#i woke up to the windows breaking and dust EVERYWHERE and i couldnt. breathe
schrodingers-catgirl · 7 months
wondering whether i should like. talk about my situation at all? (okay i ended up rambling in the tags so here they are)
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i just want to say that im terrified. everyone i know, everyone i care about, could be dead right now. i have no way to know. its so scary. everything i know has been ripped away from me and im just. scared. i miss having a normal life and im sick of this. its been more than 3 weeks and i dont know when itll ever end. nowhere is safe and i dont know if my house is okay and i just want everything to be normal again
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Ruined fun?
Pairing: Lucifer x reader
Warning: kidnapping, frenzied!Lucifer, smut,
-if your tired of the smut, sorry, but it's a smut series, and theres gonna be few without it, you can just skip it if you like-
For the last few weeks y/n and Lucifer had made a home in an abandoned small hotel. Lucifer had fixed it up cleaned all the rooms and made sure everything was modern and fit for his mate.
He had even removed several of the rooms to replace them with a library, the kitchen was up to date and many rooms were tuned into activity rooms and many on the first floor were removed and made into a living room.
The hotel had been refurbished and in its place a beautiful home filled with his mates favorite colors and designs.
When y/n had first been shown around she was amazed. She spent hours thanking him and staying attached to his side. The master bedroom was previously the presidential sweet and the room next to it was turned into a nursery, for the little future arrival.
Present time-
You were lounging in your shared room snacking and rubbing your belly whispering little praises and love to it. You rocked slightly and started to hum, a random tune with no name, but sweet and calming.
This is the site that met Lucifer when he walked in to check up on you. You looked so serene and beautiful, no angel had ever compared to you in his eyes. Your h/l h/c hair, contrasted against your skin and your eyes such a rare shade of e/c. He was lucky to have a goddess such as you.
When you feel his weight settle in behind you, his cool skin pressed against your own heated flesh. His lips press light kisses into your neck as he lays you down, and begins a trail of them down your torso to your heated core.
Hooking his fingers into the elastic of your shorts he slides them down panties and all. The cool air of his breathe against your wet lips send shivers throughout your body. He swipes his fingers along your slit, once then twice before sitting up on his knees and undoing his belt. With baby bump in the way he cant lay across you like before but this position will work just as well.
He runs his hands under your knees and and angles his hips slush against yours, he pushes the head of his cock lightly against you entrance before sliding in. Th drag of him inside you was still as euphoric as the first time.
His pace is controlled and slow; his hands are firm against your thighs. Each thrust is met with a grunt and a moan.
"Lucifer...you feel so good." Your eyes shine up at him with love, his eyes mirrored yours, this wasnt about lust.
"Shh...let me worship your beautiful body mate, just lay back and relax, this is all about you tonight." His hips pick up a faster pace his eyes search her expression for what she likes and what feel the best to her. When she suddenly arches her back with a loud moan he knows he hit that special spot, angling his hips he thrust in harder hitting it over and over until her wet heat clamps down on his length and his hips stutter filling her with his cool seed.
He pulls out their shared juices running down her thighs as he rolls onto his side and pulls her into his chest.
"Sleep little mate, the little one could be here any day now, you need rest."
Your responding laugh cause a smile on his face, "alright alright, I'll rest more my protective angel."
Only when your body relaxes and your breaths even out does he allow himself to follow you into sleep.
-your pov-
A feeling of unease and discomfort arouses you from your sleep. As your senses return to your there is an ache in you back and you cant move your hands or feet.
Looking around you, your surroundings are unfamiliar. It's an old warehouse, the light through the windows is hazy at best, and there dangling hooks covered in what you presume to be dried blood.
On the floor next to you is a man with his eyes burned out, and across from you a woman was slumped against a wall, blood covered cracks formed in the wall behind her. She had been thrown into it. Hushed whispers grab your attention, turning your head your met with twonken you've never seen before, but the overwhelming stench of sulphur gives you the idea of them being demons. Staying silent you listen in to there conversation.
"How are we supposed to use her against Lucifer if we cant even get with 10 ft of her without being smited."
"I dont know, but asmodeus will have our heads if we cant get ahold of Lucifer, hes been more violent then usual since gabriel got away and nearly killed him."
You were shocked, 'asmodeus is still alive.'
"..maybe we can give her to asmodeus instead, look at her, shes pregnant with obviously a nephilim, maybe he could use that things grace instead."
Hearing this pissed you off. No one threatens my baby! Scanning your surroundings once again you notice the room doesnt have any warding put up, probably because they were attempting to lure Lucifer. You begin praying to your angel, hoping he can hear you.
Lucifer pov-
He had woken hours ago, not seeing his mate anywere set him off, searching the entire area of their home, he couldnt find her anywhere. Panic was starting to take over.
"Y/N. MATE!" He began flying to all her favorite cafes and parks nearby, but she wasnt there either. Sending out his grace, he couldnt feel her soul, the only thing telling him she was alive was he could still feel the bond. He was so panicked that the sky was beginning to darken, lighting flashed and rain pelted the earth, "Y/N!!"
He spent hours looking everywhere, even slammed himself through the warding of the bunker, and checked everyone of its rooms, only when he couldnt find her there either did he crumple to the floor in their library.
The winchesters and several Angel's as well as God and amara, who had been visiting, followed him around trying g to get him to speak. Finally dean yells.
"What the fuck do you want asshole!"
"Not here...shes not here...y/n..."his body shakes and then he breaks, they all look upon him in shock as the great Lucifer begins to sob into the floor. "My mate...shes gone...I need her.."
Gabriel and sam are the first to react, "what do you mean she/y/n is gone!!"
"I woke up this morning and she was just gone. I looked everywhere, I cant feel her soul...only our bond...was she tired of me??"
Chuck was worried for his son, this behavior was not like him, "no she hasn't left you son...I made her for you...please calm down so we can think of a way to help her something is obviously not right with this."
Michael snorts, "father is correct. Now stop acting like a fledging and get off the floor, my rebellious little brother does not cry like a child. He rips apart the people who dare take his things away."
Everyone gathers in the war room and they start planning, they have been talking for hours when Lucifer receives it...a prayer.
"Y/n! Shes praying....." they group watches as his relief turns into anger and hatred.."asmodeus!"
Sam was confused, "what about him, gabriel turned his ass to dust"
"Apparently not, now come on let move. I will not wait to find her any longer." Before any of them could make an argument there surroundings had changed and they were now, in a falling apart warehouse. Two demons were mid argument and they could see y/n strapped to a metal chair, her belly rounder than ever.
The demons notice there presence first and attempt to escape their vessels but castiel and balthazar are quick to react and grab them.
Gabriel and lucifer make there way to y/n and begin untieing her. "Its ok mate..Ive got you"
"Bout time luce, my back was getting sore," her smile filled him with relief.
"They didnt hurt you did they, they pay if they have."
"No, I am fine, jack is strong, he smited anyone that got to close."
Everyone looks upon her in confusion, "jack??"
You just giggle, "call it mothers intuition, its totally a boy." Lucifer face lights up and he picks her up out of the chair. He is ready to lead her out of the ware house when you freeze midstep.
"Hmmm..what is it"
"My water just broke" every one in the room looks at me in horror and Lucifer goes into a full panic.
'What!? Now...no.." he leans down to her belly, "you cant come put now, y/n cant you just hold it."
"It doesnt work that WAY! NOW GET ME OUT OF HERE" Lucifer quickly lifts her in his arms and flys her to the bunker, everyone else follows suite cas bringing the winchesters.
When the others arrive, chuck and Lucifer had already entered your old room with you, they can here you yell and curse Luce out through the door.
They spend the next half hour waiting in the war room for any sort of news.
Aaand cliffy.
Next installment might be the last.
@ace-of-black-hearts @bloodstained-porcelain-doll @blakechaos08 @blackswan90265 @cracked-treetopper-angel @captain-winchester-27 @deputyash @eggsywin @hisbrvkenwings @iamalekstraordinary @lucifer-in-leather @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell @lucifers-perfect-angel @lucifersrosegarden @slashertrasher @tree-of-blue-squirrel
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