#i wonder if garm payed rent
renklix · 2 years
Vinny is absolutely batshit crazy and we don’t even talk about it.
I mean, the guy welcomed Garmadon, who took over the country, nearly killed his own son on live tv, actually killed a bunch of people (probably a lot, I’d never believe that no one got squished by the Colossus, there’s just no way), singlehandedly destroyed the whole city, was the first character in this show to murder someone on screen, is a freaking ONI, who are also known for taking over the world and destroying everything, a bunch of other stuff I’m too lazy to list, but you get the point. Garmadon is the last guy any sane person would want to be roommates with. But Vinny, this psychopath, welcomed him to live in his apartment (even though Garmadon said absolutely nothing about living together) on a dumb promise he had no guarantee Garmadon would keep (he literally broke the vow of nonviolence twice, that’s a really bad track record) and was like “imma teach this crazy evil warlord who completely destroyed our city like a couple of months ago howta be good and let him live in my apartment and give him a plant cuz he asked nicely”. And the worst thing is, he never actually told anyone. Vinny is out of his mind and you can’t convince me otherwise
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