#i wnt to do a stream to celebrate that ;_;
batz · 3 years
february 20th is a pretty shitty day for me so i might have my next art stream then! its ALSO on a saturday so it works out!!!
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gamergirl929 · 4 years
Welcome Home (Mallory Pugh x Reader)
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After over a year overseas with the military, you return to your girlfriend, your home, the one and only Mallory Pugh. 
I wrote this a while back so Jill is still the coach in this, I didn’t plan on posting, but I think Mal needs some love today. <3 
You take a deep breath, running your hands down your uniform as you move out of the tunnel towards the pitch.  
Jill Ellis had aided you in the plan, making sure the girls stayed on the field, gathering them all together in a huddle, sure to keep Mal’s back to the tunnel.  
You inhale loudly through your nose before exhaling loudly through your open mouth.  
You walk out onto the pitch, glancing around at the many fans cheering and clapping in the stands while the team celebrates on the field.  
Jill turns your way with a grin and holds her hand up in the air, suddenly, the stadium is filled with a voice.  
“If we could turn your attention to the tunnel, we’d like to welcome Y/N Y/L/N back home on US soil this afternoon after over a year overseas!” The voice shouts and the stadium cheers.  
The USWNT players turn towards you, their smiles splitting into massive grins when they spot you.  
Mallory pushes passed them and runs towards you and you run towards her, tears already streaming down both your cheeks.  
She runs to you, jumping in the air and wrapping her arms around your neck and legs around your middle.  
“You’re here. You’re really here.” She whispers, tears running down her cheeks as she places wet kisses all over your face.  
You laugh as you spin the woman around happily.  
Finally, your lips meet Mallory’s for the first time in over a year and to say you’d missed Mallory’s kisses would be an understatement.  
You pull back, but only for a millisecond before you’re surging back in for another kiss.  
The second you part Mallory buries her nose in your neck, tears streaming down her cheeks.  
“I missed you, I missed you so much.” She sniffles, sobbing into your neck as you tighten your hold on her.  
“And I missed you, so fucking much, I love you Mal.” You sniff as you hold her tightly, afraid if you loosen your grip the woman will vanish and you’ll realize that this is all a dream.  
Mallory’s teammates watch the scene unfold with tears in their eyes.
They had, as they had said, the pleasure of meeting you well before your deployment.  
The two of you had met at Mountain Vista High School in Colorado, you were a new student and of course, Mal, being Mal had immediately befriended you it wasn’t long after that, that you realized you were in love with the girl.  
The two of you took different paths after school, Mal, being an up-and-coming soccer star decided to sit out college for a bit so she could compete in the Olympics with the WNT, you couldn’t have been any prouder of her.  
Your path took you towards the military, where you enlisted in a 2-year contract to see if the military was where you wanted to be.  
The same year you’d met Mallory, you’d finally worked up the nerve to tell her how you felt, and luckily for you, those feelings were returned.  
“Please don’t let me go.” Mallory whispers and you close your eyes tight, tears sliding down your cheeks.  
“Never.” You whisper, shaking your head back and forth. “Never. I love you so much.” You whisper and Mallory sniffles.  
“I love you too.”  
You make your way towards the team, Mallory still clinging to you like a koala bear as you move towards the eager group of women.  
“Why didn’t you tell us you were coming!?” Christen says giddily as she rushes towards you, wrapping her arms tightly around both you and Mallory.  
“Had to keep it a secret.” You grin, turning to nuzzle into the side of Mallory’s head.  
“Shhhh, I’m not letting go.” You reassure as you kiss the side of her head.  
“Kid!” Tobin says excitedly as she throws her arms around the both of you, the woman giving you both a tight squeeze.  
“I’ve missed you guys.” You grin as you return the tight hug, Tobin grunting.  
“Jesus, you’re stronger than I remember.” She snorts and you grin.  
“How long have we got you for?” She asks and Mallory quickly pulls back, her tear-filled brown orbs locking with yours.  
You face shifts from a tight-lipped frown to a face splitting grin.  
“For as long as Mallory wants to keep me.” You whisper and the brown orbs you fell so in love with widen immensely.  
“You mean...?” Mallory whispers, tears streaming down her cheeks, and your own as you nod, your bottom lip trembling.  
“I’m home, for good.” You sniff and Mallory laughs as she tightens her hold on you. She kisses you fiercely, kissing you as if it’s the last time she ever will.  
A wolf whistle pulls the two of you apart and you turn, realizing that multiple women you had yet to meet, Emily Sonnett, Lindsey Horan, Rose Lavelle and Sam Mewis are grinning your way.  
“You’re not enlisting again?” Kelley asks and you shake your head.  
“No.” You whisper as you lean your forehead against Mal’s.  
It’s not long before you’re swarmed by the rest of the team, sharing hugs with new and old members of the team, teammates you’d met before and teammates you had yet to meet in person, the entire time Mallory refuses to let you go, effectively leading to everyone hugging the two of you.  
“I promise, I’m not going anywhere.” You whisper in her ear, and that is what eventually leads to Mallory reluctantly letting you go, but only momentarily as she moves to your side and slips an arm around you.  
“Actually...” You mumble as you take a step back from Mallory and she frowns.  
You slip your hand into your pocket, grabbing the small velvet box from inside and moving down to one knee, much to the excitement of the fans and team surrounding you.  
Christen and Tobin are basically shaking with excitement.  
Mallory’s eyes widen and her hands jump to cover her mouth, tears streaming rapidly down her cheeks as she stares down at you.  
“Mal, when I met you in high school, I know we were still kids, hell we still kind of are.” You shrug with a nervous chuckle and Mallory giggles.  
“The more time we spent together, the more my love for you grew, until I couldn’t take it and I finally told you the night I’d surprised you by coming to your house in the middle of a massive storm just to tell you I loved you.” You smile and Mal laughs at the memory.  
The team around you can barely contain their excitement, Tobin and Christen being the most excitedly of them all, their hands tightly clasped together as they watch the two of you.  
“When I decided to go overseas, I missed you I left half my heart with you but I don’t want to only give you half of my heart, I want to give you all of it, so will you, Mallory Diane Pugh, do me the honor of becoming my wife?” You ask, tears in your eyes and Mallory nods rapidly before football tackling you back onto the turf, peppering wet kisses all over your face as you laugh and the team cheers around you along with the fans.  
Christen lets out a squeal as Tobin lifts her up in her arms and spins her around excitedly.  
You move to your feet, Mal’s arms and legs wrapped tightly back around you once again, and you wouldn’t want her anywhere else in the world.  
You open the velvet box and slip the ring onto Mallory’s ring finger with a beaming smile.
The second the ring is on, Tobin and Christen are slamming into you, both excitedly chattering about the ring and about planning a wedding.  
Unbeknownst to them, you and Mallory are both too focused on one another, the two of you lost in one another’s loving gaze as tears run down your cheeks.  
“Wherever you are Mal...” You start, voice rough. “That’s where I want to be.”  
Mallory leans forwards, lips meeting yours a tender and loving kiss. She pulls back with a massive grin before she moves to cup your cheeks.  
“I love you Y/N.” Mallory whispers and you let out a watery laugh.  
“I love you too Mal.”  
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yes-please101 · 7 years
Broken Arm
Finn has a broken arm and he really needs a shower.
Fuck this is itchy. Where’s that pencil gone? 
As I walk around my room.trying to find something to poke down my cast, I see myself in the mirror. Fuck. My hair was greasy and something had decided to take up residence on my chin. 
I’m not going to ask chop, he might shave some funky pattern on my chin. Archie’s boyfriend wouldn’t be comfortable with him touching another bloke, same with Izzy. Chloe might get the wrong idea when I take off my shirt. That leaves….. Rae. I can control myself, I think. 
I pull my phone out of my pocket and have a seat on my bed. I have to use my phone like an old person now because I broke my right arm. 
Me: Hey Mae hiws my faavorite person todau? X
Rae: I take it your arms still broken !! Haha I’m alright, you ok? 
 Me: Yeah but I wnt help wuth sonethibg. Can you come.iver? x 
 Rae: ok I’ll be round ASAP!!  
 Me: Rae?     Rae: yeeeeaaahhhh? 
 Me: Bring your swimming costume ;) 
Rae: Why?
Rae: Finn? 
Rae: Fucksake I’m coming now  
After about twenty minutes there was a loud knock at the door. I eagerly jumped up to let her in. 
“Woah! What the hell died in your face”
I moved out of the way and beckoned her in. As she came through the door she engulfed me in a hug. It was tight and warm. Mmm mmm Rae. I shook my head. Gotta focus, Finn.
“You uh might want to take a shower when you get right of” she pointed to my small fluffy beard. “That.”
“That’s what I asked you here for.” I gave her my best innocent smile, she looks kind of irritated, I’m not sure, maybe confused. 
I asked her to follow me upstairs and explain what I need her to do. Obviously shes not impressed but I tell her she’s my best friend, I tell her I need her. Of course she gives in.
We’re in the shower together, we’re not naked but close enough. Theresa May. I can see the outline of her body. Oh good god. Michael Jackson. I can see her looking at me, what must I look like? Standing here in my swim shorts, my arm wrapped in cling film and Tesco bags.
“Am I just washing your hair, yeah?” She asked me and I nodded. She reached behind me for the shampoo, her left boob pressed up against me.
“Steve Buscemi” I whispered.
“You said something”
“No I didn’t, can we just get on?“ 
“Uhh… Yeah sure, wet your hair then”
Fuck, that was close, I need to control my thoughts some other way. Rae squirted shampoo on her hand, she reached up and massaged my scalp, it actually felt pretty good. I wonder what else she can do with those hands. Ron Perlman. This isn’t working. I look down, which happens to be where Rae’s cleavage is - right under my nose. Oh dear lord. Don’t get an erection. Camilla Parker-Bowles.
Oh my god she’s touching my chest!!!!! She’s touching my chest!!!!
“Hey that wasn’t part of the agreement.” I nodded my head down to her hand, which was still on my peck. She snatched it away, blushing. 
“Sorry, you had a drip. You can rinse it now.” I moved my head back into the stream of water. Rae grabbed the shower gel, squirted some into her hand and started to rub my body. 
I’m fucked. FUCKED.
MICKEY ROURKE. STEVEN SEAGAL. QUENTIN TARANTINO. Why do I know so many funky old celebrities?
Before I knew it, she’d finished. She was spraying me with the shower head. I switched off the shower, unimpressed. She jumped out first, obviously cold because her nipples were erect. Erect haha. She wrapped a towel around herself and held her hand out to help me. As soon as I was out she wrapped another towel around me. I never realised how small this bathroom is. She led me to the sink and I showed her where I kept my shaving stuff. 
Soon I was covered n shaving foam. I mean covered. I could see the Concentration on Rae’s face, it made me laugh but when I did she scowled at me. Man, she means business.
When she was done she cleaned me up. She then pulled my shorts down, under my towel. Gulp! I dried off as best as I could and she hooked fresh boxers round my ankles. This is gonna go horribly wrong.
She pulled them up with out so much as a slip of the towel or graze of the hand. Damn! I left the room so she could change. When she came out she was all flushed then made some excuse about needing to see a man about a pigeon and left quite abruptly, god knows what that was about.
I’ve got 5 more weeks with this damn cast. How will I cope?!!!
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