#i would actually argue that jason is another one that has a fairly straightforward father-son relationship with bruce
roseworth · 1 year
The truth is that all the bat's have a complicated relationship when it comes to Bruce being their main father figure even dick and damian who have the most straight forward and strongest connection with Bruce as their dad still have this * added on which isn't a bad thing it's reflective of how complex most human relationships are particularly parental relationships but we can't talk about it because there are so many people who will jump on it as an excuse to say see they're not a real family it's fine to ship such and such or the people who don't want Bruce to have any children what so ever
!!!!!!!!! YEAH the weird relationship as a family they all have is so often either ignored or taken to mean "well theyre not ACTUALLY his kids" and its so annoying bc its so much more interesting when their dynamics are all a little fucked up. like to me none of the adopted kids are able to really see bruce as their father but some people will take that to mean that damian is his only child which. no.
like in canon its hard to take any of the batkids and say "bruce is their father and they are bruces child" bc their relationships are nuanced and not cut and dry. but that doesnt mean that bruce isnt their father.
but its hard to talk about that bc you have people saying "no their relationship IS complicated theyre not a family so its not weird to ship them" or the people that think of the batfamily as like. coworkers or whatever. and if i say they dont always think of bruce as their father i get lumped into the people that dont think bruce has kids
plus there are the actual writers (not naming any names but his name rhymes with Bom Baylor) that refuse to write any complicated relationships and just make cute moments to please batfamily fans instead of acknowledging their actual dynamics. so you get people going "look dick sees bruce as his father and thats it!" despite the years of him not knowing how he actually sees bruce so people can pretend that the dynamics arent as fucked (affectionate) as they are
in conclusion i like it when everyones relationships with each other are weird. theyre still family and if you act like bruce isnt their father ill bite you, but IM allowed to act like bruce isnt their father because im right.
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