#i wish my hair was that majestic 😔
iloveasunflowah89 · 1 year
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Fav Roland era tho 🤞
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melobin · 2 months
im telling you that wonbin has a different anatomy than the rest of us cus how tf does he still look majestic asf in a pool. my hair and skin wld be dry asf even after one dive.. its not fair 😕😕
honestly i wish wonbin was real 😔
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thenerdcommander · 5 days
I wish there was an actual science to making your hair grow in thicker and darker bc my mustache was majestic af but it was light blond and blended in with my skin and everywhere on the internet said to shave it and it would come back in darker......it's been months and he has yet to return to his former glory 😔
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josephine-futturwoman · 4 months
is being a woman like…way cooler ?? like- would u say it’s fun and whimsical ??
hey dude, thanks for the question! Dunno if you're asking this because you consider transitioning or you're genuinely just interested BUT I SUPPORT YOU EITHER WAY!! I'll just say: I think it's 50/50 fun. Equally as hard as being a man - we have different issues but the same amount. I guess I have the right to say that, cause I've experienced being both, this is all my personal experience I'm basing my opinions on. But my whole life as a woman is still ahead of me (I was "reborn" as a woman only 4 years ago), I might learn new things and compare the struggles of genders differently. Others can have their own opinions. But here's a list of cons and pros of being a girlie!!:
It's more likely for a woman to get harassed, SA'd and etc.. Though I'm not saying men don't get into these horrible situations, and I feel sorry for those who did, I just think women have been sexualized and shown as weak and helpless throughout the years way more, compared to respected men with more power.
Fucking menstruations, pregnancy. Ain't nobody enjoys the immense pain that shit causes (unless they're a masochist). I don't judge people who want to have a baby, but the aftermath of giving birth can really fuck up a woman's health and body. And the cramps, blood, nausea during periods? Nuh uh, fuck that. Men don't get to experience that, luckily.
I've read somewhere that women live longer, outliving men frequently. Ig we just pay more attention to our health and are more careful, idk how that works tbh >:P
Tbh, I'd put childbirth in pros too. Women are unique from men for this "feature" - being able to constantly continue creating human life in this generation. No man would even exist if women didn't choose to give birth to them, so SOME of those disrespectful assholes who say that they hate women and treat them like shit should fucking shut up and thank their mothers for creating them with the abilities to think and have those own shitty opinions, and they show some respect to them. Unless they have a death wish, sorry then. Plus, having patience to bear those born children, nurture them - basically watch your own little creation you took care of grow into a, hopefully, good and successful person - that shit's impressive as hell and something men can't perfectly duplicate, you cannot lie. Sending respect to all mothers out there, and especially my own❤️
Women can paint their nails, put makeup on, do their hair, wear absolutely majestic outfits and dresses, accessories and jewelry - basically, spend hours to look like literal GODDESSES in the end. But they don't even need that makeup or expensive clothes to look absolutely gorgeous either way. Just the fact that they take care of their appearance so much seems so appealing to me idk. And I'm not saying that men don't do that, of course some also take care of their looks. But sadly it's not normalized for everyone for men to spend too much time on their appearance to look neat - some bitchy people associate that activity with women and tell that it makes those men feminine for that, which can make some of those guys uncomfortable if they didn't want to seem as feminine... Even more unnormalized for some people are men wearing feminine clothes and makeup, and honestly that's fucking sad that they can't be who they are comfortable being. I want men and women to have "best dress/makeup" battles, because mens' costumes can't compare to the mesmerizing dresses designers create specifically for women😔. But there are some people out there insulting such brave men for having taste. So that's why I consider us, women, lucky🙁.
Anyways sorry for the rant ig?? It was just quite an interesting question!! And I really hope I didn't say anything controversial or offensive nor to men nor to women, those weren't my intentions, sorry if I did!! This is all just how I think!!
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