#i wonder if he adds hot sauce to it. that's what i do hehehe
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I call this the ongoing Wolfwood noodle saga. Will this man ever be able to enjoy his noodles in peace?
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roninhunt0987 · 3 years
Zoe Kimiko Kato meeting Krystal, Scratch and Aqua
Zoe Kimiko Kato meeting Krystal, Scratch and Aqua
By: Roninhunt0987
X3 if ya remember Zoe's birth story she hasn't met Krystal too much because Krystal went back to college with Scratch and Aqua and since the m.e.g.a chronicles 4 era has started Krystal graduated by then with scratch and aqua so that means Zoe is gonna be having time with Krystal, Scratch and Aqua of course.. X3 this is a cute fic for Krystaliaproductions of course hehe
Characters(C)belongs to their rightful owners
-Kato/Prower residence-
Zoe Kimiko Kato: -walks on over holding her eevee plush and sees Krystal, Scratch and Aqua and walks on over- Krystal: -sees and smiles- Hey there
Zoe Kimiko Kato: hu??
Krystal: X3 remember me??
Scratch and Aqua: -smiles wondering if she does remember them too-
Zoe Kimiko Kato: -looks to all 3 carefully and goes into a flashback when she was a baby and being held by Krystal as she remembers pawing at her nose and then remember scratch holding her and drinking a lil bit of scratch's hot sauce and remember getting a bath from Aqua and remembers- Krystal?? Scratch?? Aqua??
Krystal: X3 mmhmm wheres my hug
Zoe Kimiko Kato: -hugs her and purrs- X3 hehe
Scratch: ^^ hehe
Aqua: X3 awww
Sonic: -walks by and sees Zoe drinking hot sauce and has the look of shock as he now realizes how zoe got 100 percent tolerance to anything mega spicy- GAAAHH!!!!
Zoe Kimiko Kato: -looks- ? What??
Sonic: O_O NOTHING!! -runs off-
Scratch: XD pffft
Krystal: ^^; that happened
Aqua: ^^
Melody Skye Kato, Kotone and Misty: -glomps krystal and purrs-
Chetan, Nipaham, Fuji and Ayame: XD FLOOF PILE!! -glomps also-
Krystal: XD hehehehehehehe
Scratch: XP hehehe
Aqua: XP
Merrick: -walks in and chuckles-
Zoe Kimiko Kato: X3
-a lil later-
Zoe Kimiko Kato: -pounces Jazz's tail and paws on it- :3 Jazz: -chuckles- whatcha doing Zoe??
Zoe Kimiko Kato: XP pouncing ya tail
Jazz: XD k -gets out a muffin- :3 Muffin??
Zoe Kimiko Kato: X3 k
Jazz: -gives Zoe a muffin-
Zoe Kimiko Kato: -eating a muffin cutely-
Lyric The Fox: -playing some audio beats to try to think of a new song and hears stupid loud music outside and opens window and yells at Bob The Defiler, Suzie The Malovant, Larry The Cockroach, Angry Karen The Wasp and Stinky The Amoogus- WILL YOU SHUT UP!!! -throws music notes at them- all 5 idiots: AHHHHHH!!! -burried under music notes-
Boombox: -ded- X-x
Lyric The Fox: .w. geeze why the hell do we attract these morons that we just have full awareness of anyhow gawd -closes window and gets back to work-
Zoe Kimiko Kato: -walks on in and watching Lyric work and sees that Lyric has trouble finding a perfect pitch noise and goes to help a lil-
Lyric The Fox: -chuckles- whatcha doing Zoe?? Zoe Kimiko Kato: -gets it at the right pitch- ^^ hehe Lyric The Fox: -plays it- ohh wow thats the pitch I was looking for... ^^ thanks Zoe -pets her softly and gives her a cookie as a treat for helping-
Zoe Kimiko Kato: X3 thank you
-a lil later- Zoe Kimiko Kato: -on Krystal's tummy as she is taking a nap on her like Melody did when Melody was her age- zzz
Krystal: -smiles as the purrs from Zoe makes her sleepy and falls asleep- zzzzz
Zoe Kimiko Kato: -sleeping- zzzz
Merrick: -walks on in to check on Krystal and Zoe and smiles- awww -takes picture of both of em quietly to add to the photo album and etc as he has been taking pictures from today to add to the album-
Scratch: -walks in- .w. hey dad ya seen where my bottle of hot sauce at
all 5 idiots: -has a bottle of scratch's extreme spicy hot sauce-
Scratch: .w. uhh wouldn't do that if I were you ya be sorry
Merrick, Aqua, Melody Skye Kato, Kotone, Misty, Chetan, Nipaham, Fuji and Ayame: 3, 2, 1
all 5 idiots: -drinks it and they're mouths are litterally on fire- AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! -runs outside to find some liqud to smite the spicy flames and etc and gets close to wario's car as their flaming mouth is too close to the gas tank-
Wario's car: BLAM!!
Car alarm: -goes off after the car blew up-
all 5 idiots: -burnt pitch black anime style and got killed- X_x
Scratch: .w. welp tried to warn em
Merrick: -quietly- scratch ya sisters are sleeping right now lets go to the other room and let them snooze
Scratch: -nods yes and walks to the other room-
the others: -follows-
Merrick: -has a blanket on Zoe and Krystal and gives Zoe her eevee plush-
Zoe Kimiko Kato: -cuddles her eevee plush close as she continues to sleep on top of krystal's tummy- zzz
Krystal: -sleeping hugging Zoe close to her-
All 5 idiots: -spawns near wario-
Wario: rrrrr
All 5 idiots: -looks to the viewers- O_o fml
Scene: -does a small fart noise of blacking out-
TFS Nappa: ;3 the end
:3 For you @krystalia-productions
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[RO] Willy fall off story
Day 1 - of my cock falling off Fuck guys my cock is literally detached from my body. I don't know why or when or how my lengthy member decided to depart from my penile area, but it did as of recently. I am left with nothing but questions, Could I have been fucked? Roofied? Anal banged and gang fucked? What could have it been?
Here's some backstory. It was a faptastic, wonderful Saturday morning. I got up, my routine was as normal, get up, get ready for a shower and most importantly, jerk off. Oddly, prior to wanking on this particular morning, I felt cum or some liquid on my pants, I just passed it off as a wet dream and went to go beat the fuck out of my dick perusual. I grabbed lotion and some towels for cleaning my juices up afterwards. Obviously, you can guess what happened when I went to go jerk off. I went to grab my quite girthy penis, to my horror, I saw and felt nothing there but my dangling balls with it's curly, puffy hair.
I thought to myself, "It's probably just aimed down and riding to my ass".
I still felt, nothing. I thought my cock fell off, but how? I panicked. I ran to my pants, in such shock, I tripped. I fell and hit my head smack onto my detached dick. I tasted it!
The taste isn't that bad (just a little piss and cum combo flavor, irony too), no wonder blowjobs and handjobs are so common. Maybe it's because I clean my pipe well.
I sat there, dick in mouth, shocked that my tallywhacker has fallen off. I looked at where my cock used to be. It looked like a fucking vagina! The thought of that made me shoot a load harder than ever and, before I knew it, out came a speedy nut shot out of my vagina with testicles. It was the best nut of my life. So much so I had no idea where I was aiming and I ended up hitting my eye. On impact, I instantly started crying from the searing burning pain. I quickly cleaned myself up and sat down on my couch with my cock.
That brings us to now. I'm sitting on my comfy ass couch crying, confused as fuck, horny, blind in one eye, and penisless. I feel like fingering the hole. Unfortunately, there is a burning yet orgasmic sensation in my vagina. In other words, It HURTS! I seriously need to get to the bottom of this...
Day 1 still - 2.2 hours after It's been 2.2 hours since my penis blasted off of my body. Call it the Falcum heavy 69. My quite flavorful penis, as I knew it, was gone. I couldn't believe it. I sat here for a good hour just thinking, thinking how the fuck this happened. The other hour was coping with the pain and pondering about my new vagina along with the actions I will commit to it.
"What could've happened?" I thought to myself
I wondered and wondered. Who, what, when, where, why, fuck, how.
I couldn't think of anything. All I could remember was injecting candy into my anal cavity and ass chugging pints of watermelon juice with piss infused flavor. My friend told me that it was candy at least.
I finally got the strength to move. It took me a while but I got it. I was delusional. I walked to my blunt making toilet station. I was walking like I had a stick up my ass. I got to my station. I went to go roll a blunt. As I was rolling up that gooood shit, I realized... I'm a fucking horse. I passed out.
Day 69 - OUT LIKE A LIGHT! Apparently I was out for 68 days. What the fuck. I looked in the mirror. I'm a fucking horse. That's when I became aware, My friend, who was with me last night. I think we had painal! (Anal with a lot of pain). His name was Moe, Moe lester. That fucking bitch must have fucked my asshole hardcore doggy style. I pinched my ass for no reason. I wanted revenge. I was going to donkey punch him without consent. That's when it hit me. My cock, right in my face.
My cock was literally slapping me in the face. Then I became fully conscious. That little annoying fucker! Wait, my cock didn't fall off. It was still there, mushroom stamping my forehead. I was dreaming the whole time?! The fuck? I remember now. My ass still hurt. Liquid was seeping out of my anus canal, it reeked of piss, blood, vomit, some tears, and cum! Quite the cocktail might I add. I wanted revenge. Revenge I will get... MOUTH FUCK STYLE!
Day 70 - the plan My ass is bleeding with pulsing with immense pleasure. I need to find that fucky faggot and fill his ass with my anger. I can't stop but notice my fucker of a cock. What a cunt! It just slaps my forehead for fun. I will beat my cock so hard this night, it will cry juices. Well, for now, I am planning a revenge. A revenge on Moe Lester. This motherfucker will get a taste of shit-covered horse cock.
I needed a way to lure him into my rape dungeon of a basement where I hide my collection of used condoms and my collection of dildoes. But how? One way was to bake a cum urinal cake. The other was to invite him to an anal fuck bukkake orgy extravaganza cock needle fun party. I decided on bukakke. I started to write my invitations on used soggy biscuits. My mom blanched cum, then launched it out of his mouth while getting a insanely dry mouth fuck (also a dirty chewbacca). He got it on the biscuit and played soggy biscuit.
My message was, "yo my anal sucking cunt cum teh fuck ovr 4 rectal anus plugging bum fuck sexy time with free piss drinks and fried jizz burgers from cockburger king there will b strap ons and 95 inch dildos with spikes and hot sauce rough pegging IS allowed plus painal my cum jars arentto be tampered wit PECKERS OR ELSE ANAL NO CONSENT IS ALLOWED and moe lester you're exxxxtra invited honey!!!!!" my invitation was sent!
Day 71 nijjers from mars ACTION I'm orgasming! I'm climaxing! Jizzsterbation! 1 hour until my ovarie explodes for my party!!! I'll just jerk off in the corner until I cum and the party cums. Little did moe lester know, he was the only that got my cumstain of an invitation. I hear a knock at the door.
It's time.
Moe lester is about to get fucked!! I'm horny. I ready my one eyed milk cannon, pulsing with rock-like stiffness, it was like a monster tearing through my pants, clawing it's way to freedom. I knew my cock had throbbing power, so I wore chainmail pants to prevent pregnancy and prematureal cumshots.
He knocked on the door
"Cum in! I have a boner!" I yelled
He walks in
There goes my penis!
My penis shot right out of my pants mach 6, while being bent completely 90 degrees. I hit him right in the head, Kill shot!
Or so I thought.
My penis bit him right in the left ass cheek and his nose had cum seeping out. His cum levels lowered. Enough to cause vaginosis! I had fucked him sufficiently. Shockingly, he got up. erect and standing, he dick whacked me across the chest with the might of a rhinoceros wang. He dropped a fat Cleveland steamer right on my face. It was TASTY. I was FURIOUS. I jerked back my foreskin and.... BOOOOOM!
he was definitely dead. Mission ACCOMPLISHED BOY.
DAY PISS - OH SHIT/EXPOSED Jrkrodo. Fuck! Fukk Duh dick found my fucking fan fiction! FUCK HE'S FISTING ME RIGHT NOW. HEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPP!!!! I HAVE TO CUM CLEAN, WHAT YOU JUST HEARD WAS MY CUMTASTIC ORGY FANFICTION. FUKK DUH DIKK ISN'T HAPPY (MY PENIS IS THOUGH, IT'S TICKLING!). his fist is slowly going up Before I knew it, he was fully in my ass. He started to do jumping jacks, IN MY ASS CANAL. No lube, it HURT! I recalled his twitter poll, "fist Moe Lester's ass or fist my ass". It seems everyone was in favor of my ass getting POUNDED. All because I fucked his ass!?!? Here he is fisting my ass.
He found my fan fiction. Mach 69 cock butt fuck mode engaged. He was at the other side of the room. With his dangling sizable donger and wrinkled ball bags plopped out, he extended his fist firmly and he was about to charge like a breed of ram from ram ranch (wanting to run). I tried to move but my ass seized and squeezed, but to no avail. He started charging like a dodge charger. My ass was paralyzed. Oh fucky cum dump, here he comes!!
Day 73 - post anal bang My ass is torn, I'm half jizzing from the pain. My penis is hard as FUCK. I enjoyed the anal for half of the time. He went so fucking HARD and it hurt badly. I won't fuck his ass without consent anymore. Or will I? Hehehe. Ice piss here. I'ma jerk off and pass out onto my dildo. Zzzzzzz. (By the way there is semen dripping out of every hole of my body).
Day 74 - my ass stings :( end. Painal is fun. But when you're going mach 69, you NEED lube. My good ol' friend Brandon told me that. Well this concludes my fanfiction and rape experience. The end! This is Moe Lester signing OUT.
submitted by /u/TastyTart69 [link] [comments] via Blogger http://bit.ly/2WJu4GB
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