#i would LOVE another surfer bangs dog but tbh i've only ever seen bangs on sables so im not optimistic
kangals · 8 months
Congrats on puppy!! Is there a reason you wanted another rough vs smooth? Preference? The chance of two dogs with surfer bro bangs?
just preference! this particular breeder actually breeds mostly smooths so i would have made things easier on myself if i didn't care, but i'm stubborn lol. i do definitely like smooth collies, but i think roughs have a much more striking appearance. and being able to bury your hands/face into that ruff is glorious.
im definitely jealous of the lower grooming needs of the smooths, but i actually prefer the shedding of long-haired dogs over short. it's the same amount of hairs, but short hairs are stiff and fly up everywhere and stick into things like a million little eyelashes, vs long hair tends to sort of clump together and sink. one of my co-workers has a gorgeous smooth but every time i touch that dog i'm brushing little stiff hairs off me for hours. i'm fine with trading that for an extra half-hour of grooming per week.
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