#i womt be rrsponding to anything else you send - new blog or otherwise.
mandiemegatron · 10 months
Yeah hi me again. I think it's fucked up that you cried to your little friends that I was "bullying" you and now some of my favorite one piece writers and artists BLOCKED me! I had to make a whole new account because I couldn't see anything! It's not my fault I don't like your writing anymore, you changed how you write and I told you I didn't enjoy it and I'm being punished for having an optionn?! Fuck you Mandy that's stupid. I wish I never read your shit.
.... you're actually fucking delusional. You need to seek a therapist asap, and maybe even Jesus because this is the wildest thing I've ever had to deal with. I'm assuming you're also @oplover14 (I have you blocked bc you're pathetic and miserable and a BULLY)
I don't know what the fuck I did to you to make you act out like this. I didn't ASK anyone to fuckin block you or anything. I'm literally here for a good time, to have fun and write some silly smutty things, and you're literally jumpin down my throat for what ???? You say you're 33 yet you act like a fuckin 13 year old throwing a goddamn temper tantrum !!! Who the fuck hurt you dude ?!
Literally grow the fuck up and act your goddamn age. You're pathetic and sad, Law and Luffy would punch you right in your disrespectful face. You're no nakama to either of them.
You're entitled to your opinion but you're not entitled to be a fuckin dick abt it. You don't have to like my writing dude but you also don't have to tell me you don't like it. Whatever happened to "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything?"
Go back to kindergarten and learn some goddamn manners.
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