#i wish it was with zhongli instead sobsob
zhongrin · 1 year
i’m so sorry it took me literal eons to get to this but i’m here now!! baby fever: zhongli edition! i can totally see the first few days/weeks being when li is on edge the most. you’ll be out of commission for a while, since having an adepti isn’t exactly an easy process, no matter if you’re human or not. his favorite thing to do during this time is wait till you’re sleeping or napping and gently taking the mini adepti, holding them close and being gentle of the small horns and tail they have. he likes to hold them to his chest and hum songs he’s heard various people of liyue sing to their own children. he’s sadly not the best at figuring out how to calm them from crying, (a long lifespan like his would surely mean he’s used to kids, right? no. not really.) so usually you wake up and ask for the crying bundle of blankets. he’s in awe of how well you do, even while healing. he’s the best at helping you during that process, btw, always giving you tea and helping you walk to the bathroom or living area for a change of scenery. the rare times where you and the little one are both sleeping, he likes to watch and protect you while he does the basic cleaning in the area. every time the baby whines or starts to wake up before you, he’s picking them up gently and kissing their head full of dark amber hair, watching their eyes that look so much like yours trail his face. he talks to them to try and calm them, but it doesn’t work all the time. there’s times where you come to the rescue, the baby calming at feeling your body heat and the comforting touch of your skin on theirs. poor zhongli does struggle with one part: bottle feeding. even if it isn’t the main way the baby eats, you won’t always be there to feed the kiddo. he worries he’s being too rough or too harsh, even though you tell him babies are much smarter than they appear. you get to spend many a feeding session showing him how, watching him fluster over how the baby drinks quickly and giggling at his worried “is that not too fast?!”. burping the tiny adepti nearly gives him a heart attack, no matter how many times your soothing voice tells him it’s okay to tap the baby’s back. if you ever mention how “big brother xiao” was able to feed the baby easier than him, he wilts. he’s a very helpful caretaker for not only you, but the baby as well! there’s a few things that come with the new tiny adepti that you have to adapt to as well, such as the way to brush their hair without causing harm to their sensitive horns. they’re not going to be as big as their father’s horns, but it’s clear the kiddo is their father’s child. the glowing gold scales of their skin also are a new thing for you, zhongli having to help you find the best way to both keep the baby’s skin moisturized and keep it so the sensitive areas affected by gold wouldn’t be harmed. all in all, having a mini adepti with zhongli is amazing, 10/10. i can totally drop more by if u ever so desire
oh also, that baby is SO spoiled rotten. loves being held all the time.
i saw this and i just. i couldn't help it.
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sure he might not be able to settle into the 'dad' role immediately, but man's lived so long he would have connections to lots of people he could ask advice to. and i'm betting all my mora that he would read up on so many books and journals and notes on how to care for a baby. he'll learn. he's not perfect but he'll try his very best and that's all that matters <3
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seelestia · 2 years
IT DID SOBSOB literally it hates me because i wrote 90% of it and realized a typo, so i pressed ctrl + z and THE WHOLE FIC JUST DISAPPEARED. no trace whatsoever. redo does nothing. i was so devastated ;;;;;
i tried milo with hot milk and never went back ever since. it's super rich and indulgent and probably has more calories than one proper meal but man. it's so good....
i shall treasure his littol meteor 𒆙𒆙𒆙
it was great!!! act 3 was like watching an anime instead of playing the game bc of the number of cutscenes lol and act 4 really built it up for act 5. also loads of al haitham content so i am happy hehehe i like cyno, candace, and dehya a lot more after going through all that!!
lol you were starved and now you're fulfilled huh... i will let you know once i get to finish act 5 for sure!! and yes. that physics book scene was so slkdjflsjdf he's such a jerk. i love him. XD
yep that's an approach that i wouldn't have minded! just.. idk, add on another currency in-game and let us enjoy the lore-heavy event content in peace hyv >:|
pls it's the same for everyone else like i see people who can write AND draw at the same time and i am just. in awe. how are people so talented lskdjflksjdf
"you're the first person that came up when someone asks me for writer reccs"
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anything that relates to zhongli will make me malfunction i love him too much and he's too blinding for words sdjflsjdfljsd your husband really needs to watch his sugar intake and use a darn tumblr ayato come on think of the turtles /j
dw he's fine i gave him lots of kisses we're good 👌🏻 i think our family is just attracted to e/intjs lmao-
now, isn't that just one way to dampen a writer's spirits <//3 if not writer's block, then it's definitely the 'your progress has not been saved' or when it just disappears 😭😮‍💨
HELP milo with hot milk is the embodiment of "too good, must resist" temptation. i think it's good to have for breakfast with some sandwiches?? or would that be too much calories hehhejfke speaking of, i drank some latte today and i finally remembered my long time vendetta with caffeine. i CANNOT drink it for some reason, the milk in the latte was the only thing persuading me to finish the drink 😭 coffee people, is this how y'all survive (/j)
act 3 was the one where we met dottore and first went to the desert, iirc?? i still remember when cyno swooped in to fight alhaitham as soon as we arrived at aaru village. i was just watching the scene like "what happened to hi? hello?" but it's still super cool LOLLL. it also reminds me of when cyno told us not to trust alhaitham and my suspicion on him grew a bit after that... but after playing thru act 5, all i can say that is you'll get to see alhaitham go "feral" ;D
my quest screen is so empty rn 😭 i even maxed the geoculus and anemoculus out of boredom, so i'm planning on maxing the electroculus soon (pray for me, inazuma is large large). the only thing i have left rn is the hangout quests! but i might start farming artifacts for all my five-stars and not just my main team too. the five-stars i have built who have their own artifacts are: heizou, kazuha, eula, ayaka, klee, zhongli, keqing, tighnari, and kokomi... which leaves about 6 other five-stars unbuilt. wish me luck <//3 (btw, i got so excited for ayato that i already have his build ready on xingqiu LOLLL anything for him! i think it has a 50/208 crit ratio?? fjwjkskd)
true, i also find it fascinating how everyone has their own writing styles like that is just so <3 to me. i'm writing my vaporize fic for your collab rn and i am super determined to finish it, hhhhhh. but hopefully, it'll come out well because this is gonna be the first time i write like a somewhat full-fledged fic 😭
too blinding, you say?? i agree, this is also me when ayato jfjejdjkjd. being in love makes them shine brighter in your eyes and all of a sudden, you need sunglasses (/j) AND THE POOR TURTLES. ayato, my dear, think abt those poor turtles in the sea making puppy eyes at you. i'm joining the turtles because i also happen to love resorting to puppy eyes, hehe. yeah, ayato is definitely pinching my cheek for this. (/lh)
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