#i wish forces did him justice he has so many fun concepts to mess around with đź’”
motherforthefamicom · 1 year
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i dont know what to caption this uhh
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magioftheseas · 3 years
The Capital Magical Defense Force
For @oumota-events
DAY 1: Magical Boys AU
Rating: T​+
Warnings: Violence, blood, death mentioned, darker implications. Yeah it’s one of those magical au. The daaaaark subversions.
Notes: This is the longest one because we’re starting off with a big bang~ It’s not that long though. It’s just not a ficlet unlike the others. I did really enjoy writing this though. It’s a pretty...fun...au. Yeah. Haha.
Ao3 Link
In just about every world, there are unseen forces to make sure a system works a certain way. That the cogs in the machine turn without fail and that any disturbances are dealt with promptly. These unseen forces can be mundane and dull—but they can also be fantastical...while still incredibly dull.
In this instance, there are two worlds. The dull, mundane one and the dull, fantastical one. The only way to transverse is through contracts between the respective denizens, and it turns out that said contracts are necessary to keep everything in order.
There are benefits, truly. If one world collapses, the other is taken with it. It is within everyone’s best interest that the denizens work together—even if certain manipulations need to be made. After all, the greater good is such a vague and nebulous concept. It’s more encouraging to offer personal gains.
Like, for example, keeping someone alive, be it from sickness or the aftereffects of a horrible, terrible, despairing accident. The desire to live is a powerful force shared among many, both dim-witted and intelligent. It’s an efficient deal to make, especially when the other side of the exchange is not only responsibilities, but special, magical abilities to deal with those responsibilities.
Shame, then, that one particular being blessed with those abilities, those responsibilities, that gift of survival...doesn’t seem to fully appreciate it. Certain arrangements have been made. That being has been assigned to the same areas as another being of a similar caliber, but far more keen to do what must be done.
This is as much an experiment as it is an effort to keep matters under control. Observations are to be as follows...
“In the name of the stars, I’m gonna kick your fucking ass!!”
The town hero known as Starboy was being filmed again. Floating about, sending so-called comet punch after comet punch. The monster squealed under the abuse, but it didn’t squeal as much as that fucking eyesore that tailed the magical boy around as he cursed colorfully under his breath.
“This jackass just doesn’t know when to quit!”
“S-Starboy-kun,” the thing whimpered. “Please watch your language! Kids idolize you!”
“Sorry!” Starboy exclaimed, focusing more on the fight thankfully. “It’s just��let me protect the city first!!”
With a battle cry, Starboy summoned all his strength for a starstorm, pummeling the monster more and more until it fizzled out of existence. Starboy was left slumped on the ground and gasping for breath, but still found it in him to whoop for joy.
Unfortunately for him, that moment of victory was short-lived.
“Geeeez, Starboy-chan, I thought you’d really get trampled this time! You didn’t even need any help!” Another magical boy landed on the scene, right next to where the monster had once been and plucking up the fragment which was all that remained.
“H-Hey!” Starboy shouted, more like wheezed. “What the hell—that’s not yours to take!”
“It’s payment for making me worry so much,” he cackled. “You really should be more careful! You don’t want to be killed in the line of duty, now do you?”
Weakened as he was from the fight, dodging Starboy lurching towards him was child’s play.
“D-Dice!!” that eyesore shrieked. “You and Starboy-kun should be working together! Why are you doing this?!”
Dice gave that thing a cold stare, but grinned in Starboy’s direction.
“Because I like you. That’s a lie. I like messing with you. Also a lie! I really—love you, Starboy-chan!”
“Quit messing around!” Starboy gasped. “Y-You—if you need those damn fragments, you don’t have to steal them! You’re a magical boy, aren’t ya?! You should be helping me defend the city! And then I’d split them with ya even!”
Aah. This guy...
“Oh Starboy-chan, I actually, truthfully loathe you,” Dice sighed.
“D-Dice!” the thing shrieked and without looking, Dice had fired a beam that knocked the pitifully contemptible creature out, much to Starboy’s dismay.
Before he could go to help, however, Dice had seized the bow of his uniform, yanking him to not-quite eye level.
“If you know what’s good for you, you’d stop bothering with that thing and join me instead.”
Starboy only scowled.
“Why the hell would I join you when you act like a villain! I-If I could, I’d beat your ass too...!”
Such a remark gets Dice shoving him back, knocking him onto the ground. Starboy glared up at him defiantly, his stare only darkening as Dice grinned.
“It’s a joke, obviously!” he chirped. “After all—what sort of desperate loser would want to ally with an idiot like you?”
Starboy shouted at him, but whatever he shouted, he was already long gone. Starboy shouted again but, being the justice-obsessed type, he switched gears to muster up the strength to go stumbling after the fainted Shirokuma. Scooping the pitiful bear head-looking creature into his hands, Starboy avoided the incoming paparazzi and gracious civilians and rushed off to safety.
The ideal worker. Starboy will be a great boon of energy in the future once his limit is reached.
“Dice is such a fucking dick,” Kaito grumbles, rubbing ointment onto his bruises. “We’re both working for the same thing but for no reason at all, he’s self-serving and a piece of shit.”
He observes himself in the mirror, rubbing at the circles under his eyes. He’s been going at this whole magical boy hero thing for almost a year. It’s getting harder and harder, but for the sake of the city, he can’t give up. He’s its protector, after all.
Still, it’s getting difficult. His wastebasket is filled with bloodied tissue and bandages. Shirokuma, at least, is currently resting in a bucket of warm water. Dice’s attack had been as sudden as it was vicious, and for what?
“Why is he such a dick?” Kaito asks, but Shirokuma hums.
“Some people...are just bad. It can’t be helped. I’m sorry if that sounds despairing, Momota-kun.”
“Bad, huh.”
It’s not the first time he’s gotten that answer. When he describes Dice to his sidekicks, he more or less gets the same response. Harumaki even goes out of her way to call Dice a supervillain, which Shuuichi agrees to, but...
Here’s a secret that no one else knows. The crack in the foundation so painstakingly paved for black and white heroism.
Dice has saved his life more than once. When blood rushed up his throat and his knees buckled in, Dice would swoop in and let him save face. It would be passed off as Dice once again taking advantage of the situation...but it always, always happens when Kaito is facing death head-on.
Dice is a dick. A self-serving piece of shit. Possibly a supervillain.
He’s also definitely looking out for Starboy. It’s happened too consistently for Kaito to be convinced it’s unintentional.
If Dice insists on helping him, then surely he can’t be a bad person...except he still acts like a bad person most of the time.
What a headache.
“Feeling better, Momota-kun?” Shirokuma chirps up at him in that big sweet voice that Kaito can’t say no to, even when he probably should.
“Never better!”
A thumps-up. A wide grin. Doing his damnedest to pretend like his lungs don’t want to collapse in on themselves.
“Starboy-chan is such a fucking idiot.”
Ouma slams his chest of fragments shut. He still hasn’t figured out what the damn things do, but Shirokuma insists on collecting them so they must be important in some sense. Sure, Shirokuma says that it’s something to do with negative energy and restoring balance, blah, blah, blah—but Shirokuma is a piece of shit liar. And Ouma hates liars.
But he thinks he hates Starboy the most. Or, at least, he finds Starboy to be the most frustrating dumbass in the galaxy.
Because it’s obvious, isn’t it? It’s obvious that Shirokuma is shady as all get out. It’s obvious that there is something deeply wrong with the magical boy system. There have been so many disappearances and it’s suspicious as all get out how Starboy in particular is being worked to the bone and pushed to the brink.
There’s something seriously wrong with all of it.
Ouma just needs to figure out what before everything goes wrong.
To become a magical boy, one needs resolve. To encourage magical boys, a wish is often granted to sweeten—and seal the deal. Ouma’s was a cowardly, stupid wish that he’s still kicking himself for to this day, although in hindsight he should be glad it was so simple. The worthless wish to live as everyone else was dead around him.
He’s still haunted by their faces. He should’ve wished for them but couldn’t. He was targeted and tricked, and now he’s stuck. But the least he can do is make everything difficult for those monsters along the way.
Starboy—aka Momota Kaito...well. Ouma doesn’t know what his wish was, but he suspects it’s as stupidly noble and short-sighted as he’s come to expect.
Oh, yes, he knows that Starboy is Momota Kaito. Who wouldn’t know that? They look the same—although Ouma suspects that magic is at play since no civilians have made the connection. Not even Saihara Shuuichi, a would-be detective.
It’s clear, however, that Saihara-chan has noticed the effects.
“This is the fourth time you’ve had to clear your throat, Momota-kun.”
Momota clears his throat again. He musters up a laugh.
“It’s just been dry. No big deal. You worry too much.”
“Gooooooodness, Momota-kun!” Ouma crowed, skipping in. “Are you dying?! Please, please don’t die! I haven’t even gotten to tell you how much I love you!”
Momota recoils when Ouma jumps on him. Saihara shrieks in surprise but Momota only growls as he tries to shake the brat off.
Ouma does, but not without jabbing the back of Momota’s knee and causing him to topple over. Saihara rushes to steady him, shooting Ouma quite the ugly look. Ouma shrugs that off.
“Whatever it is you’re doing is killing you,” he merely states. “So, you should stop lest you traumatize my poor Saihara-chan.”
“I...” Saihara swallowed, looking like he’d hate to agree but when it came to Momota... “You shouldn’t overwork yourself, Momota-kun.”
“I’m fine,” Momota slurred. “Totally fine. I’m a goddamn Luminary, Shuuichi...” He says he’s fine while learning into Saihara. It’s a bright sunny day. People are no doubt stealing glances, and Momota no doubt has to hide his exhausted face in his sidekick’s shoulder. It’s a good thing Harukawa isn’t here.
Ouma scoffed. Saihara shot him another glare.
“If you’re just here to mess with Momota-kun, you can leave.”
Saihara’s hands tighten on Momota. Goodness, it really is like Ouma is the supervillain tormenting the tired hero.
How boring.
Ouma turns heel, smiling as he waves them off.
I shouldn’t bother. I shouldn’t have to bother.
No matter how many times he’s thought that, he ends up in this situation. With Starboy exhausted on the ground and a fragment pinched so firmly between his fingers that it’s this close to embedding itself in the skin. Shirokuma floats around Starboy.
“He’s getting close,” Shirokuma is saying. “He won’t be able to take much more. How despairing. So despairing.”
Ou—Dice swats the thing to the ground. It giggles up at him.
“You can’t save him, you weren’t able to save your other friends. Just give up, Dice-kun. Give into despair.”
It’s laughing, its laughter resounding even as Dice stomps the thing to bits. It’ll just reshape itself and find Momota again. No matter what he does, he can’t get rid of it. It’s part of a damn hivemind after all.
Sighing, Dice goes to Starboy once again, and Starboy is lying there almost prone. Looking painfully pale. His breathing is shallow. At least he’s still alive.
But for how much longer? And what am I even doing wasting my time with this idiot? No matter what I tell him or how bad he gets, he refuses to back down and Shirokuma just eggs him on.
He gets down, rolling Starboy onto his back. Starboy groans and for a moment, he blearily comes to.
“Di...ce... You...again...” There’s a couple of missing words. It’s clearly difficult for Starboy to speak. He groans, eyes screwing shut. When Dice helps him sit up, he coughs and there’s a thin stream of blood that trickles down his chin. “U-Urgh...hurts bad.”
“Well, yeah. You don’t take breaks, idiot.” Ouma tutted him. “Some of the monsters you take are mooks. You shouldn’t waste your time.”
“S-Shuuut,” Starboy slurs. He coughs again. “I’m...s’posed to be...a hero. A-A... Luminary.”
It’s because of shit like this that made it was so easy for Ouma to find Momota in the first place.
And Starboy—fucking laughs.
“Even through that stupid mask of yours, I can tell you’re disproving.” He musters up a bit more strength to speak, for all the good that’s doing him. “You’re really worried, huh?”
“I don’t trust Shirokuma,” Dice said simply. “You shouldn’t either.”
Starboy swallows. No doubt swallows back blood. He sucks in his breath. He shakes. He tries to shake his head specifically. Ends up slumping against him. Dice isn’t as gentle with him as Saihara was, but Dice still has little choice but to help him up.
“Stay with me,” Dice ordered. “You’re not allowed to die.”
He’s wasting his breath. Starboy’s definitely going to die at this rate even if it’s not today. All because—
“I’m a hero,” Starboy is slurring. “Heroes don’t—take breaks...they don’t leave people to die.”
“You’re not a hero,” Dice snapped. One step at a time. “You’re just an idiot.”
“It’s not...not about trust...” Starboy huffs at him next. “Not that...you’d understand that... Ouma.”
Dice doesn’t pause. Far from it.
Ouma Kokichi wonders if it’s a coincidence that he and Momota ended up in this situation together.
That’s right. Momota Kaito is going to bring you down. The hero! The Luminary! Won’t that be the Ultimate Despair?
(That’s how she would respond.)
Ouma Kokichi, always so close and yet so far, can’t focus on that right now. He has to save the life of a dying man after all. The results are sure to be favorable.
And yet, also so very—predictable.
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