respect for human lives that don’t replicate your own, get the FUCK out of my blog NOW. 
It’s not for you, and a place like this will never be here for you.
I am forgiving, but don’t fucking waste my time spewing hate all over my community with 0 remorse or guilt.
You can come back once you realize your sins and vow to never spread that kind of unethical nonsense.
--inhales deeply--
--waits four seconds--
--exhales deeply--
I don’t think people understand what it’s like to watch people you know and love disappear and die mysteriously due to the discrimination and oppression. 
Tl;Dr - To ALL YOU transphobic, racist, , homophobic, sexist (etc) people. God bless your soul becuase with the way you are headed, judgement will be served and it will be hot and it will melt you away the same way your stomach acid eats away at everything that it touches.
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