#i wish the broadway cast had done a studio recording too 😭😭😭😭
thewingedwolf · 1 year
i like six so much bc i like the rhymes in it. you have the pop sound but the rhythms and syncopation of theater and it’s crack for my ears lol.
So i picked up a pen and a microphooooone, history’s about to get overthrOWN
“Histor-emix” is genius fuck you
Put your hands up get this party buzzin’ you want a queen bee? well here’s half a doZENN (also the harmonies on that one)
You say it’s a pity cuz quoting Leviticus i’ll end up kidiless all my life!
Don’t be bittAh cuz i’m fittAh. He doesn’t want to bang you SOMEbody hang you!
My horses can trot up to twelve miles an hour, let me explain, I'm a Wienerschnitzel, not an English flower. No one tells me I need a rich man, doin’ my thing in my palace in rICHMOND.
“Please me, squeeze me, birds and the bees me,” just flowwwwws
that’s not my storyyyy there’s so much more reeeeemember that i was a writAh i wrote books and songs and meditations fought for female education.
Cause in hisTORY I’M fiXed. as. ONE OF sIX!
We’re one of a kind no category, spent too many years lost in HIStory
i am constantly singing random lines to my dog and he has had enough of me!!
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