#i would kill for neuro josh bye
kingyeoms · 5 years
neuroscience TA! joshua
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pairing: joshua hong x reader (n)  genre: it’s all fluff sorry warnings(?): swearing and just really casual writing in bullet points lol word count: 2,044 a/n: i barely proofread this and this is nothing like what i usually write but i’ve been thinking about this since the start of the new semester and welp here we are. a/a/n: i just realized.. people might not really know what a TA/teaching assistant is! usually someone who is working towards their doctoral degree and are obligated to assist teaching a course in their department, usually in charge of teaching discussion/supplemental sections~ ♡ best read on desktop, use mobile browser if you can’t read under the cut ♡
3rd year phd candidate
does research on neural circuit mechanisms in aging adults
big geek about brains, shows a thirty minute long video of a sheep brain dissection for the first day of section
people fell asleep but it’s fine bc josh is so excited about the video and everyone finds it endearing
always dresses so casually!! comes to class wearing sweats and plain black t-shirts (probably buys them in packs for $3)
but he still has the reputation among the undergraduate students as the “hot neuro TA”
cracks jokes w/ his students all the time
literally everyone wants to take the class that joshua hong is TAing
“joshua what are you teaching next semester??” “topics in advanced neuroimaging, you gonna take it?” “never mind, good luck”
brings his dog named peanut to class all the time
peanut is a giant ass st. bernard who likes to walk around the class and sleep next to people’s feet
super adorable but also a big Drooler
you’re the other teaching assistant for the same neuroanatomy class, but in the psychology department
you’re super down to earth!! honestly you treat your students like friends, talking to them super casually
but when class starts, you know how to get down to business and you’re super passionate about what you’re talking about
the psych undergrads have a ton of respect for you, because not only were you chill but you were mad smart too!!
your kids walking into class: “y/n guess what fucking happened in lecture”
you: “listen, you probably shouldn’t say the f word in front of me but tell me what the fuck happened”
anyways, here’s a funny coincidence: your lab and joshua’s lab are on the same floor
so it’s not a surprise that you and josh have this ongoing “feud” of which is more superior: psych vs neuro
“psych is for people who can’t handle neuro” “neuro is for people who hate themselves”
your office is opposite of his, so he’s always stopping by your room to annoy you or steal something from the jar of candy on your desk.
you: “why am i constantly out of kit-kats?”
josh, fistfuls of kit-kats behind his back: “damn, you should probably buy some more”
he’ll mess with your powerpoint slides, swapping photos of the cerebellum for photos of him and peanut
which SUCKS when you’re teaching,, and josh’s dumb face pops up on the projector,, 
your kids: “nice one josh”
when you’re holding office hours for your students, he stops by and says some dumb shit to your kids like “come to my office instead, y/n doesn’t know what they’re talking about” 
“fuck off, joshua” “oooooh you curse in front of your students? i’m telling the professor”
you just roll your eyes and the two of you just laugh at each other
the students who come to your office hours swear you two have a thing going on
and honestly? you wish
you’ve always thought josh was pretty cute
being a phd student was stressful, especially with research and teaching, but he never failed to put a smile on your face!!
you two were often the last ones on the floor, in charge of locking up rooms and cleaning equipment
he always insists on walking you to your car at night because “the raccoons might attack you”
you’d be lying if you said you didn’t think about kissing him in your office but shhh
during lecture, you guys share a google doc to take notes on what to teach your students
he thinks it’s funny to delete everything you write
you, sitting next to him in the front row: “joshua hong if you don’t press ctrl + z right now i swear to god i’ll change the lock code to the EEG room”
josh: “wait don’t i have a study tomorrow”
proctoring exams with josh: “i can pass out tests faster than you” “are we five???? but no you can’t”
he’s really good… at catching people cheating? the dude has eyes like a hawk lmao and you don’t even notice honestly
“see the kid with the blue baseball cap on? give him a 0″
anyways the professor asks you and joshua to come in on a weekend to grade midterms
you: but i made plans
josh: i’m not ?? even getting paid ??
but you guys do it anyways because it’s not like you have a choice lmao rip
he brings peanut and he’s just drooling all over your bag
peanut not josh
i guess josh is metaphorically drooling because… you looked really good today
not the usual jeans and college sweatshirt you wear during the week
you had originally made plans with your friends to go to the farmer’s market
it was a really nice day :( sunny outside and you actually tried to not look like a mess for once!! you actually brushed your hair today lol
anyways, peanut is still drooling and you look at josh, confused but also a little grossed out
“why is peanut drooling?” “do you have food in your bag?” “i don’t think so?” “oh. maybe he just likes you”
peanut: pulls out a granola bar out of your bag
anyways… you two are grading exams, checking over the answer key for any mistakes
you furrow your brows as you look over the answer choices, so you ask josh to take a look at question 23
“yeah, what about it?” “look at the answer choices, there are two possible answers.” “ah fuck.”
turns out… a lot of the questions are like that..
you and josh just look at each other and groan, realizing you two have to redo the entire answer key
you call your friends to cancel your plans, saying you were stuck at school
joshua feels really bad so he reaches over to grab your stack of tests
“you can go if you want! i’ll finish it, no worries”
you shake your head, pulling out a box of red pens from your bag
“no thanks, my boyfriend would miss me” 
a confused josh: “no i wouldn’t?”
“… i was talking about peanut?” but you’re giggling because josh’s face is beet red at this point
joshua: “anyways, question 40 right?”
truth is, joshua has always found you cute and he liked the fact that when he teased you, you weren’t afraid to tease him back
he just felt.. really comfortable around you
and seeing you smile after he cracked a joke?? best thing in the world to him besides peanut
even when you roll your eyes at him, he thinks it’s so cute!!
cliché moment where you two reach for the answer key at the same time and your hands touch
but neither of you let go wow so cute and you guys kind of just !! grade tests in silence, holding hands
joshua’s the type to rub your the back of your hand with his thumb i’m lowkey crying thinking about it
anyways, you guys end up finishing grading and the sun is starting to set
josh realizes that you two spent the entire day stuck inside the office, so he offers to take you to the farmer’s market
but you don’t wanna be a bother or anything so you shake your head, “no it’s okay!!”
josh insists that he takes you, saying “i gotta take peanut on a walk, come on let’s go”
so you two go to the farmer’s market, the crowds starting to die down a little bit since it’s the end of the day
josh holds your hand and peanut’s leash in the other
peanut keeps dragging you guys to all the booths that sell homemade peanut butter and he’s never been happier, he keeps getting free samples and head scratches
you’re looking at a booth that sells homemade jewelry, think leather bracelets and dainty finger rings
“josh, what do you think about th-” you turn to your side, but josh and peanut are nowhere to be found
and you look through the crowds and the booths next to you, but you can’t find them anywhere
you kind of panic,, because you didn’t think josh was the type to ditch someone? on a date?
was this even a date you weren’t sure to be honest,, but still :( you were kind of upset 
but you finally see peanut dragging joshua back to you, a small bouquet of sunflowers in his hand
joshua’s cheeks and ears are tinged a slight pink when he gives the flowers to you, “i saw a stand selling these and they just looked really pretty, so i bought them for you”
and the flowers are so beautiful and your jaw literally aches from smiling so big and josh thinks you’re so beautiful!!
you two walk around a bit more, hand!! in!! hand!! 
josh: trying to pull peanut away from all the friendly people willing to give him free beef jerky
tired from all the walking, you two buy ice cream, sitting on a bench in front of the tiny shop
peanut eats josh’s ice cream when he’s not looking
josh: peanut what the fuck
you offer to buy him another one, but he shakes his head, taking the cone from your hand, biting into the soft pink scoop
“let’s just share, strawberry is my second favorite anyways”
your jaw just drops because,, who bites into ice cream?
but it’s cute, you two talk about how much you hate the professor and which students you think are annoying
you two don’t even realize how dark it is until you hear peanut snoring, curled up at the bottom of your feet
josh is the first to stand up, his hand reaching out to yours, “it’s getting a little late, i’ll take you home?”
and so that’s how you and joshua ended up at the front door of your apartment
your hand clutching the sunflowers, the other intertwined in his fingers
and when he leans in, you don’t hesitate to close the gap between you two
kissing joshua? definitely better than you expected, the taste of strawberry ice cream still slightly lingering on his lips
your lips move in perfect harmony with his, joshua placing his hand on the small of your back
as soon as you feel josh pull you in closer, you feel a... wet.. tongue on your foot? you both break away to find peanut,, asleep,, drooling,, on your toes
“damn it, peanut” josh groans as you giggle, resting your forehead against his
“i’ll see you on monday, yeah?” you grinned, kissing him on the cheek
"yeah i really,, gotta take this kiddo home,,” and he sighs, waking Big ol’ peanut up “but i had a lot of fun tonight, we should do it again sometime”
“as long as we don’t have to grade 600 midterms again, it’s a date”
the both of you blush because,, was this even a date??
yes, it was
but seriously, what a super cute start to your relationship with josh
you don’t even get mad when you find out it’s josh stealing all of your kit kats
he leaves a giant bag of them on your desk one day to make up for it
but also joshua is the Worst
joshua: “how does it feel to be dating the hot neuro TA on campus?”
you: “shut up before you become the hot single neuro TA”
sometimes josh stops by your class when you’re teaching to give you a kiss on your cheek before he goes to do research,,, embarrassing you in front of all your students (even though pda is probably something that shouldn’t be happening in front of them)
literally Everyone: “we fucking called it”
definitely still makes fun of you 24/7,, just with more kissing
friday nights with joshua: skimming academic papers and talking shit on faculty LOL
going to the farmer’s market becomes a weekly thing for you guys!! mainly because the peanut butter booth would be devastated if they didn’t get to see Mister peanut
sooo,, you may or may not have done it on your desk in the lab LOL
josh in lecture: hey i think you’re pretty cute, maybe we should get dinner tonight?
you: josh can you pls stop flirting with me on google docs you’re LAME
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