#i would bet on a stack of bibles manager-nim was livestreaming that newark concert
jmdbjk · 1 year
Good morning! Pt. 1
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Breakfast: scrambled eggs with heavy cream mixed with cut up cup noodles and brown rice = under 500 calories.
His shoulder is bothering him. Not good.
He has turtleneck syndrome but obvs not the kind that makes us weak in the knees.
He's working out, pilates, going to the dermatologist, ignoring his guitar lessons, a day in the life of just being The Bun.
He will rest at the dermatologists... lol.
Because he's been a couch potato, his muscles deteriorated and that's why he's having trouble with aches and pains. Getting old sucks, Koo.
Damn the sounds his body makes when he cracks his bones...holy shit. Sounded like dominos falling.
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He's going to invest in some workout equipment to keep at home... why he doesn't already have that, who knows. I guess because that's not his permanent home. He said he ordered some equipment but sounds suspiciously like it will sit in the box unassembled for a while...
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Kookie, you spent six months being a couch potato in your mikrokosmos cave NOW you are going to invest in home workout equipment right when you are starting to ramp up on activities?
Y'all.. when I say he is the most adorable thing explaining in detail how to correct your posture and giving us walking and sleeping techniques to strengthen the neck and back... I just want to put him in my pocket.
"My here..." and he pats the backs of his legs... my god Kookie. Stob it.
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He's killin' me. The most adorable goofball.
He scrolled through the comments and couldn't figure out why some disappear. Who's gonna tell him? Not me.
He's already talking about lunch... salad... superfoods... he found a great salad place and will have that with smoked duck or chicken. Eating healthy.
Kookie Pookie TMI: he might be lactose intolerant. Dairy doesn't agree with him. But he eats it anyway. Same, same.
Sooo many details... shampoo, body wash, face... towels...
His ghostbusters phase... he summoned the spirits from the netherworld with gadgets but never saw or heard any. (The other members did though. That explains everything.)
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ISFP (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving) People with this personality type tend to be peaceful, easy-going, and down-to-earth individuals. They have a strong need for personal space and value time alone to recharge. He needs to have some management. I've said this before. He is not a self-starter.
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Now he's talking about setting up a movie date with Army but how to sneak it past the company. He needs to hire a spy. All of a sudden we're conspiring to do something without the company knowing and have a private movie date with Kookie...
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This man who stood in the middle of Coachella and didn't think he'd be recognized because he cut his bangs.... is trying to sneak out of the house to go to see a movie with us. What could go wrong?
The imbeciles who keep asking him to speak another language and not Korean. Brainless people who waste everyone's time by typing those comments during a live.
Hold up buttercup. What's that dark area under his jawline?
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[squints at the pixels... hmmm]
The Rainy Day Fight story.... this is the most precious retelling of one of the most (formerly) mysterious moments in Jikookistory. Bless the Army who caught his eye with this request in the comments.
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According to Jungkook: It happened in the early years, JK was acting like a petulant teenager and pissed everyone off, even "angelic" Hobi-hyung got mad. Jimin even got pissed off. So much so he told JK he wasn't going to take care of him any longer (I've always suspected that Jimin held some responsibility over JK when they were younger and this might be JK confirming that.) JK stormed out of the building and started walking and got lost. He admits he's directionally challenged. THAT'S WHY JIMIN SAID BAM DOESN'T PAY ATTENTION TO HIS SURROUNDINGS JUST LIKE HIS DAD!
Anyway, JK, in the midst of his temper tantrum, got lost and started to panic but first he had to overcome his pride. He called Jimin, hung up on him and then did it again and on the third call, Jimin quickly answered. I think the panic was overwhelming JK by this time and the avalanche of emotions caved in on him. Poor Jimin probably also was worried by this time, especially after JK couldn't figure out where he was. The telling of how he broke down sobbing while talking to Jimin is so sweet and pure. WHO tells other people they actually did this? The details????
Somehow, Kookie found a taxi and got back to the dorm with Jimin standing there waiting. What a story. Jimin took him up to the roof where they could talk in private and I'm sure the words spoken there made an impact on Kookie. He thoroughly regretted it, enough that he had to bring it up during Festa 2020 and say he felt sorry that he made Jimin feel so bad that day.
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All of that in the first 38 minutes of his hour and 45 minute live...
Then he proceeded to wake up the neighbors and ruin his furniture at the same time by drumming on his coffee table.
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He tossed a book around for a few seconds... Crying In H Mart by Michelle Zauner, in case anyone wants to read what Kookie is reading. Except I think that's the first time he's actually touched the book because there was a big ass brochure in the middle of it that he had no idea was there.
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It seemed like a booklist brochure advertising the latest and best books.
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omg... bless his heart...
Next topic: Yoongi's concert. Was Kookie watching a fancam livestream of Yoongi's concert too?
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He tells us he will go see Yoongi's concert (I'm assuming in Seoul). Sadly, Jimin might be in Europe on those days. We'll see.
All of a sudden he's blaming fruit flies for knocking over the phone. I didn't say it, he did.
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Scrolling through his video library/youtube/whatever he has tons of cooking shows. He mentions 1mincook several times which is a channel of "1 minute cooking" dishes. Quick meals. All the videos are a minute in length. Perfect for JK's short attention span.
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Jeon Jungkook is one of the most unpretentious people I've ever seen in my life.
I am 50 minutes into this live. He was very gregarious and jumped from one thing to the next.
I will run out of image space on this post so Part 2 coming soon!
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