#i would sooner eat sand and im serious
2003daredevil · 1 year
If Marvel studios goes any further on the making of an x-men movie we are going to do terrorism to them yes? We are in agreement about this?
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biffa001 · 5 years
I need to gush abt the s4 start collab bc im watching it again and I love it so much so heres a list of stuff I love abt it
- the intro is a mess and people go along with making their 1x1 hole houses until Jevin asks if they can please do a serious intro, I’m pretty sure xB was expecting someone to say something sooner
- “take it iskall, you butthole!”
- “look at that list of people!” “Alright now kick em off”
- “so unprofessional you people, I swear”
- python having a fake outro screen
- I will turn this server around!
- ren calling wels a bastard twice (in his defence, wels did punch him both times)
- hypno stacking up with sand in the middle of the group and wels, false, cub, MF, cleo, iskall and jevin ALL starting to punch the blocks beneath him
- “and there was much rejoicing. Yaay.”
- “python! Dude! You’re cheating on me, dude! You’re cheating on me!”
- python, cleo and ren all hiding in a 4 block space
- “sort of cannibalism but you know what, I’ll accept it”
- “thats the last time I ever give meat to a woman!”
- the kingdomcrafter chat that I think only appears in wels’ pov, including a very sweet “I’ve missed all of you!” from Wels and a “it was always the plan to invade!” from Python
- hypno attempting to claim jess’s chests as his own
- xisuma holding hypno at gunpoint and hypno juggling for his entertainment
- “hallo there heres a basket of crap!” “Man, you have crazy accents in sweden!”
- the swim, jevin and false taunting everyone in the water while rowing past them in boats
- “stay away from me wels! I see you coming for my boat!”
- “bunny killer”
- “bye!” (PythonGB starved to death)
- iskall and python roasting each other (and wels) about the kingdomcraft uhc, where iskall forgot to enable pvp on the server they were on and wels died one episode in
- desperation for food
- “go and be men!” “I don’t wanna be a man theres a skeleton!”
- “we rescued you, didnt we?” “Y-yes, thank you, my saviours”
- jevin stabbing iskall
- iskall fishing to survive
- “I vote we outlaw creepers” “aw”
- “if you guys are fighting over the way wheat’s planted I cant wait for the zoning to come into effect”
- the way cleo edited her episode
- false managing to get mining fatigue ON THE FIRST DAY
- “now we can finally propose to each other and make it official!”
- “why is it that my fishing doesnt work?” “Probably a problem with the guy using the fishing rod”
- “oh no I looked at an enderman are you kidding me. No.” (Cub, Python and I think Scar or Jess laughing at him)
- general consensus being going to the mesa at night was a bad idea
- “I just dropped my sword” “that’s counterproductive”
- false bullying python
- just.. this...
- “does anyone have food over here” “i have a sapling?”
- someone fucking wrote “HELP” on the ground in redstone
- “don’t judge the new guys by rendog”
- “we don’t even have a tree farm going, whats up with that?” “We don’t even have a tree!”
- “we’re all just making stupid noises!” “That’s entertainment!”
- “well that sounds like a chicken-egg problem, and I’d be happy to eat either”
- “you’re new, you dont get food until you’ve died at least twice”
- “is there anyone who hasnt died?” “Yep” “right false, I am coming to kill you”
- “wait there’s a zoning map? I thought you guys were joking.” “I sent you a message, Jess!”
- “you know, like the animals that crawl on your skin?” “Not sure I do know, Joe,”
- “what is this acorn shaped slot next to my feet?” “That’s where you keep your acorns.”
- “sorry I ran away from you false, I just heard something behind me while I was writing the sign and I thought it might be a creeper so I was like UPTHESTAIRSUPTHESTAIRSUPTHESTAIRS”
- “you are hereby courtially invited to sleep in my treehouse”
- “well it’s only xisuma who’s gonna chase afer you and I’m not too scared of him, so”
- “not like in the terrifying way where its like oh no i just screwed up and this guy hes just laughing and laughing and oh no whered my pants go”
- this is also applicable just in general but wels and scar’s friendship? Id die for them
- joe and ren first meeting which is EXTREMELY sweet
- this screenshot
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Second chances
Cw: food ment ask to tag.
Ok to rb.
Summmary: The Deep thought that there were no second chances in his life...he was soon to be proven the opposite by life itself
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She doesnt really know why she was here in the first place.
Oceanland was just like any other water related attraction but with animals.
After the dolphin show she sat by on the big pool, caressing the dolphins head.
--He likes you-- said a Man sitting with her.
She recognized him, he was The Deep,she'd had a couple run Ins with him but he wouldnt recognize him in her civilian clothes.
--he says that youre great-- added the hero.
She smiles-- well, thank you mr dolphin
Kevin smiled, and ushered the animal to leave-- you like sea animals?
--i love them, I just came here because a friend dragged me along but this is fine, I miss the Ocean so much
He stands up-- wanna uh walk through the aquarium with me?
She stands up-- Id love to
As they walk the corridors, Deep greets several animals around him, but she stops at the sight of an octopus.
--oh look at you-- she whispered putting her hand on the glass.
The octopi swims closer and copies her.
--hes Octavio,get it ? Octo-- never mind...
She giggled--thats perfect
The Man chuckles-- he wants to know your name
--im lazaro-- answered she.
--he thinks youre cute-- said deep.
--you or him?
Kevin laughed nervously-- both
-- thats nice of you two, hey, wanna get a bite?
--yes im starving actually, right this way
She takes his arm and with rosy cheeks he walks with her to the cafeteria/foodpark part of the place.
They order and sit down.
--you said you loved the sea?-- asked the hero
-- oh thats a can of worms you shouldnt have opened-- joked lazaro-- since I was a kid, the water was mudy and the sand was brown, but ive always felt the Ocean as my home, I love the fauna, I love the whole ecosystem, my favourite animal is the octopus...its a weird connection I have to the sea as if--
--it called you?-- kevin hesitantly.
--exactly that!
He chuckles-- it happends the same to me, maybe one day we could go for a swim yeah?
--theres nothing id like more
Their food eventually came and of course Deep had to go back to work.
--Here,take my number, call me later yeah?
He nodds--hey i had a good time today
-- me too
Lazaro kisses kevins cheek, and patted his arm-- hasta luego!-- said she walking to the exit.
He stands there smiling, shoving the card somewhere where it wouldnt get wet and went back to work.
Its probably late night when he texts her.
|| hey uh its me deep, you can uh call me Kevin actually||
Lazaro smiled and replied the text, ending up awake all night.
The Next day neither of them could get out of bed.
Yet the only thing that did manage to pull them out of their covers was their arranged date.
The beach was barren to say the least, lazaro hugged Kevin tightly-- hey!
The Man smiled widely, hugging back -- hey whats up?
-- ready for a swim?-- asked she.
--oh more than ready!
They deep dived in the sea, and jumped out when lazaro was getting breathless
He held her tightly lifting her up-- you okay?
--thanks to you I am
He laughs-- im The Deep, its my duty to save people
--well thank you
She puts her hands agains this chest and he leans in.
She presses a soft kiss against his lips.
--well its the first time someone thanks me like that-- flirted Deep.
-- I dont Belive you
--Okay maybe not the first one, but this is the first time someone is that gentle
She giggles and nodds-- fair enough
--wanna swim Back to the shore?
--yeah lets get going
He dives under the water and she holds on to him, he speeds through the water fast, washing up to shore in less than a minute.
Then months passed, its already late at night, and deep is almost passed out on lazaros couch.
--laz?-- called Kevin patting the spot besides him.
--yeah coming..let me hand you this
They went for a late night swim, and cold as they got they sped home.
--here you go
Kevin sits up, taking the very cute fish themed mug-- youre a saint
-- not really-- she chuckled sitting with him
-- no no, you are, God, youre so kind,knowing all the shit I got into, all the bad shit I did, youre so kind to me
--i dont give second chances, youre worth it-- she said sitting closer.
He snorts-- you remind me of someone
-- hmm? Who?
--ever heard of RiotGirl? That slightly annoying super whose always contradicting Homelander?
--hmm I should know her-- she chuckled.
--should...whait...wha...oh my god -- it finally clicked for him and his heart dropped-- I I did not mean to call you annoying youre not I just ...
-- kev, relax dude Its--
He hugs her tightly, she sighs patting his back-- im not mad come on
Deep nodds drinking from his mug-- well, now I know...-- Theres a pause, And a silence.
He looks away-- hey d d dyou remember that girl that I talked you about...the fin...thingy...
--oh that bitch, yeah why?
He leaves the mug on the table and takes off his belt-- do you...think they are ugly?
--why? Of course not
He chuckled sarcastically-- you havent seen em
A gentle hand presses against his thigh, and gives it a squeeze, he sniffs.
-- they wouldnt be ugly
--Then would they make you like me any less?
--what? Of course not!
He sighed taking off the top part of his costume-- then help me with this, I think a rock slashed right under them
Lazaro runs to the bathroom snatching the first aid chastising Him for not telling her sooner, Kevin laughs letting her take care of him
He then stiffens as he feels her hands against his skin, she stiched him up Gently, wrapping the bandage carefully.
--There we go -- she leans back and looks at him-- they arent ugly kev
He looks at her with puppy dog eyes-- really?
--they are part of you and I love them equally as I do you-- she sits closer-- im sorry you had to go through that, is there anything I can do to make you feel better
He hugs her tightly, sobbing in her neck-- I dont deserve you
--no ,no ,you do
--kev! Im serious! Man, come on now-- she lifts his chin up-- you know I dont give second chances
--yeah..-- responded he.
--and I give you one wich means
--im...im worth it
He chuckles back a sob and cleans his tears-- I do deserve you
-- besides, your Guills Are the cooles fucking thing ive ever seen
He smiled taking a deep breath, the remaining Air whistles through his fins.
-- see thats adorable-- adorable
--hey slow down hotshot Next thing youll know ill--
She kissed him and both fall on the couch, her hands holding his, her knees around his waist.
--Youll what?
He looks away, blushing-- you beated me to it
She kisses his cheek sitting up, he smile kissing her hands.
--thank you
--you dont need to just one thing
--let me fight that bitch in a Dennis parking lot
--why a Dennis?
--idk I just wanna kick her ass
He chuckles-- alright then, dont get hurt
--And...I May or May not have found a way to rescue the animals at Ocean land
He gasps sitting up and smashing his lips against hers-- oh I love you so much!! I could just eat you up!
She laughs-- come on its better if we sneak em out at night
He puts on his shirt and both run to the van.
He accompanies the animals to Open water and all soaking wet takes the warm towel off her hands.
--laz youre the best
--no kev, you are -- she kissed him-- now lets bolt before the cops come find Us
--Good idea-- answered he getting in the van with her, driving off into the night.
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