#i wonder if instacart still operates around here post-pandemic... because eating something un-canned would be nice lol
mylittleredgirl · 6 months
man my house is in appalling condition. i got so sick at the beginning of march and it set me back physically pretty good, and i’ve put so much of my useful energy on work that i’ve really just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about things that require. like. movement. it's weird to have Depression House and like Depression Not Going Out when that's not what's happening internally! seems like i'm not going to just wake up one of these mornings with my usual blitz cleaning strategy available to me, so i guess it's just digging in long enough to do one thing at a time...
edit: it's just annoying to be back to making some of the calculations i was making a few months ago and hadn't been!! "okay if i don't shower i can fill the dishwasher" no!!! i had moved on to other calculations!! it's hard not to feel a little responsible because yeah some days when i was feeling a little better i could have gone for a walk or to the store but chilled out instead or stayed up later to do an internet thing or whatever when i didn't need to. ah well. one rung up the ladder at a time...
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