#i wouldn't have learnt any of it if not for tumblr rp LOL it's such a specific niche with specific mores and trends
sangcreole · 1 year
ooc / what format did you use for your carrd? I am learning to use it and it’s not only nice to look at but tells you all you need to know. So what’s the format, if I may politely ask? If the question is permitted of course.
//Hey friend, no trouble at all! Unfortunately though I don’t know how helpful I can be because my carrd was actually made entirely from scratch without a template, so I don't have any formatting codes I can give you because the whole thing is custom. I so appreciate that you like the design though! Honestly, it's just the result of me dicking around for hours trying to find the right look.
As far as layouts go, the carrd for this blog is pretty simple with just a plain page container and then formatted text against it (if you want to see a hella formatted carrd, you can check out the one I made from scratch for my Klaus blog here: https://theseancekid.carrd.co/)
The images you see (the books on the homepage and the polaroid on the about page) were also made by me, so I guess the one piece of advice that I do have is: if you want to include graphics, make sure you have them all made beforehand so it's easier to throw them in and play around with the placement, rather than leaving space for a graphic, then making a graphic, then finding out it doesn't fit, or looks weird. For me, it's easier to build the carrd around the graphics rather than the graphics around the carrd!
For my pages with lots of text, I broke them down via a two-column container, with one block of text on each column side.
And then...yeah, all the text coloring, formatting, etc. is done in the actual textbox, with markdown coding (don't worry if you don't know coding— they have a super handy cheat sheet at the bottom of the window!)
I'm so sorry if this isn't helpful. I really just kinda...messed around until I found a look that I liked, but if you have any other specific questions about how things are set up, let me know and I'm happy to talk it out!
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benevolentgodloki · 1 year
Be honest meme: 4, 14, 15, 34
Be Honest Meme
4. How do you explain rp to someone in the real world?
// Most of the time I don't, but when I do, I guess I describe it as 'I write stories with other people where we play our favourite characters and indulge in telling tales back and forth as a game and seeing what happens if X and Y were in a certain situation'. If I really trust someone, it can go straight to 'lol I play dolls and make Loki the tumblr bicycle'.
14. Do you think rp has had a positive or negative affect on your life or you as a person?
// I'd say largely positive. It's how I met my best friends and has sparked so much of my creativity. My writing's apparently helped people in the past, though on another blog on a nicer character than Loki XD It's helped me cope through tough times and I've learnt things vicariously about life. There are also of course negative things where I've made mistakes and had to learn from them, I let role-play eat my time quite a lot (or I used to at least) and some experiences left me with some major instances of stress, but it's all about finding the balance and doing what's right for you. In the end, it's not much different from anyone else's hobbies and the social circumstances surrounding those. It's been both helpful and detrimental to my marriage at times lmao. But, yeah, I'd say positive. I can explore the lives I can't or wouldn't really want to live but find exciting to write. We fulfil each other as best we can as writers.
15. How has rp changed you personally?
// Oof, that's deep. I'm not sure if I'm even the right person to answer that. It's toughened me up a bit I guess and also freed me in other ways. Becoming someone else really helps escape from difficult times in life or provides a boost when things are going pretty good. It's helped me work out my boundaries and, as above, given me experiences to learn from regarding behaviour of my own and those around me. We can't be perfect but rp definitely has an effect on the shape of a person if they're involved in it often enough. I sometimes end up taking on a bit of the emotions of the muses I write, which isn't always a good thing with Loki. I don't mean I start lying and manipulating more, but I do get crankier and less patient at times lol! These feel like negative things. The positive stuff all got mentioned already in the previous question XD
34. Have you ever cried while writing a reply?
// Yes lol. I think one or two of any threads I've tagged with #ow may have got me. Probably stuff involving @araedi's Thor and likely frostiron and strangefrost angst. If Loki's really suffering or muses are going through really terrible things, or they're heartbroken etc and it's around that time of month you bet I'm gonna be sobbing.
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