#i wish i had a little bit more stability in terms of where im living next year because i currently dont have an apartment and i also dont
crowshoots · 5 months
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kayleigh “not so nice” oc asks
im doing all of them because i want to have fun and torture kayleigh (asks from here)
warning: it gets real fuckin dark fjdsfldsfhsf
trigger warnings: self harm, death, serious injury, graphic injury, car accidents, general angst and darkness
1. What is one word to shut them up?
“Stop.” you wanna dig right to her core AND trigger an explosive cocktail of anxiety and RSD in her head that she most likely won’t even tell you about?? just say “stop” in a very annoyed tone
2. What is the thing they feel the most guilty about?
she still regrets cutting contact with her sisters for a year after poison pop broke up the first time because she thinks she could’ve used their support during that time in her life, and they were all hurt by it
3. What is the worst pain they’ve ever experienced?
being trapped in the car right after she and blue wrecked, with multiple broken bones and a lot of other minor injuries
4. Describe their worst nightmare.
dying physically alone, in a way that no one even knows she’s dead
5. List 3 fears; one “surface level” fear, one “repressed” fear, and one “deep dark” fear.
everyone she loves forgetting her (and doing better for it)
and see above
6. What is something that never fails to make them feel sick?
people making suggestive comments about her/her sisters being in relationships with eachother
7. What feature (physical or otherwise) do they hate most about themselves?
despite healing from a lot of her insecurity surrounding it, she still doesn’t like her tendency to get angry/sad very easily
8. Do they have anything that triggers them?
flash cameras can send her into a panic attack if she’s not told abt it beforehand
9. What is their greatest physical weakness?
she is NOT strong lmaooo she can be agile but she is not very good at physical labor
10. What is their greatest mental weakness?
her need for validation, esp from the public
11. Do they have any vices?
she doesn’t drink or smoke but music........music things will get her (songwriting at 2am, buying maybe just too many instruments, etc, etc)
12. Have they ever done something illegal? What was it?
she stole a pack of chips and a coke from a gas station on a dare, she’s broken into a motel pool with friends, broken into a condemned abandoned house. she did a lot of dumb things when she was a teenager/young adult lmao
13. Which of the 7 Deadly Sins best describes them?
i don’t like this question so i’m not going to answer it! :D
14. Are they prone to outbursts (of violence, extreme emotion… exc… )?
she is indeed prone to being extremely emotional, usually anger or sadness, esp bc of her RSD, but she’s learned to manage it over the years
15. Who do they hate the most?
exploitative assholes in the music industry
16. Is there anyone who makes them feel inferior?
no one purposefully makes her feel inferior, but her anxiety/lack of self esteem tends to get to her when she starts comparing herself to her friends (esp when it comes to things that arent music)
17. What sound always gives them a headache?
bells ringing. they had a system in her house growing up where her mom would ring a bell whenever she wanted them to come down for a meal or to go somewhere etc because they had such a large family and going to everyone individually would be a pain
but bc of her exec dysfunction, sometimes she wouldn’t come down at the bell and her mom would just keep ringing it until someone came and got her
now the sound of a bell ringing continuously grates on her nerves more than anything else
18. Is there a certain flavor that disgusts them?
black licorice. everyone hates black licorice, yeah, but like. she has a PASSION for it
19. Do they consider themselves ugly?
she doesn’t think she’s supermodel attractive but she doesn’t think herself ugly either; at least, not anymore
20. Do they consider themselves unlovable?
when things get bad, she considers a lot of parts of herself unlovable, esp her emotions and personal issues, but nowadays she tends to be a little more confident in herself
21. What is something that causes them great anxiety?
fucking things up in conversation
22. Do they have any mental illnesses?
yes, multiple! adhd, anxiety, and depression, all diagnosed
(skipping two questions that involved sexual assault out of personal comfort)
25. Have they ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust?
in middle school, she had a group of friends who completely turned on her in seventh grade after she had a mental breakdown; they basically told her she had “too much baggage” for them and didn’t wanna deal with her anymore
26. Have they ever been seriously injured?
she was in a serious car accident in 2011 with blue, and ended up breaking her arm, her leg, and a couple ribs. thankfully she (and blue!) came out of it with no long term injuries. she’s been seriously injured before that but that was the worst
27. How many times have they been in the hospital?
quite a few times! she was a pretty rough-and-tumble kid and got a few bad cuts/injuries as a kid, then when her mental health got worse she was checked into the hospital once as a teenager and another time as an adult; then she got into the accident, which had her spending a lot of time in the hospital, mostly for physical therapy and making sure her injuries were healing properly
28. Is there a certain type of person that disgusts them?
see #15
29. Does what they cannot see scare them?
30. Have they ever been bullied?
yes, all throughout school she got bullied for being a nerdy kid, for being an alternative kid, and towards the end of highschool for being queer (despite not even being out to herself)
31. Do they have self-confidence or self-image issues?
32. Do they have a bad relationship with their parents?
nope! she loves her mom and dad quite a bit, and they love her too! she’s incredibly close with her family, and her parents were the ones who fuelled her passion for music
33. Have they ever been in a relationship that didn’t work out so well?
most of her relationships before blue ended badly (granted, there was only a few of them!)
34. Have they ever self harmed?
yes; she’s cut herself before, quite a bit, although most people don’t know that. pretty much just blue and her sisters and ryka know
35. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?
she’s at a point where she understands that even her flaws are part of her, and she doesn’t really have the urge to change herself anymore
that being said? if she could have horns - like massive black demon horns, not those weird plastic surgery skin horns people get - she would have those
36. Are they in control of their emotions, or are their emotions in control of them?
she’s wrangled her emotions by now, but for most of her life, they controlled her
37. Have they ever had their freedom taken away?
not really?
38. Have they ever been imprisoned?
she spent a night in county jail for breaking into an abandoned house with her friends lol
39. Have they ever been accused of something they didn’t do?
her sisters would always blame petty shit on her when they were younger because she was the biggest troublemaker lol
40. Do they often blame themselves for other people’s problems?
she tries not to anymore, but she often takes responsibility for others’ emotional states
41. Do they get sick often?
not really!
42. Are they comfortable with where they are in life?
absolutely; she has a wonderful family, an awesome career, and general stability
43. Do they wish that they could change their pasts?
she tries to live on the “no regrets” philosophy, but there are definitely things she would do differently (the way the break-up happened, bottling up all her emotions all the time, not getting mental health care until her late 20s, etc)
44. What’s one thing they wish they could do more often, but can’t?
spend time with her family. the band makes her very busy and although she will often drop everything to do things with/for them, she still wishes she could be there more often
45. What is the emotion they most commonly experience?
46. Have they ever contemplated suicide?
47. Have they ever gone so far as to attempt suicide?
yes, twice; once when she was in college (which prompted her dropping out), and another time right after the break-up
48. Is there anyone that they would willingly kill?
no, she hates the idea of killing anyone at all
49. If [name] was put into ______ situation, they’d rather die than live to see it through.
if her kids were taken from her and placed into foster care. despite being an adopted kid herself, she knows that the foster care system is most often traumatizing and abusive for the kids in it and she’d rather die than see her kids go through that without a chance at helping them or getting them back
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greggreaen · 6 years
Stop Stretching?! Hypermobility and Finding Stability. Prevent Injury + Get Rid Of Pain!
Can too much stretching be bad for you? Learn the dangers of Hypermobility and prevent painful injuries with these helpful tips.
Holy Hypermobile Shoulders!!
Some people are bendy and some people are stiff. Being bendy can be a major concern (especially for women) and often hypermobile people aren’t aware of their own mobility. I want to provide some information about how you can both identify if you’re hypermobile (AKA bendy), and provide some suggestions for developing greater stability for less pain and greater results. 
Lets Talk About Hypermobility…
Any medical information included is based on a personal experience. For questions or concerns regarding health or diagnoses, please consult a doctor or medical professional. 
People with hypermobility are advised to build strength to the muscles and avoid stretching as this can cause long-term damage to the joints.
One of the biggest mistakes people make in fitness is assuming everyone should train exactly the same way. Obviously, this line of thinking is incorrect for a variety of reasons, but perhaps none stands out as more important to appreciate as joint hypermobility.
Hypermobility, exercise and injury prevention
The crazy thing is, many people who are bendy (aka Hypermobile) don’t even KNOW that they are! So they get random injuries and experience pain without ever knowing how to properly train their bodies.
  Being a hypermobile person myself, I’ve gotten a lot of random injuries from being TOO bendy (high hamstring tendonitis was the WORST one!). I wish I had known MORE about Hypermobility when I was younger. But I’ve learned a LOT over the years on how to control my hypermobility and train smarter. Most importantly, I have to constantly remind myself NOT to keep stretching an already excessive loose joint and NOT to go to full end range of motion in exercise. In other words, training with hypermobility is more about what you don’t do than what you do actually do.
SMART training as a Hypermobile person equals building body awareness and strong muscles. Confused still? You are not alone. Join the millions of people who don’t know anything about mobility and still subscribe to the belief that stretching needs to be done daily for optimal health. But then again, people still believe in 80’s aerobics and hours of cardio…. and look where thats getting them = out of shape, injured, and a whole bunch of nowhere. Sounds frustrating? It is. That’s why I want to shine a little bit of light for you and give you some resources to help you understand further.
  Are you Hypermobile?
You see, some individuals have more congenital laxity than others. This essentially means their ligaments (which connect bone to bone) have a bit more give to them. As a result, they can have substantially more flexibility because of the lack of passive stiffness. The active restraints — muscles and tendons — have to work harder to create stability at the hypermobile joints.
Unfortunately, we’re naturally drawn to doing what we’re good at doing, and that’s why you see a lot of really bendy, loose-jointed folks at yoga and Pilates classes when a well-designed strength training program (to create good stiffness) probably would offer quicker benefits. That’s not to say that yoga and Pilates aren’t amazing; I’m just saying that these initiatives ought to be biased toward drills that promote building stability within the joint range of motion that’s already present (as opposed to trying to become even more flexible).
Excessive laxity (bendy-ness) creates instability and this makes joints vulnerable not only to injury but increased wear and tear. Hypermobility predisposes individuals up to a host of not so fun musculoskeletal issues, ranging from ankle sprains to shoulder subluxations to stress fractures to hernias to early osteoarthritis. 
I know this concept may feel difficult to grasp (it was for me too!). But if you are even slightly hypermobile somewhere in your body, learning to understand how to train your unique body and create STABILITY will benefit you in so many ways. 
Of course, it’s important to actually be able to identify if you’re hypermobile. How do you know if you are?
Top signs of Hypermobility:
Increased Flexibility – ‘double-jointedness
Skin – extra soft, silky-smooth skin that is very thin, easily bruises and is slow to heal
Frequent Injury – accident prone and clumsy, due to decreased proprioception (the body’s sense of its own movement through 3D space)
Anesthesia Problems – anesthetics (such as novicaine and lignocaine) take longer to take affect and ware off faster than normal
Joint Pain – frequent joint pain which does not respond to typical treatments such as ice, rest and anti-inflammatory medication, can be brought about suddenly without any direct injury or trauma and lasts longer than normal muscle inflammation
You can also try a Beighton Hypermobility test to assess if this may be an issue for you.
Many trainers mistakenly assume all individuals are incredibly tight and need to stretch until the cows come home. This is NOT a good training plan for a hypermobile person! Stretch them and they get worse. Build stability and they will thrive. The proof is in the pudding – Hypermobile folks will experience LESS pain through strength (speaking from experience here!). Individuals with hypermobility can reduce their risk of developing injury and train effectively by doing the following…
Training Plan for the hypermobile to prevent injury and improve performance
Improve muscle tone. Exercise that helps build muscle tone will assist in reducing the demands on hypermobile joints. Muscles help generate, decelerate and dissipate force from movement sparing the ligaments. Good muscle tone can also create some stability around joints.
Movement Education. Any movement regardless of its nature, be it flexibility, strength or conditioning work should be performed accurately with control and awareness. Focusing on correct engagement of the muscles and initiating good movement patterns will help protect vulnerable joints.
If you are hypermobile, building STRENGTH and teaching yourself HOW to use the RIGHT muscles with proper movement patterns will allow you to achieve your goals quicker and with fewer injuries.
This is the reason I created my Strong Body Program – to help you prevent injury through following a well thought out PLAN of safe fitness programming.  I teach you HOW to execute proper form in exercises (feel things where you should!) and HOW to balance your love of cardio (and yoga!) with strength for optimal results. This allows you to build BALANCE in your body that can keep you pain free for life.
Exercises that help with Hypermobility included and taught in the Strong Body Training program:
Core Stability/Breathing /Lumbar Spine
Glute Marches w/ shoulders on a bench on on the floor (only do these if you have a proper glute bridge down already)
90/90 Hip Lifts
Glute/Hamstring Activation
Glute bridges, or Hip Thrusts and/or single leg variations
Wall RDL’s
Bowler Squats
Single leg RDLs
Shoulder/Back/Thoracic Spine
Deadhang Lat Shrugs
Yoga Pushups
Wall Slides
Scap Pushups
Quadruped Triple Extension
Prone Lower Trap Raises
  The Strong Body program is also a great course to follow if you are coming BACK from an injury and want to ease your way SAFELY into active living. Many of my Hurt Foot students have used Strong Body to transition smoothly back into 100%. The best part is the 6 weeks of scheduling can be taken at your own pace – you get to customize HOW you use the course in a way that works for you. This allows you to use and re-use the program on your schedule for lasting results in your healthy lifestyle. It’s a one time investment that pays you back time and time again. 
If you are a Hypermobile person I know exactly how you feel. Strength training will be HARD for you. But it is also worth it. SO WORTH IT. And it can change your life.
If you are ready to get strong, prevent injury, and see REAL results with your body, the Strong Body program is for you.
Click here to enroll and let’s get you feeling GOOD now. 
As a special for all you MOBILE people out there, I am offering a exclusive one-time discount on the course enrollment. Use the code, “GETSTRONG” here for 15% off. I want so badly to help you prevent pain from cramping your active lifestyle. I believe you can do this. And I want to be your coach.
For more reading on Hypermobility and stretching injuries, check out these helpful articles:
How I got my butt back, the surprising injury that taught me how to move again.
Are you gumby?! Hypermobility and whats bad about too much flexibility. 
Growing up with hypermobility.
Is Too Much Stretching Bad for You? Yoga Tune Up Takes You From Floppy to Fit. So incredibly grateful for Jill Miller and her powerful work.
When Flexibility becomes a liability
How To Avoid Hip Injuries From Yoga. Great modifications for all your favorite postures if you like to “sink into” your asanas.
Yoga Poses That Can Hurt You.
Expert Advice: How to Prevent Yoga Injuries with Strength Training
Mobility WOD. Fantastic resource written by Doctor of Physical Therapy and CrossFit coach Kelly Starrett.
I hope this gave you a better idea of the dangers of too much flexibility/ hypermobility and helped you determine whether it’s an issue for you. This is a starting point for how to fix it and get back to the important stuff – like living a pain free, active life. Im here to help you be smart, move well, and live a strong life. Be sure to use the code, “GETSTRONG” here for 15% off and start getting a STRONG BODY now. May you continue to listen to your body and invest in giving yourself what you need to feel your very best. Here’s to keeping your body healthy and pain free for life! 
Other Things To Check Out:
Get rid of knee pain with these quick routines. 
How to take rest days without feeling guilty about it. Do you need a rest day?
Is the Vegan Diet right for you? Click here to find out now. 
How to start and maintain a consistent exercise routine. 
Why your fitness routine isnt working. 
  The post Stop Stretching?! Hypermobility and Finding Stability. Prevent Injury + Get Rid Of Pain! appeared first on Caroline Jordan.
Stop Stretching?! Hypermobility and Finding Stability. Prevent Injury + Get Rid Of Pain! published first on http://www.carolinejordanfitness.com
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